The past week had been a blast for me. Like the saying goes, there's just no place like home

. But it went by so fast, I wished I could have stayed on much longer but then there's always the next holiday to look forward to.

The last time I went home was in 2007 and it wasn't a pleasant one. No,no... I didn't gaduh with my family or anything like that. A member of the family returned to the Lord and such an occasion always zaps the energy out of you rather than rejuvenate. So this time, it was entirely the opposite and I definitely had the time of my life!

I ate like there's no tomorrow, I think I gained 10kg eating my sis yummy home cooked food. Thanks sis for the treat at the Fish Spa. That was my first experience (it's odd that I never did try them in KL) and it was pretty exciting. I never thought getting my feet swarmed and nibbled at by a bunch of fish could be so exciting! We would have traveled all over the state if only I had a longer holiday and if my other sister had a bigger car... hehehe. Sis, I pray that you'll hit the jackpot! Om jan gia pura-pura inda tau kalau koontok noh kio...

But surely the bestest part was being with my sisters and my dad, sharing jokes and reminiscing the old times... we sure have aged ya cos we now have white hairs on our heads!

Seeing my grown up nephews and nieces was a delight. They've definitely have blossomed into beautiful ladies and handsome men... errr, not that you guys were ugly before la. It won't be long before one of you gets married and that would surely mean I'd be a grand-aunt before long...

But now comes the hard part... to get rid of the excess weight! That means no rice, no dessert, no makanan sedap-sedap for me

Hi Nessa!
ReplyDeletethe 4th pic cantik sangat! HDR effects kan? :)
eh silap!
ReplyDeletethe 3rd pic laa...hehe ;)
Siok kan dpt blk kg bercuti... Naa.. skrg, bercuti jg! Cuti dr mkn yg yummy2! Heheh..
ReplyDeleteyup, there sure is no place like home! hehe..gud luck shedding those extra calories...bersenang-senang dahulu (time makan), bersusah-susah kemudian (time mo kasi buang tu extra)..
ReplyDeleteWah, mana you pergi holiday la? Went jungle tracking ke? LOL! Nice pictures though:D
ReplyDeleteAnd holidays are meant to eat, eat and eat some more ....... hahahahahaha ..
hi Ness..
ReplyDeleteyour house's compound green...looks very calm..
Fish spa...sonok ek? should try la geli la...ihiks... :)
wahhhhhhhh nessa balik kampung!!!
ReplyDeletesejuk oh tinguk ijau2 kan...
End of the day, family is why we are here for...
ReplyDeleteHi Nessa, thanks for visiting one of my blogs, greatly appreciate.. We're on the same boat, I'm losing the extra pounds i gained during our vacation hehehe... I miss Phils because of your photos, love the last one.
ReplyDeleteWah, happy dengar you had a wonderful time with your family. :)
ReplyDeleteBah, susah senang kita sama2 la mo mengurang si lemak 'degil' ni, Nessa! :D Sya konon2 makan yogurt, ada reduced jugak, but nda tahan nampak tu makanan goreng2, buduh oh kan, sia2 jak!! Mo kana kurung bah 1,2 minggu ni kali, baru bulih kurus ahahaaaa...
Hahahaha Itu makanan sedap-sedap yang bikin problem besar tu! I'm glad you had a great trip babe and welcome back to the blogging world!
ReplyDeleteI unfortunately will be dissapearing again for a couple more days. Huhuhuhu Sedih....
Bain ~ Hai, hai! :)
ReplyDeleteHDR? Errr... tak tau la. I pakai PS je, tweak here and there. Tak tau lagi pakai HDR ni... hehe
Just ~ Mimang siok, inda puas cuti 1 minggu seja. Tapi balik karaja bertimbun! :*(
ReplyDeleteMama Mia ~ Thanks! I need all the luck in the world. Tapi luck seja mimang inda cukup, mo exercise juga. Tapi itulah masalah dia...
ReplyDeleteSuda jadi King-Kong baru tau, sendiri cari pasal :*(
Mat Dingo ~ Haha! Jungle trekking... very funny! Itu semak belukar surrounding my house la.
ReplyDeleteJia ~ Hallo! :)
ReplyDeleteYep, my house compound and surroundings. Banyak pokok-pokok... nyamuk pun banyak jugak!
Memang sronok kat Fish Spa. Ya, memula tu memang geli tapi lama2 macam kene karan/elektrik je... hehe
You know Jia, every time I see your nickname, I mesti tringat your post pasal JigglyPuff aritu (tak tau kenapa)... terus senyum sensorang... hehehe
Carol ~ Iya balik kampung... tapi 1 minggu seja, inda puas! But better than none ba kan. Sampat pigi 1Borneo lagi tu :D Jauh oh tu tampat.
ReplyDeleteKay ~ That's so true. As I got older, I treasure my family even more compared to, say 15 years back when all the pleasures of life took priority.
ReplyDeleteChubskulit ~ Hi Chubs! Mabuhay! Welcome to Mumblings :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by, hope you'll be back more often.
Crystal ~ Iya ba, enjoy btul, macam tia mo pulang suda.
ReplyDeleteInda tau la macam mana lagi mo kasi hilang tu lemaks degil. Mo seja sia minta kidnap by pirates ni... inda makan for 1 month buli juga kurus kan... hehehe
Rozella ~ Hi Rozieeeeee!!! Wah, hebat ko pi bungee jumping ah *tabik spring*
ReplyDeleteThanks :) It's great to be able to blog again and make some $$! LOL! Aik, ko mo pi mana lagi ni?? Bah, enjoy your trip to wherever you're going :)
bestnya balik kampung! aman damai!
ReplyDeleteEmila ~ Memang damai... udara pun segar, otak pun hepi je tapi hari2 makan... dah naik 10kg ni! Uwaaahhhhh!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Balik kampung is the best thing ever:)
ReplyDeleteSo now you are back in Subang, do you miss your real home Nessa?
Yoon See ~ It's the best indeed! :D I miss my kampung home the moment I boarded the plane back to KL :*(
ReplyDeleteBut I'll be back again, maybe next year so it's not that bad. Lucky I'm still in Malaysia, if kat US or Europe die la nak pay for the fares... hehe
Hi Sis, me too balik office jak odoi betimbun bah tu kraja. Oyah thanks for your prayer, sia misti mo buy jackpot from now on... manatau koontok, bukan seja kereta basar sia bili, tp sponsor korang pulang kampung trus.
ReplyDeleteRitz ~ His sis! :D Ih noh boh... silaka kopizo aiso vagu monuhung kalaja, filing pun kalah KLCC! :(
ReplyDeleteHaha! Bah, sia akan sambayang dengan kuat. Harap2 ko punya numbur sangkut... buli la sia balik kampung every weekend :D
Hey Nessa!! oooohhh I miss all that green!!! Why oh why don't we have that here?? Sini, asap jak lebih.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, glad you had a great time back home.. I hope to be back home in May too! :)
Shemah ~ Haha! itulah ba kan... why oh why kita mo tinggal di sini?? Bukan seja asap, trefik jem pun bikin gila oh.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the kids to complete their studies here, then I'll return home for good (hopefully). Probably for another 10 - 15 years... mak datuk, lamanya lagi!!!