Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Woe Is Me

This morning while I was getting dressed up, I was doing the usual brushing my hair this way and that. Lo and behold, I see a glimmering light in the mirror. I look closely and my heart skipped a few beats.

OMG! It can't be!! I may not have perfect vision but my eyesight isn't deceiving me. Upon closer inspection, it's strand of white hair! A white hair, it can't be true. I never thought I'd be having white hair at the tender age of 37 :*(

I look again. No, it's not an illusion. It's for real. I have a blooming strand of white hair on my fringe! Ciss! Well, I could always pull it out but there's an old saying that if you pull one white hair, a million more will appear. I wouldn't want that to happen. Uh-huh, no way!

So I guess, I'll just have to find some way to blend it in my the rest of my black hair. Looking like Rogue from the X-Men can't be all that bad ya. But I'm still in a state of disbelief!


  1. hehehee..lek ko sister is only 32 and kepala dia penuh rambut putih sudah..! Bukan satu dua..penuh satu kepala nie..but itu lah..She refused to dye the hair black and just kasi straighten saja..terus memang macam Rouge nie..hehe
    So consider yourself lucky sebab nda juga banyak.. :) if you are too worry, ada juga bah dye hitam tu..hehe

  2. dont worry ,sia pun ada rambut putih juga , pasal stress tu..ehehe

  3. One strand of white hair and you're worried? You should see my head. If I can find black hair it'll be a miracle ... LOL!

    But white hair kinda makes one look intelligent tau, like professor ... hehehe

  4. ya betul tu nessa, jangan cabut!

    1 white hair at the age of 37 is okay. my cousin got more than u.. ;)

  5. You mean this is ur first uban?? Aiyo I got plenty la, now depressi thinking abt it ha ha! ;)

  6. i think what they say about pulling out the first white strand can cause it to grow even more is right cos laki sia pun masa mula2 i spotted dia punya white hair...baru satu dua saja...sekali after sia cabut, pandai bertambah pula....tapi teda chance sia mo cabut lagi pasal dia selalu suda kasi botak rambut dia. huhuhu

  7. Darling, sia 25 pun kadang-kadang get white hair! Hehehe Jangan stress!

  8. Kadus Mama ~ Smua pun jadi tua juga eventually tapi bila suda betul2 nampak rambut putih, macam sia inda pecaya seja. Sia tekana kejutan mangkali ni :D

    Iya, buli kasi dye tapi sedih juga kan. Kalau buli sia inda mo kasi dye, biar la 'au naturale'... hehe

    Shana ~ Hi Shanaaaa!! Adui, lama sia nampak ko di sini. Rindu suda ba! Selamat pengantin baru ya :D

    Iya, betul tu, memang pun sia stress tahap gaban these past few months. Inda lama abis la smua rambut sia jadi putih... sighhhh...

  9. Spiff ~ OK la tu, smua putih... macam blond hair :) Hmmm, you have a point there Mr. Professor! LOL!

    Diya ~ Tengah menahan tangan ni dari mencabut uban tu... hehe. Geram tengok but must NOT cabut!

  10. Marzie ~ That's why la so sad ni, my 1st uban. Eh, kenot be depressed too much nanti bertambah-tambah the uban you know! ;)

    Carol ~ Eh, kalu sia buli kasi botak kepala OK juga kan. Pakai wig seja :) Hari2 tukar hairstyle! LOL! Tapi wig mahal harga dia oh...

  11. Rozella ~ How I wish I was 25 again...

    Jangan stress? Aiyoh girl, it's easier said than done. Any tips?? :D

  12. It means u are wiser and mature. Think it that way! Not a sign of age.

  13. Rose ~ Betul juga what you've said. I'll try and look at it that way :)


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