Help!!!! I'm addicted to changing themes... my iGoogle homepage theme!

I get bored seeing the same theme for my iGoogle homepage so what do I do? I go and search for new themes every week! It's crazy cos they have thousands of cute, adorable, lovely themes. I'm having a hard time selecting the best and I end up changing my themes every week and I can't seem to stop myself. Iya, I know... it sounds gila!!
I had this theme a few weeks back...

I like it cos it's dynamic, meaning the theme changes according to your local time ~ morning, afternoon and night. And the picture changes too, it has a pink Pig of happiness and the other is a yellow madness hamster!
Then, I got bored with it, I switched it to this theme...

Nice kan? This theme also changes. If you like this, it's under Artist Theme called Vladdo. Once again, after a week, I got bored and went hunting for a new theme!

The stuffed toy dog is just adorable.
Anny, doesn't it look similar to Dom?

But my love for this theme lasted just a couple of days cos I'm just drawn to cute illustrations and so I was searching through thousands of themes again. Sigh!

Then yesterday, I stumbled on this theme and I'm currently using it. Isn't it a cutie?? I just love the fat cat waiting for its food. I'm sticking to this one... I've only been using it for 2 days, I hope I don't have to find a new one so soon. I think this IS the one! But then again... we'll see!
Those are really cute! I like all of em especially the 2nd one!
ReplyDeleteBtw.. iGoogle ni utk apa? Guna untuk mobile phone ke? Sorry, Aki tak tahu lah...
Where have i been?? hahhaa.. thanks for the heads up on the IGoogle headers :) My iGoogle still look like some financial report page.. hahaha
ReplyDeletetks for the linky :* kita tak kedekuts kan?
Berpunya seronoknya ini headers.. habislaa.. i dah ketagih dah... habislaaaa... and its all your fault Nessa *lol*
ReplyDeleteerk..sia nda pun guna Igoogles bah..heheeee
ReplyDeleteBut i 'loik' ur choice now.. :) cantik..
apaitu igoogle? hehe...jakun oh sia
ReplyDeleteNessa! I have an award for u sweetie, congrats! :):):)
wahhh change layout..
ReplyDeleteI oso want XD
Cute! Your new blog header pun baru sya noticed. Cute woh!! :D Sya kira2 mo tukar lagi blog template sya, tapi cari2 dulu yang ngam. :)
ReplyDeleteAki ~ Hallo Aki :D
ReplyDeleteiGoogle ni search engine, just like Google tapi spesel skit sbb you can personalize according to your preference ie. color, games, weather, header etc.
Anny ~ Financial report page! LOL! Aduh, kesian la you Anny... hehe
ReplyDeleteTak, kita orang tak kedekuts ;)
KadusMama ~ Ko nda pakai Google? Ko pakai apa punya search engine? Yahoo ka?
ReplyDeleteCantik kan... kiut oh tu girl pagi2 pi jogging, then dia pi mandi, masak and kucing dia pun ikut exercise... hehe
Anny ~ Enjoy yourself Anny! I gladly accept the fault for making you ketagih with iGoogle headers... hahaha
ReplyDeleteCarol ~ iGoogle is your personalized Google page. Add news, photos, weather, and stuff from across the web to your page... itu sia copy direct dari tu igoogle punya website! :D
ReplyDeleteCuba la... try dis link and buat experiment.
Marzie ~ Thanks for the lovely award dear :D
ReplyDeleteMaslight ~ Ba, kasi tukar la ko punya layout :D
ReplyDeleteEh, sia suda register with Habbo. Bingung sia oh, inda tau apa no buat :*(
My room is miserable, ada satu chair and satu meja seja!
Crystal ~ Ba palan2 cari template :) Sia lapas 2 - 3 bulan memang bosan suda with my header. Skarang musim reality shows jadi sia taruh la tu TV... hehehe
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing Nessa. I know about this and never bother to install one.
ReplyDeleteI especially like the second one:)
Yoon See ~ You're welcome :) Have fun!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nessa. Fun is good, makes us more fresh!
ReplyDeleteYoon See ~ You're welcome :) Yup, all work and no play makes us dull... hehe