Monday, September 22, 2008

Flab Busters!

I'm sure most of you have seen the 80's movie 'Flashdance'. The story is about Alexandra Owens (played by Jennifer Beals) who is an exotic bar dancer at night and a welder at a steel mill during the day. The difference is kinda extreme, don't you think? Well, in movies, the more dramatic the scenario the better it is :)

When I saw the movie for the 1st time and that was years later after it was shown in the cinema, I found myself envious of her physique. She looked pretty fit and sexy in that leotard, with the leg warmers and all. I pictured myself in that kind of outfit... not a very nice sight coz I'd be bulging in all the wrong places! LOL

I have always wanted to be like those Fitness Girls, going to the gym, looking so pretty and beautiful with their tight fitting gym attire. But I'm just way too conscious of how I look like that even entering a fitness center feels nightmarish to me! I suppose I need a fitness buddy...

But then again, I don't have the time to go to the gym. By the end of the day, I'm so tired and stressed out! For now, I'll just stick to doing the house chores, after all, they never seem to end and doing house chores is also a way of exercising. Did you know that you burn 210 calories just by moving the furniture? Hmmm... it's probably not good for my bad back :(

So, anyone has a spare treadmill that I can borrow? :D


  1. nessa: i also need to work to flatten my abs. oh fasting month, temporary flat sija tu..after raya terus ancus..must stay in control!

  2. Actually I'm the opposite of Maslight. Fasting I lagi pun on more weight. Blame it on those wonderful Ramadhan bazaars ... LOL!

  3. about the machine, i also don't know where they bought long time ago sorry

  4. i'm kinda kurus..tapi..!! ada tummy nie!!! arghhhhh bencinya!!! nda tau apa sudah mau buat..cannot hilang already the 'lemaks'

  5. Haha! Ko angan2 macam tu 'Flashdance'? Sya pun susa sangat mo jaga ke'slim'an badan ni he he... Mo pigi gym tapi nanti berenti sekejap or teda masa mo pigi trus tu badan secara drastik pandai besar tu.

  6. haha! i remembered janice from this is miracle has a treadmill at home. Mayb you can borrow hers? :)

  7. Nessa! I'm using B's Apple to view ur blog tonight and I gotta say it looks really awesome la, make me feel like buying a laptop only!

    I don like la Jennifer Beals he he! But yes, who hasn't watched Flashdance eh? :)

  8. Maslight ~ That's the key word, 'stay in control'... but I always fall to temptation. Food is evil! :*(

  9. Nick ~ Yeah, people penat2 fasting, we stuff ourselves silly with those yummy Ramadhan food. I keep telling myself, it's only once a year... and in one month, my waist increased by 10 folds!!

  10. Hazel ~ Oh I see. It's OK. I was just wondering :) Thanks!

  11. Gina ~ I look at your pic in your blog, teda pun fat. Normal seja... kiut ba :D

  12. Kadus Mama ~ Sia ni jelez sama kekurusan ko tu. Tummy tu besa la... once ada anak2, tu lemaks degil betul :(

  13. Crystal ~ Bila suda kawin, kana pandai jaga badan urang bilang. Kalau yang selim2 tu, untung la. Sia ni yang badan mcm tong dram, teda harapan lagi... hahaha

  14. Jean ~ She has?? Hmmm... but, but she's in Singapore... jauhnya nak angkat! LOL!

  15. Tekkaus ~ I'm oso fat... time to don those running shoes and run! Sighhh... lazy la...

  16. Marzie ~ Laptops are quite reasonable these days. I saw one below RM2K. Have to rajin2 buat opps ni... hehe

    I'm not a fan of her but those dance moves are reali something ya. Wish I could dance like that! :D


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