I feel awfully sad for this tiny dog that saved a group of young kids from being mauled by pit bulls. Such heroic act from an animal and it paid a big price for it...its' life. If scientists could clone sheep and cows then George, a Jack Russell terrier would have been the perfect animal to be cloned. It has somehow spurred me to get a terrier dog should I want a pet later in my life. George is in Dog heaven I'm sure.
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In 2009, George was posthumously awarded the PDSA Gold Medal, the animal equivalent of the George Cross. A former US Marine also donated a Purple Heart award he received for service in Vietnam to George's owner. ~ Wikipedia
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In 2009, George was posthumously awarded the PDSA Gold Medal, the animal equivalent of the George Cross. A former US Marine also donated a Purple Heart award he received for service in Vietnam to George's owner. ~ Wikipedia
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