Thursday, November 22, 2007

Mix & Match!

Ever played the old PC game called 'Pipe Dream'? It's one of my favorites. And when I look at these straw components, well, they remind me of that game:)

Who needs straight boring straws when you can make one gigantic straw. You can even mix drinks by building your straw to dip in two (or more) cups! Cool eh? The designs are endless, you could be the Suck-Meister! :D

The DIY Drinking Straws include 36 dishwasher-safe pieces:
  • 20 flexible rubber connectors
  • 16 translucent straw pieces
  • Price $9.99

Source: ThinkGeek


  1. Cool straws! Should buy this for a fun party game or New year celebration! :D

  2. Valeu, passando pra desejar um bom dia pra você !!!

  3. I like to play pipe remind me of this game.This straw is kind of cool.Never thought of this creation.I wonder which drink sucks first or perhaps become mix drink.LOL

  4. Pipe game, huh? Yeahh, Ann's right. Should definitely get this for New Year and play when everyone's tipsy! Last year we played Pictionary.. Hehe..

  5. Ann - That's a neat idea:) I don't have to wait for the fireworks for some fun... hehehe

  6. Fernando - Aiseymen! Bahasa Spanish!

    Errr, hola! Uno, dos, tres, abaho... it's good to watch 'Dora the explorer' LOL

    Anyway, maybe you've wished me a good day?? I'm just guessing. The only Spanish word I know is Fernando Alonso!! Thnaks for dropping by:)

  7. Haizum - Ya, so do I... they're pretty cheap too.

  8. Oh boy, I love that pipe dream game. Now with these straws I can actully make my own pipe dream ... LOL!

    Nice straws, are they available here on do I have to get them online? And btw, you sure do have really loads of cool stuff that post here.

    Wonderful! Keep it up. At least I won't be so back dated in my knowledge of things around the world :)

  9. Cool straws. It will be nice try mix drinks. May be a good idea for drinking contest.

  10. MD - I was so engrossed with 'Pipe Dream', I even forgot about food... hehehe.

    MD, the link is at the very bottom... eyesight problem ka? LOL

    Thanks! (telinga kembang dis)

  11. Hi Jesie:) Welcome to Mumblings!

    I wonder how beer + orange juice + milk + soda will taste?? Someone's sure gonna puke... hehehe

    Great idea for a contest:)

  12. This is cool!!! Hahahahaha.. imagine serving these to the carolers when they come over for Christmas carols.

    Also nice for the tapai drinking session.


  13. Hi Sweetiepie! Welcome to Mumblings:)

    I can never get bored playing 'Pipe Dream', I'll get nervous when the green liquid gets nearer and I end up breaking my pipes!

    Thanks for dropping by, hope to see you around here more often:)

  14. Cindy - I'm sure the carolers will get headache if you one really elaborate and long straw design... inda cukup nafas tu... hehehe

    My mom used to make fine tapai but I never drank them. Now, nobody in the family knows how to make it, such a pity:(

  15. Syura - Aiyah, ter-missed your comment la, sori:(

    Great idea, the kids will love this and adults too. I've never played Pictionary before... sounds like fun:)


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