Sunday, February 1, 2009

Alive And Kicking

The long Chinese New Year break has finally come into the last day and it's back to the daily grind of the usual routine from tomorrow. Well, I wouldn't say that I'm not looking forward to it cos it can be really boring staying home all week and having to entertain two noisy and hyper active boys all day long.

The week was pretty decent really which left me with loads of time on my hands. Most of it was spent just chilling out. I didn't even bother getting online much throughout the week. Well, once or twice to check if there were any assignments or not. Assignment wise, it's been pretty darn slow since before the Chinese New Year. Hopefully the Ox will bring a cart-full of assignments my way soon.

Other than that, I had a mind-numbing experience at the hospital a few days ago. Don't be alarmed, it was just a blood test to check my Thyroid level which was long overdue. I've been having anxiety attacks for the past few months and the doctor prescribed this medicine to lower my heart rate (I think). I feel slightly better now but I still have another appointment this Wednesday. Hope it's nothing serious, wish me luck ya :) OK, that's all for now... tata...


  1. Happy Chinese New Year!! May this year bring you PROSPERITY and HAPpINESS!! To lighten your CNY I have someting for you over at my blog, come and collect it :)


  2. I'm back to work too..!! Mau cakap malas p keja, nda juga, sebab telampau lama cuti pun bosan juga di rumah..hehehee
    Apa pun...hope more assignment for us to do nanti kan..ehehehe

  3. I was wondering what happened to you ... hehehe ...

  4. Good luck for ur check-up dearie, hope u come home with a clean bill of health HUGS! :)

  5. Cindy ~ Happy CNY and Chap Goh Mei! Thanks for the wishes. Sori for the very late reply ya.

    Yay!! I love awards... thanks dear :)

  6. Kadus Mama ~ Itulah keburukan cuti telampau lama... otot2 smua pun jadi malas, apalagi tu otak... LOL!

    Iya ba, tanga tunggu assignments la nie... tapi inda mo buat yang 50sen punya! Kedekut btul advertisers skrang kan, mangkali gawat btul ekonomi di US :(

  7. Mat Dingo ~ Hehe... lying low and feeling blue oso :*( Thanks for your concern... will be orait soon... *fingers' crossed*

  8. Marzie ~ Thanks dear, appreciate those comforting words.

    The thing is the test came out fine, but I don't feel fine :( I dunno what else to do, maybe get a second opinion and further tests.


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