You know, planning for a new baby can be pretty frightening. There really are a host of things to worry about when you plan for a new baby, especially if it is your first time. Before you all go and start getting any wrong ideas, no

I mean, with the current economy being what it is these days, it can prove to be really difficult trying to weigh your choices and balancing the family budget at the same time. And the people at Cryo-Cell believes nothing is more important than protecting and ensuring your new born baby's future.
Just what is Cyro-Cell and what do they do? Well, they're one of the largest and most established family cord blood stem cell banks and they have been helping over 175,000 families worldwide since 1992 to preserve their newborn's umbilical cord for potential use against diseases.
They're like a bank where you would go to to preserve your baby's cord blood. Cord blood or what is know as umbilical cord blood is blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta at the time of birth. Normally it is discarded after delivery. But scientists discovered a rich source of stem cells from it and has now become a viable substitute to bone marrow in thousands of successful transplants.
They have an offer right now called the Baby Bjorn offer. If you sign up with them before midnight April 19th, you get a discount of their retail price plus a Baby Bjorn. No, it's not a real baby
So, if you're planning for a new baby, then you should really look into Cyro-Cell. Check out the testimonial below to see what I mean.
"My children are the most precious gifts that I will ever have and I want to do everything I can to make sure they are well. While I was pregnant with my first child, I would see articles and ads about cord blood and it bothered me that it was so expensive but what if I one day needed this blood. The reality of having only one chance or it really went in the garbage kept me wondering if I would regret not investing. What if he had cancer or his dad or I were sick, would that blood have been the cure? Through research, I came across Cryo-Cell International, Inc., a company with the most reasonable rates and the assurance of two holding facilities.
When I was pregnant with my second child, we wondered if one bank was enough? Finances were tighter and should we spend the money? Then we realized that his brothers blood might not match for the new baby. The next day, stories were breaking about how Cord blood had saved or changed the lives of children, one cancer, one cerebral palsy. Then we discovered that a friend was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. He didn't bank his daughters blood and wished he had. Three years prior, I lost a friend to renal cancer when she was 29. We felt like it was our answer.
We are just beginning to see miracles that this blood can bring. We have two "life insurance policies", that is how we look at it. If anyone in the family gets ill, there is a chance that the blood could save our lives. If we don't use it, then it is there for our son's children."
mother of Parker and Davis
Cryo-Cell International Client
Wah, sempat juga post on your holiday.... hehehehehe ...Oh you coming back tomorrow only, no wonder no OIAM post last night......:p
ReplyDeleteAha! UR gonna be back tmrw? great! A whole congregation is waiting for you at Spiffy's home... hhahahhahaa..
ReplyDeletehe really stumped us this time with his extra long teaser.. urmm.. tat doesn't sound right... *LOL* sorry! anyways..
After 30 comments.. no one has the answer and he's dancing in glory...
Oh this one mmg important post Nessa ahem!!
ReplyDeleteNessa!!! I'm so sad my Amlyea got eliminated, she too looked sad la yest!! :'(
ReplyDeleteis that your son Nessa? is he holding the "tabung" to keeping his money? in that case, mesti banyak duit syiling dia..
ReplyDeleteI'm missing on a lot of blog hopping XD
ReplyDeletehahaha looking at your son's picture..i can see the naught attitude inside him..ehehhe..but at least life is full of happiness with a hipper-active child.ehhehe..really like u la your son.ehhe
ReplyDeletehehe...walau d mana pun anda berada, an 'important' post like this one hv to be posted bah kan...:)
ReplyDeletehai..ness...i think someone did approach me while i was waiting for my check up at' about the cord blood stem cell... but then i x decide lagi....yer lah x kan nk tggu baby sakit br nak'll be too late then quite expensive la...
ReplyDeleteMat Dingo ~ 'Important' post like this cannot afford to miss... hehe. I was at my sis place. Lucky got internet :D
ReplyDeleteBTW, I've posted my latest OIAM3 review. Check it out here ya.
Anny ~ Unfortunately I oso couldn't answer his extra long riddle... susah la. There goes my genius title :*(
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ Hehehe... important post it is kannn!! ;)
ReplyDeleteKengkaru Kong ~ Yep, that's my son, the youngest one.
ReplyDeleteItu bukan tabung... itu tin biskut Jacobs... kusung suda, dia mau minta bili satu tin lagi baitu! LOL!
Kalau tabung, kaya suda sia oh.
Marzie ~ Yeah, Amylea really looked devastated by the result. But she should be proud of her achievements cos I didn't like her in AF. Now, I do... she's a talented songwriter. She will succeed :)
ReplyDeleteMaslight ~ Me oso... cos 1 week cuti. Bloghop pun cuti 1 week :) Now tengah balas dendam la ni but kana jawab all the komen dulu.
ReplyDeleteSweet Girlicious ~ Oh, he's naughty and mischievous alright. Pandai menjawab lagi tu... bikin panas!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteMama Mia ~ Hehehe... suka sia tu sentence 'walau di mana pun anda berada' :D Iya ba, sanggup pigi cybercafe kalau terpaksa, nasib baik my sis place ada.
ReplyDeleteAziha ~ Hai Jia! :D
ReplyDeleteYeah, I heard it's quite expensive. Maybe cos it's quite new here... and ramai tak tau lagi.
Nessa, sya mo komen bukan pasal ini post, but ur son's pix heheee... Sweet betul dia senyum bah. Ko suru dia posing pigang tu tin Jacob's ka tu?? :D
ReplyDeleteCrystal ~ Ko bulum tau lagi... dia yang minta ambil gambar tu :) Lapas dia tingu kiri-kanan, dia tenampak tu tin Jacob's trus dia pigi ambil!, asal ada mo di pigang. :D
ReplyDeleteCrystal ~ Skrang gaya dia lain suda, kalau kana ambil gambar. Misti dia buat muka biut la, senget la, mata kasi juling la... ish!