Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We Take A Break

If you are one of those who has been contemplating to get your own domain, contemplate no more and just do it. Geez, I sound like a sports shoe commercial... hehehe.

If you get headaches just by reading things like MySQL, MS SQL, PHP, ASP, perl (I think I have a migraine already), do not fret as help is readily available at web hosting choice, with their complete and detailed FAQ's on everything you need to know about finding a good and reliable web hosting company.

And since this sounds like a TV commercial I might as well end it like one. So go out and find your ultimate web host now with ... your only guide to web hosting. Now, back to our regular programming... LOL!


  1. shoe commercial?? no la are good at promoting it..haha.

  2. Nick - I am in advertising! Hehe

    But I need a new job... a different job... that requires no intelligence... just duduk goyang kaki seja! LOL


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