Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Sound Of Silence...

Ahh, it's the 2nd day of Raya and the neighborhood is pretty quiet and serene right now. I can't even hear a single firecracker being fired off. I guess all my Malay neighbors went back to their hometowns hence the quietness. But it is a nice feeling though. Even the sound of cars are all that much subdued. Makes it feel like I'm back home in my kampung (village).

The kids are pestering to go to the nearby shopping mall, one wants a new sports shoes while the other badly needs a haircut. He's beginning to look like a golliwog already. And the food is also fast depleting, we do nothing but eat when it's the holidays. What else is there to do anyway... hehehe. We tend to hangout more in the kitchen during the weekends and holidays, with the fridge being opened every few minutes!

Talking about sports shoes, I think I'm in need of a new pair too. Mine has been with me since 2002 and I think my legs have grown in size or the shoes have shrunk. I can't seem to fit into them... sighh... I know it sounds like an excuse but it really is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth :D

I think by the time I'm through shopping, I'll probably be broke again. It's not cheap going shopping especially when you bring two perpetually hungry boys along. They'll be wanting this and that and the younger one with his normal, 'Mommy, I'm hungry. Mommy, I'm thirsty. Mommy, I want a toy. Mommy can I buy this' mode. Sometimes he thinks I have a printing machine somewhere that prints money! (How I wish)

As I was saying, by the time I'm through with shopping I'm going to be broke so much so that maybe I should visit one of those online Casino sites on the net or something. I'm sure you know the kind I'm talking about. The ones like that offers free games, poker tips and online casino advice. Come on, don't act innocent, like as if you haven't been to sites like these before... hehehe. Maybe I might just get lucky :D

That aside, I can't wait for tonight cos it's The Amazing Race Asia night and I live for Thursday nights... hehehe. From what I saw on the trailers throughout the week, it looks set to be another amazing race. Be sure to drop by here later for my updates on the race :D


  1. Ok, ok, I'll admit, I have been to see these sites before. Not to gamble mind you, just to urmmm play the free games la. I'm a cheapskate. Free things only attract me ... LOL!

  2. hi nessa. was searching for active bloggers blogging. thank god for u n nick. ;)
    im a silent reader all this while so just thought i leave a comment today, since it is so quiet during this time of the year.
    hope u dont mind!

  3. aiya...missed again! kesyiokan tinguk movie tadi smpai teda ingat itu TARA....bah, cepat buat dia punya ulasan...hehehe...macam lah sia tida buli tinguk repeats dia nanti kan...

  4. Mat Dingo ~ Why am I not surprised?? :D Well, I've done the same too, never played with real money though... scared la.

  5. Lxndreasb ~ Hi there! I'm glad you chose not to be silent anymore :) I think I've been to your site before, several months back if I'm not mistaken.

    Yeah, most of the regular bloggers are on leave. I'm sure they'll be back blogging by next week ya.

    Thanks for dropping by, hope you'll come by often :)

  6. Carol ~ Sia pun tingu movie before TARA3. Lucky my sons reminded me bah :)

    Itu ulasan suda kluar tu... selamat membaca!

  7. Lxndreasb ~ Horayy for TARA!! :D I think TARA is better than the original series, the contestants have more character, IMHO.

  8. Golliwog it seems ha ha ha!! Eh but I sometimes call baby Issy that oso u know! And Amelia Jane the naughty doll, cause of her curly-wurly hair lolz! ;)

  9. Marzie ~ Baby girls with curly wurly hair look adorable what! :D But not for my boy, his hair is reali berterabur tak tentu arah!

    Amelia Jane? Hmmm... I wish I knew what you're referring to... is she in a show/movie or something??


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