Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Knock! Knock!

.... Ummmm hallooooo? *Echo* 

Ada lagi ka urang berblogging sekarang ni ah with so many other socmed platforms yang hebat2. TikTok, Insta, Twitter, ... FB? Apaitu?? LOL!! Anywayssss, gosh I was just searching for some songs to download for my running or rather walking playlist when I 'terclick' my blog page and trus sia ternostalgia and decided to write something after almost 8 years of absense. Kira macam diary la kunun2. How time flies and I feel like I haven't even accomplished anything...well, I've definitely aged, a few white hairs, a little wrinkle here and there but other than that I'm still the old me, nothing really new to write. Would be nice if I suddenly became a millionaire kan? Hahahaha... 

Jokes aside, I am thankful to still be alive. I will be 50 this year. Wow.... how did that happen?? Long ago I thought urang2 yang sudah umur 50-an ni suda tua bangka tida buli berfungsi... adeh jahat juga sia kan... then what do you know sia sendiri suda mau 50 suda and the thing is even though suda tua bangka tapi bukan bermakna tida berguna la... cuma kalau lapas exercise misti sakit2 urat, sakit kaki sakit pinggang segala. Rindu trus taim zaman muda remaja yg kalau lapas lari atau menari disko chachacha masi lagi buli pigi panjat bukit. So all you youngsters out there, hargai la zaman muda remaja anda sebab sikijap saja tu zaman. Cheh macam la ada urang mo baca ni... lalalala... Siok ni tulis2 sindiri2 baca mcm orang sewel ja. 

Apologies klu ada urang putih yang limpas2 tida faham apa sia tulis. Sia rasa sebab teda orang yang baca suda blog sia ni jadi sia tulis macam cara sia becakap hari2. Jadi la diri sendiri mai orang bilang tu. Tapi tingu la kalu sia rajin mo update lagi... maybe 5 or 10 years later, harap2 sia masi hidup la. *palispalis* 

So before I end, here's to a better 2021 and Covid be gone for good! Please la jangan ada MCO lagi. Gumuk suda ni hari2 makan kek. :( OK babai... be good.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Hello! *waves*

I don't know if I have any readers left for this long forgotten blog of mine. No idea what got into me to even want to update my blog after a long (6 months) hiatus. Probably got an itch on the brain and forced my fingers to type. OK I know, lame attempt. Well, anyway....

As you can see, I am still alive and kicking and running... hehe. I haven't been actively running this year; not that I have lost my mojo. I still love running but these days I'm quite picky with races (also need to be frugal la). There are so many races in Klang Valley especially this month that sometimes I have to resort to doing the 'Eenie, meenie, miney, moe' just to select the races because I just couldn't decide.

The big one is just 12 days from now. Nah, it ain't a marathon... just a half-marathon which is 21 kilometers. You may have heard or read about the Standard Chartered KL Marathon. Apparently around 33,000 runners will invade the streets of KL on June 30th so if you're planning to go jalan-jalan that day, please do so after 12.00 noon. Don't say I didn't warn ya. It's going to be utterly jammed. But then again KL is perpetually jammed so it probably doesn't make any difference anyway.

I haven't been training as much as I should because I've been plagued with injury on my left foot after the Newton 25K back in December 2012. It took forever for the foot to heal. Every time I tried to run, it sent a sharp pain on the sole of my foot. But I'm glad to announce that the foot has healed.... yeehaaaa. It has allowed me to run faster than a turtle by 0.5 seconds and I am SO happy! You should have seen how 'fast' I was going before... I could put a sloth to shame.

You may have noticed (or may not) that I am back to using my old Blogger URL address. I decided not to renew my domain this year as I have not been actively blogging. Although it is only US$10.00 to renew yearly but I still find it wasteful.

My kids are all grown up. The youngest is even taller than me now. Just 2 years ago he was just a chubby baby. Gosh, why do they grow up so fast?? :( I can't believe the oldest is already 18 years. I know... that kinda makes me feel like a grandma now. Sometimes I kid around and tell them not to have girlfriends yet cos I am so not ready to be a granny. And they keep saying, 'No mom I will never get married, I will take care of you'. Me: Yeah right... LOL!

OK la, enough ramblings. Thanks for coming and reading my blog. I don't know when I'll write again. Maybe 6 months from now??!! :B