Bottom 3 : Simon, Esther & Nine
Theme : Sheila Majid's songs (Malaysia's Jazz Queen)
Guest Judge : Dato' Sheila Majid
I love Sheila Majid!
OK, on to the review...
Amylea ~ Dia. Video here.
* Looked very charming and sweet
* She mesmerized me with her rendition of the song
* The transition was smooth, from the original melody to the new arrangement
* Her black high heels looked too bulky for her petite size
Nine ~ Pengemis Muda
* Decent performance but didn't wow me
* Kinda monotonous
* I don't like his flowery shirt, makes him look like a softy
Aweera ~ Antara Anyir & Jakarta
* Pitchy
* Looked nervous and distracted
* His lipstick's color is too prominent
* Shouty (as Sarimah, host of AF7 would say... Menanah telinga!!)
* Butchered a lovely song
Esther ~ Lagenda
* A much slower tempo from the original
* Showcased her vocal abilities
* Kinda draggy
* Indulgent (borrowing Simon Cowell's critique)
Tomok ~ Aku Cinta Pada Mu. Video here.
* Looked spunky and classy
* Engaging
* I expected more from Tomok but I enjoyed his performance
* He did the mike flip again!!
So, who was your favorite for the night and who do you think will be in the bottom 3 next week?? Tell me!
Related OIAM3 post:
One In A Million (OIAM) Season 3 ~ Top 4
ReplyDeleteNessa! My fave tonight of coz la Amylea, Esther and Tomok in dat order!
ReplyDeleteI was happy to see Simon leave, hope next week it's Nine...he has never wowed me so far and now it's too late!
ReplyDeleteYay for Amylea top 3 gitu he he! :):):)
ReplyDeleteNessa! I think Tomok is gonna be a millionaire la OKB!! :)
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ Haha! So kiut la you come to chop here. Congrats... FC!! ;) *a great big hug for you*
ReplyDeleteMy favourite is Tomok.. he got style.. and he got the x-factor :)
ReplyDeletebesok u terbang home ka? have a safe flight ya!
ReplyDeletepengkritik luar tetap ni hehe
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter :D
i agree with simon that esther, at one point, her singing was kinda hard to understand especially in the beginning. but i still enjoyed her performance la...
ReplyDeletesia minat si esther, amylea and tomok :)
wow...u are so into this competition let me know the final result k..i cannot watch it at this rusak ba.uh uh
ReplyDeletemyfav for sure TOMOK...n hope he will not in bottom 3..never..really guyz do vote for him if u got some extra credit la ha..hehehee..
ReplyDeleteanyway neesa thanx for the review..i owez read ur review bout oiam..n sometimes copy it for tomok reading..coz he luv to read others outside review bout his performance...thanx again...hope u dun mind...
ReplyDeleteIf he doesn't win I'm giving up watching this show.
And if he makes the finals, I'll sacrifice my lunch money to vote for him. And Tomok, if you win, please reimburse my sms fees okay ... LOL!
ps. oh ya, I caught that mike flip again. AWESOME!
Anny ~ Looks like Tomok is everyone's fav ya :D Yup, X-Factor, he certainly has it! Gaya, mutu, keunggulan! Hehe
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ My favs are Tomok and Amylea... in dat order :D
ReplyDeleteAnny~ Terbang on Sunday morning. I'll be back the following Sunday nite. I might not be able to write the review for OIAM3 Top 4 next week :(
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ For me, it's either Nine or Aweera. Too late oredi? Kesian, no 2nd chance... hehe
ReplyDeleteGreg ~ Tatap punya. Komen syiok sendiri bah dis... hehe
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter to you and your family too!
Marzie ~ Amylea has proven her capabilities as a songwriter and singer. Happy to see her in the top 3! :D
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ I think so too!! We'll know in 2 weeks' time ya. Cepatnya... gonna finish oredi OIAM3. Nasib baik still got AI8. I love Adam and Allison and Matt!! :D
ReplyDeleteFiona ~ Urmmm... it's pretty obvious huh? :D I'll definitely post about the grand finale, ada 2 minggu seja lagi.
ReplyDeleteTV rusak?? Skrang TV 21 inci murah suda. Less than RM400 pun ada.
NoraJoey ~ Hi Nora! Welcome to Mumblings :)
ReplyDeleteApa?? Tomok reads my review??!! *Pengsan*
Of course I don mind :) I'm flattered he's actually reading my review... I didn't expect anyone to even follow my review actually. It's good to know. Thanks :D *waduh, sampai jari ku ketar2 menaip ni*
Spiff ~ Cool down Spaceman!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteWahhh, minat Tomok ye... Tak ku sangka :D Don wori, he shud be in the finals. Ciss! Mana boleh nak mintak reimburse... tak ikhlas namanya tu tau!
Yeah... the mike flip. Gila la... I mean it's crazy in a good way but takut jugak kalau terjatuh. Nasib baik tak jatuh! Tengah cari that video.
Carol ~ Errr... Simon?? Bukan Paul ka? Sia pun slalu tersilap panggil Paul as Simon! LOL!
ReplyDeleteIya ba... macam terlebih lenggok. Sia pun ada masalah mo paham dia punya sebutan. Tapi OK la.. dia punya version ba kan.
my fav are esther, amylea & tomok. nex wk rasanya Nine will be eliminated...
ReplyDeleteOn esther's performance this week, i agree with Paul. It was a bit OTT...
i think the bottom 3 will be easter, aweera, easter and nine with either easter or nine going home.
ReplyDeleteMama Mia ~ Diorang memang layak Top 3 based on their performances. Tapi yang bikin heran macam mana Aweera boleh top 3 with Tomok and Amylea. Ramai juga fans dia tu kan.
ReplyDeleteSia pun rasa Nine will be in trouble... even Esther sbb dia punya comments not very positive. Dia kena kontrol sikit dia punya style of delivery. Kadang orang inda brapa suka kalau OTT. Inda tau la, kita tungguuuu seja :D
Anonymous ~ Hi! :)
ReplyDeleteYa, I think so too. But between Nine, Aweera and Esther... I really have no idea who will go home.
Tomok fan here! LOL! Yeah i think he's a class act now...not really a fan of the old tomok though.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, the mic flip was soooo awesome!
Actually, kawan si Easter fon dia ari tu advised her not to over-do her stage act, she replied it wasn't planned because once she started to sing, nah kau, trus kluar gaya2 yang telebih suda haha... pinjam line si Stacy. :D
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, still hoping she can be in the Final 3 or 2. Tomok is unpredictable... I hope he'll be in the Final 2 as well. Dulu dia di NewBoyz cam tu jugak ka???
i love esther performance so much...she got everything as a singer and entertainer. I wish she will be the next OIAM winner..cos she deserve it!!! Good luck Esther and we will always support you!!
ReplyDeleteEmilia Mills ~ Hi Emilia! Welcome to Mumblings :)
ReplyDeleteLike you, I was never a fan of the old Tomok, his music then was too boring for me... hehe. The new Tomok has definitely gained loads of fans ya.
Oh, tell me about it :D To this very day, I'm still awed by the mic flip!
Crystal ~ Sia rasa dia eksaited baitu bila perform, trus lupa... hehe. She just need to tone it a little bit seja. Sia prefer kalau dia nyanyi lagu rancak dari lagu sentimental.
ReplyDeleteShe has lost a bit of weight kan. She oso looks nicer in pants than in short dresses :)
Yeah, I hope she makes it to the finale. After Amylea's elimination, bikin takut juga kan.
Tomok in NewBoyz was totally different. And he started out as a young boy, belasan tahun lagi.
Anonymous ~ Hi there :D
ReplyDeleteI wish her all the best too. Hope her fans keep on voting for her. It would be unfortunate if she gets eliminated ya.