Eliminated : Amylea
I was just stumped with the elimination of Amylea and from the look on her face, so was she. Totally unexpected. Amylea fans, what happened???! I wonder if many had voted her off instead of voting for her...
Amylea's mini concert performance rehearsal. Must watch! Video here.
Theme : In Concert (4 minutes to perform, the concept for their concert comes from the contestants themselves... from music arrangement to lighting and props, etc.)
Duet performance by Shila & Dafi (Rentak Optimis), later joined by the remaining 4 contestants.
Nine ~ Keroncong Untuk Ana (M. Nasir)
* Infused traditional element (no idea what the traditional instrument is)
* The song is way too slow and boring to start off a concert
* Nine's image is not appealing (simple attire with glasses)
* Joined by 4 back-up singers... urmmm, what's with the cups? What is the message?
* I'm not excited. Felt bored after a while.
* His vocals are good though
Tomok ~ Tribute to Alleycats! Medley. Watch the video here.
* 1st song (Jika Kau Bercinta Lagi)
* He did the mike flip AGAIN!! Wah, macam trademark je... hehehe
* Very good performer, his emotions flowed when he sang.. I laik!
* 2nd song (Sekuntum Mawar Merah)
* Increased tempo = increased excitement
* 3rd song (Kerana Kau)
* Very engaging = energized
* Clever pacing
Esther ~ One Night Only (Jennifer Hudson)
* Her intro gave me goosebumps!
* Looks lovely in pants
* Sounded off tempo in some parts
* 2nd song (Semua Jadi Satu - 3 Diva)
* Fun and entertaining, connecting with the audience
* 3rd song (Keeps Getting Better - Christina Aguilera)
* Clever to include the short Sabahan tune for the intro
* I was glued to her performance
* She showed off her vocals and she was in her element (not too showy)
Aweera ~ Tak Ada Logika (Agnes Monica)
* Got my attention for singing a current song
* The intro was nice but too short
* 2nd song (Emansipasi - Republik of Brickfields)
* Interesting, I was still watching him sing.. at other times I would be in the kitchen making coffee or taking a toilet break
* For once I didn't find his performance boring
Top 4 performance Recap. Watch the video here!
Who will be in the finale? Your thoughts please
Related OIAM3 post:
One In A Million (OIAM) Season 3 ~ Top 3
I know why the cups and candles for Nine. It's in preparation to commemorate his departure from the show this week ... hahaha! That guy was an absolute bore! As much as I dislike Aweera and his rock kapak style, he'll probably make it through this week. But my bets are still on TOMOK and Esther making the finals with TOMOK winning! Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteWhoops, I forgot to say CHOP! Hahaha ...
ReplyDeleteHeartpain la to comment on Amylea's eliminasi! :(:(:(
ReplyDeleteAiya.... okay my top 2 for the finale... Esther and TOmok la, sape lagi? LOL!!
ReplyDeleteSalah tu Marzie, it's TOMOK and Esther and in that exact order ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteYayyy... c Amylea nda sangka betul dia terkeluar kan. Kesian betul tgk muka dia yg tahan nangis. Rasa dia mcm mau teriak pun ada! The luck is not with her I guess... hmm.. Hope to see Tomok and Esther to the final..
ReplyDeletehai..Ness.. :)
ReplyDeletei always wait for ur OIAM comments.. :), by the way..i also stumped when the host annouced Amylea was eliminated...i really love the way she sang Jason Myraz..i'm yours..mmm too bad..
gonna wait ur comment for next show... :)
When Nine and Amylea were in bottom 2, 'cam dapat rasa pulak c Amylea yang tekeluar coz Nine tu ramai peminat perempuan dia!! Totally out owh si Nine punya attire for concert kan. Macam mo pi library study seja!! Ishh!! Tulah tu, ntah apa tu kegunaan cawan plastik, lighting pun nda ngam. Wat to do Amylea, luck is not on her side...
ReplyDeleteThis week I hope Tomok will do something more surprising supaya nda nampak itu2 seja, but creative sungguh dia tu hehe... and Esther pun born to be an entertainer. :) Sepa2 menang pun sya support between dorang 2 ni. :)
Aweera not bad... betul2 'cam konsert pulak dia that night, tapi telampau lama dia nyanyi part yang sama. Kalo dia tambah lagi 1,2 songs, tambah menarik...
Spiff ~ LOL! Pandai2 pulak you nie :D We'll see later tonight if your tekaan is betul.
ReplyDeleteAfter Amylea's shock elimination, one can't be too sure anymore. Aweera or Nine could pull an upset you know. Having said that, I'm rooting for Tomok and Esther to be in the finale.
Marzie ~ It wasn't heart pain for me, I was tekezutttt!!
ReplyDeleteSpiff ~ Chop away all you laik. Marzie's got competition here... hehe
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ Those 2 are the most obvious choice ya... but I takut fans of Nine and Aweera may spring a surprise.
ReplyDeleteJust ~ Iya, sia nampak dia mcm mau pengsan seja. Kesian juga tingu dia tu... talented girl but what to do, teda rezeki urang bilang. But it's not the end for her.
ReplyDeleteAziha ~ Hi Jia :)
ReplyDeleteTerima kaseh sbb baca ulasan. Yeah, I suka dengar version Amylea menyampaikan lagu I'm Yours. Memang lain dari yang ori.
Tak sabar nak tengok konset Top 3 malam ni. Berdebar pon ada :)
Crystal ~ Dlm realiti shows slalu lelaki ramai voters dari perempuan ba kan. Takut sia ni malam kalau2 si Esther terkeluar... sayang sbb 1 minggu seja lagi.
ReplyDeleteIya ba, dia nampak mcm pi library seja kan :) Too simple ba, mo juga sia tingu dia pakai smart2 macam si Tomok.
Anonymous ~ Then vote for him :)