They've already begun 'harassing' me with questions about where I'm going to take them for the holidays. They've got this huge big idea that we're going to go somewhere special like Disneyland or something. Well hello, your mommy is not rich you know. The only Disneyland you two are going to see for now is on the TV, well at least until your mommy strikes it rich or something :)
I don't really blame them for wanting to go places. They're practically cooped up in the house most of the time all day and it can be pretty boring. My older boy is not really a problem. He'll be happy to just sit in front of the TV all day and entertain himself, but my younger fellow is the problematic one. He can't sit still for too long and is constantly on the move. And he's the one who keeps repeating like a parrot, "where are we going for the holidays, mommy!" all day long.
The thing is, I would love to let them roam the neighbourhood like I did when I was a little girl during the school holidays but I don't trust them alone out there. There are way too many scary people out there these days unlike back in my time. Back in those days, I can remember me and my sisters would roam the entire surrounding areas of our house and my parents would never be worried that anything bad would happen to us.
We have this huge compound around my house back home, with hills, clean river and padi fields and the likes and the only time we'd hear from our parents would be when it was time to come home. They'd (my dad especially) be screaming at us to get our sorry butts right back that very minute :) Unfortunately, as much as I would like my two boys to go out and enjoy the outdoors, whatever little they have of it here, seeing as how the neighbourhood is surrounded by more concrete than trees and hills, I simply won't be comfortable leaving them out there unsupervised.
The world these days has made me a skeptic when it comes to strangers. With all that I've read happening in the newspapers and the amount of perverts and crazy people out there, it's better to be safe than sorry I would say. Sometimes I wish my kids could experience the freedom and safety I experienced in my time. It's really sad to note that the world has become a dark place to live in these days.
But with that all said and done, it still doesn't solve my problems about what to plan for them during the holidays. Maybe one day when I'm rich, I could afford to take them for a nice vacation somewhere in either Rome, Paris, Dublin or even the United Kingdom. I'm sure getting an affordable to stay shouldn't be too much of a problem. There are many Rome Hotels, Hotels Paris, Dublin Hotels and London Hotels that are available on the internet for me to find some decent accommodations.
I'm sure the boys will get a kick out of seeing places like the Coliseum in Rome, the Eiffel tower in Paris or even the Guinness Factory in Dublin, well, maybe not so much the Guinness factory... hehehe...
Yeah it's scary to learn the security in our country these days...can't let the kids go out alone, that's too dangerous!
ReplyDeleteThe world isn't the safe place it once was anymore. I remember during my time, I used to roam around the neighbourhood (when I was not sleeping, that is ... hehehe) and nothing would happen to us at all.
ReplyDeleteKids these days sure miss a lot of the outdoors, ya?
I remember kalu skul holiday...gerenti satu hari di rumah sebelah. Main. Kena teriak mummy sia baru cepat2 lari pulang rumah.
ReplyDeleteKalu bilang mo pi travel during skul hols...tiada lah tu dlm kamus parents sia. Bukan urg senang. Paling2 pun kalu mo jalan2...pigi KK saja. Taulah dulu...asal pi KK saja..kira big thing sudah tu cos we all stayed in Kgau...pekan kici seja tu.
Very true tu, Nessa. Kasian kids these days. In my days, wah! Punya siok! Baru darjah 1 pun ikut2 my older bro & sis main2 di jalan raya (not so many cars), panjat pokok, keliling satu perumahan tu dan macam2 la sampai jam 6pm baru ingat mo pulang rumah. Teda perkara yang menakutkan. Apalagi kalo suda balik kampung, mandi sungai, turun naik bukit bah, trus comot lagi tu pasal kana tanah liat hehehe...
ReplyDeleteBah! Hopefully, someday ada 'durian runtuh', so bulih la hirup udara lain sikit heheheee...
Dora ~ The security is nil. I don't feel safe, I don't see policemen patrolling, where the heck are they? No wonder criminals are having the time of their lives! I'm really sad with the going-ons in this country.
ReplyDeleteNick ~ Yeah, those were the good ol' days :) Especially if you live in the kampungs... life was simple, uncomplicated but everyone's happy.
ReplyDeleteCarol ~ Ya bah, school holiday betul2 rasa holiday. Teda payah pi tuition pun kan. Paling best tu naik bas pi KK, sbb blum ada kreta lagi. KK masa tu pun inda teruk jem dia, bukan cam skrang.
ReplyDeleteCrystal ~ Sia paling suka masuk hutan cari buah2 liar, sia lupa suda apa nama dia tu. Pi naik bukit, main air di sungai, kutip 'kaakatung' sana urang punya sawah padi. Aduh, nostalgia pula sia ingat balik :*(
ReplyDeletemy mum told me the same thing too when she used to play around the neighborhood with her siblings and neighbors.. so fun!! she told me lots of stories about the things dey did.. im so envy.. i wish i cud play around like dat to the extreme.. wen i was young, i still got to play around but not too far. i played in big longkangs, the field opposite my house and even played mud as masak masak. haha so silly!
ReplyDeleteHi Angie! Gosh, I sound as old as your mom... hehe. Yeah, it was fun, so much freedom to play back then.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't have longkangs but we had clean rivers, buffaloes to ride, padi fields, hills to trek even jungles but there were no incidence of child kidnapping. We loved playing masak-masak and patung-patung (dolls) too back then :D Sure was fun!!