Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Felis Concolor

A Cougar or Felis concolor is a large tan colored cat also known by many other names such as mountain lions, puma or panthers. They weigh in the ranges of 100-145lbs and have thick fur and very little body fat. A truly predatory animal.

Cougars used to live in vast areas all over North America but in recent years, they have been hunted to extinction in all but few areas. Their favorite habitat to live are in places like mountains and swamps.

Being predators, they hunt other animals for food and their favorite meal is the deer. They can eat up to 10 whole pounds of meat a day which is equivalent to 40 hamburgers!

They are great jumpers and can leap vertically over 16 feet and horizontally more than 45 feet. They are the fastest animals in North America reaching up to a speed of 40 miles per hour and that's pretty fast for an animal.

Now, I did all that research about cougars cos I got this project that has something to do with Date Michigan Cougars and though it sounded a little weird that Michigan having dating sites for an animal like a cougar, I went ahead and did some research on the animal only to find out later that the actual definition of a cougar in dating terms means older women who enjoy the company of younger men! LOL!

And there I went thinking that they wanted to fixed cougars up on dates with each other to curb the extinction problem! Hahahaha...


  1. ROTFL LMAO! And there I was thinking you were talking about animals or something!

    I didn't know cougars meant older women dating younger men. Now I know better :D

  2. Wah very thorough research on cougars Nessa! ;)

  3. Eh si Shana ada cat named "Cougar" tu.. bagus refer dia tu website. Hahaha. :P

  4. ROTFL..i thought u want to do cougar for this weekend cutting! LOL

  5. hehe!! I've no idea what cougar is until i read ur post!! akaka now i know already lah..

  6. Hillarious lar u nessa :D
    Imagine... fixing dates for cougars! All the zoo keepers keeping contact to match up the cougar in their care hehe... that would hv been somethg :)

  7. The post title pun cam tetiba jak ni scientific betul. Cougars pulak kena panggil tuuu...hihihi...

  8. Mat Dingo ~ Well, we learned something new today :)

  9. Marzie ~ Haha, with Google anything is possible!

  10. Ethel ~ Reali? Yang warna dia itam tu ka? Hehe... mana tau dapat 'date' kan!

  11. Marzie ~ Thanks dear :) Will put it up soon... before the month is over!

  12. Mama Mia ~ Aisey, susah oh mo buat tu cougar. Sampai skrang sia blum dapat buat the rabbit lagi... :(

  13. Kadus Mama ~ Sama la kita, sia inda tau itu pula maksud dia... odoi dogo! :D

  14. Flodawn ~ I am?? Urmmm, I'll take dat as a compliment :D

    I'm sure the zoo keepers will have their hands full trying to fix dates and etc... hehe

  15. Crystal ~ Sia mula2 inda tau apa mo kasi title ba ni... tapi bila nampak dia punya scientific name, trus malakat di otak! :D


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