Monday, September 15, 2008

The Nose Job

The nose is not just for breathing and smelling, it also tells a lot about a person. In Chinese face reading, the nose represents wealth. If a person has big, huge nose it bodes well for wealth. Visible nostrils (viewed straight from the front) suggest that the person is a spend drift.

A small nose indicates the person is attentive, considerate and detail oriented and usually has a very reserved nature. And it's absolutely spot on coz I do have a small nose and I tend to have all those traits! (haha... perasan). When I was a kid, my dad used to make fun of my nose cos it was small, button shaped and he called it 'todung kouk' or fish nose :)

That's probably why there is a saying that goes, 'The answer is clear as the nose in your face!' :D Other sayings that I can remember are don't be nosey, don't be led around the nose, to win by a nose. Can you think of any more?

There are certain celebrities with unique nose shapes and you tend to remember their names easily. One such actor is Adrien Brody (whom I think is a great actor). When I watched The Pianist for the first time, I actually cried coz his acting was so real. Charlton Heston also had a famous nose, it's high, majestic and aquiline! Barbara Streisand is also famous for her big nose. Michael Jackson on the other hand has his nose made famous for all the wrong reasons by getting a horribly bad nose job done. He looks just fine with his original nose in my opinion.

I had always fancied Natalie Portman's nose but I think my button nose suits me just fine :) But if you're really not at all satisfied with the way your nose look, you could always get yourself a nose job or a Rhinoplasty procedure done. Primary Rhinoplasty is usually a day surgery procedure. You could also have a Revision Rhinoplasty which is actually correcting a 'bad nose job' (Maybe MJ should look into this... hehehe). And always get the best cosmetic plastic surgeon to perform these kinds of surgeries coz the last thing you want is looking like a total fake.

Ah! Wouldn't it be great if our politicians have Pinocchio noses! It would be a riot seeing their noses grew longer every time they told a lie (which is practically every time they open their mouths). They think the average Malaysians are doofuses. Little do they know...

By the way, if you must know, compulsive nose picking is called rhinotillexomania! :D


  1. How about 'by the skin of your nose?' :D

    I didn't know they had definitions of what your nose tells you about yourself. Darn, my nose is crooked, I wonder what that says about me ... hehehe ...

    Oh and MJ really didn't just ruin his nose, he ruined his entire face la ... I used to like the fellow ...

  2. I have a pointed nose..but not big lah and not really small..
    Apa lah tu konon???
    My hubby hidung besar lah kali tu..hahahahaha!!!

  3. Mat Dingo ~ I think 'by the skin of your nose' means the same as 'to win by a nose'... I think la.

    Just google it under 'Chinese face reading' and you'll get tons of results, some of which are very detailed.

    Crooked nose ah? You don't wanna know... I think you should read it for yourself... hehe

    MJ? He's just weird.

  4. Kadus Mama ~ Hmmm, sia pun tida brapa ingat suda tapi if not big and not too small (sedang2) maksud dia balanced la mangkali tu.

    Wah, ko punya hubby ni kaya laaa... hehe

  5. kaya lah..but ada hope mau kaya lain kali..since you say orang hidung besar nie kaya..hahahah!!

  6. i dunno how to describe my nose..haha but my "medium nose" there is? hehe

    maybe change "put money where your mouth is" to "where your nose is".. :D

  7. Kadus Mama ~ Itu article bilang kalau hidung besar, bila umur dia 41-50 baru itu 'ong' masuk oh. Tia tau la butul ka tida tapi best juga kan :D

  8. Izzat ~ Hmmm, medium nose is neither big nor small so it's balanced la :)

  9. dulu time sia masi primary skul...sia envy betul my girl friend punya hidung psl mcm hidung urg putih...mancung. my 'enviness' to the extend i kept pulling my nose...kono2 mo kasi mancung lah tu.
    i even thought yg kalu there is anything that i wanted to change, it would be my nose. hahaha...

  10. Love this! So interesting to see what various 'looks' can mean!

    Glad to see you over at my place--rescuing pigs and chickens--wow! All we had to do was wrestle plywood! I'm impressed!

    Thanks for your good wishes--we are fine and praying for those folks in the Galveston/Houston area.

  11. Different shape of noses indicating one's personality/character? Anyway, it's fun to read!

  12. You're forgetting the sexiest nose in the business. Alan Rickman!!! But yes, I adore Adrien too, even with his crooked nose.

  13. hye there miss nessa. just browsing around and droping by to say hello.

    really a fun article.
    i just like my nose. :)

  14. i don't sure how my nose look like to measure it?

  15. My nose, hmmm... hard to describe, konon2 mancung bulat hahahaa...

    Kiut pula tu todung kouk hihihihii...

  16. Carol ~ Haha, iya ba, smua pun mau idung mancung cam urang putih sama mata biru-biru! :D

    Eeei, sia pun slalu pull my idung, the bridge part la. Susah oh kalau idung inda mancung ni, itu spek slalu slide pi bawah :(

  17. Octamom ~ I don't know how true the face readings are, after all we should never judge a person by their looks :)

    Yeah, that was a long time ago. We've sold off our chickens and pigs after my mom passed away...

    My thoughts and prayers to the folks at Galveston/Houston.

  18. Dora ~ That's just the noses. You should read what they said about eyes, cheeks, ears even moles! :D

  19. Marzie ~ Hola dear! I tag you, you tagged me back... hehe. Thanks, I'll drop by soon :)

  20. Nancy ~ Hi Nancy! Welcome to Mumblings :)

    Alan Rickman has the sexiest nose? I didn't know that :D

    Thanks for dropping by, hope you'll be back often.

  21. Faizal ~ Hi Faizal! Welcome to Mumblings :) I hope you enjoyed your 'stay' here, hope you'll be back often. Don't forget to leave your comments ya :)

    I like my button nose too. Tak mancung takpa... hehe

  22. Hazel ~ How to measure?? Urmmm, I think we measure by defining the shape, whether it's round, flat, crooked or pointy.

    I'm not a pro, you can google it under 'Chinese face reading - What your nose says about you'.

  23. Crystal ~ Mancung bulat? Hmmm... aoa suda dia punya bacaan tu ah. Sia inda ingat oh. Tapi yang penting jangan ketara nampak itu lubang idung sbb dia bilang cepat pakai duit.

    Taim kicik todung kouk kiut la... skrang suda tua, not so kiut... hehe

  24. Recently, the buzz was that Jennifer Aniston had a nose job. Her nose became very small which made her look younger. The job was quite good. . .

  25. Rhinoplasty Report ~ Hi there! Yeah, she had a bigger nose before. Not easy being in showbiz ya, one has to look 'perfect' all the time!

    Thanks for dropping by :)


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