Come and join me, leave your comments as the show progresses. OMG! I'm having butterflies in my stomach
Eliminated : Nine (Wow, that was a fast announcement)
OK, now that the elimination is done, I can concentrate on the contestants performance.
Theme : Jury's choice (JC) and Voters' choice (VC)
1st round
JC: Crazy In Love
Listening to Tomok sing Beyonce's Crazy In Love for the second time, I didn't feel awed as the first time he sang. But one thing's for sure, Tomok can sure work a crowd.
JC: Better In Time (Leona Lewis)
Better than the first time. Less body/hand gestures. Esther looks very sweet tonight.
JC: Gemilang (Jaclyn Victor). Video here.
I think he sang better the first time. He sounds off key in some parts.
Commercial break
2nd round
VC: Coba (Faizal Tahir). Video here.
OMG! What's with the old glasses? He looks dorky!
Tomok is all out tonight... full of emotions. I miss his signature style of singing, turning a slow song into a fast tempo song but he did well.
VC: I Won't Go Home Without You (Maroon 5). Video here.
I just love Esther's version of this song.
Sounds just as fun and entertaining as the first time.
VC: Aku Dah Bosan (Search)
Aweera needs to be more believable. He has the voice (and can definitely scream) but lacks that real rocker vibe.
Commercial break
Voters get to decide whether 2 or 3 contestants make the grand finale. Hmmm... just stick to the original show's format. I guess it's another way for them to make more money.
Related OIAM3 post:
Tomok Wins OIAM3!
Wah, you actually really posting live ah? Cool :D
ReplyDeleteMat Dingo ~ Yup, I am!
ReplyDeleteAweera, Aku memang dah bosan!
ReplyDeleteEsther okay la ...
TOMOK Rocks!!!!!!!!!
hahaha..i was just thinking nessa must be doing the review now and here you watching it too..hope eater win..she had been through a lot to come to this stage..
ReplyDeleteMat Dingo ~ Hahaha! Not bad la your review :)
ReplyDeleteDeana ~ First time ni buat review live. Siok juga on the spot reply comments :) Nasib baik internet connection ok, slalu lambat macam siput.
ReplyDeleteAll the best to Esther! Para peminat2 Esther, bah undilah dia berabis gia, mo pi final suda ni :)
I thought they all performed well except Aweera which I still think doesn't had it in him to be a performer, especially a rock artist. You're right when you say he doesn't have a rockers vibe!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I'm still rooting for good old Tomok:D
Spiff ~ I wasn't that excited, except the elimination part. I think it's cos I've heard them sing all the songs before. I hate to think that all 3 will go to the finale... macam no surprise oredi.
ReplyDelete1st song Tomok cam nda berapa happening, 2nd song, wah better! :)
ReplyDelete1st and 2nd songs, 'cam 1st time dia nyanyi. Best esp. Better in Time, bediri bulu roma haha...
1st and 2nd songs, Aweera got the voice, but lack of control 'cam bikin pacah tu galas/ cermin2 hehehe... but he really does look like a star! :)
In my opinion, if Top 3 for the grand finale pun ok jugak coz' undian tebagi2 sudah, at least susah s'ket mo predict the winner. :)
Crystal ~ Wah, cam lebih kurang sama ja pendapat kita ni :) Si Aweera kalau inda control hensem, kasi ganas2 and ada gaya mcm Amy Search, misti best kan :)
ReplyDeleteTapi sia mo 2 urang seja pi finale ba... hehe
Kalau ikut undian, c tomok the lowest.
ReplyDeleteKalau dua urg ja p final, i hope Aweera gets eliminated...
Hmmm.....hopefully to see only Esther and Tomok competiting next week cos i think aweera tak layaklah ke finale.
ReplyDeleteJust ~ Tomok lowest?! Reali?!! Mungkin ramai yang undi dia out kan. Laa, sia ingat mo undi dia taim finale seja... hrp2 dia get through if 2 orang seja yang pi finale.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous ~ Ya, I hope so too.
ReplyDeletei tak kisah sapa pun ke final, tp biar la yg bukn artis yg ke final, dah jd artis nape nk bersaing lg ,,, sedarlah diri
ReplyDeleteAnonymous ~ Itu terpulang la kepada peminat dan pengundi artis tersebut. Rezeki masing2 :)