Sunday, August 31, 2008

Good Old Jacob

I've been eating quite a lot of Jacob's Cream Crackers as my regular diet for the past month. I just love that particular brand of biscuits. It has been my staple of food for breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner. They're delicious when you dunk them in coffee.

I've always loved this biscuit ever since I was a little girl. Back then they came more flat kind of tin packaging where you could open the whole lid unlike the newer packaging they have today. Anyone remember that old tin? You can see it in the inset picture. Sorry for the low quality picture but that's the clearest picture of it that I could find.

I remember my granny used to keep all her 'sweets' in that particular tin, not the normal sweets but what the oldies those days loved to chew on... sirih, gambir, pinang, kapur complete with a special knife called kalakatip. The whole set is called Tinggaton in Kadazan. These 'sweets' would produce a blood red color mixture when chewed together, but they're not to be swallowed. Sort of like chewing gum for the oldies back then :) I sure miss my grandma now... bless her soul!

Anyway, I have a collection of about three of these 55th anniversary limited edition tins with the cool watercolor like images. And if you line up all four tins, you get to see a complete image :D I still have one more tin to go before I get the complete picture but with the way I consume them, it won't be long till the fourth tin comes my way :D

And they're pretty cheap too... only RM10.39 at Giant Hypermart!


  1. I remember that old tin. I grew up in that. I used to remember spreading condensed milk on it and eating loads of them that way ... :D

    That tin was indeed a classic.I wonder if anyone still has one with them.

  2. I don't think I was alive yet at that time cos I don't remember those tins. Tapi cool oh nampak! Very the old school!

  3. I most definitely miss Jacob's cream crackers .. especially with susu manis! .. hmmm one more hour to break my fast! ...

  4. Mat Dingo ~ I've never tried eating it with condensed milk. Maybe I'll try it after this :)

  5. Rozella ~ Haha! Very funny la you :D I think it'll fetch a good price if anyone sells that 'ancient' tin kan.

  6. Ms Envy ~ Selamat berpuasa to you and family :D


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