Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Evil Eyes

Stray cats seem to love making my house (back home in Sabah) their own personal playground. I remember having 2 stray cats when I was about 12 or 13. We adopted them and fed them well, up to a point they became healthy and really huge. Even my best friend back then had the fright of her life when she saw our cats (Garfield was pale in comparison)... she thought she saw tigers in the house!

Last month when I went home for a visit, there was this black and not very friendly cat with evil eyes which my dad adopted. My sis told me the cat would come at nights to eat and leave in the mornings. I tried to befriend it but I got scratched instead. Evil cat!! I had this two deep gashes as a result. The wound has healed now but I'm still angry with the cat. Lucky I didn't kick it, coz I can be violent at times... devil

I know this is a lame post. I couldn't think of anything else to write confused.


  1. I've got a cat scratch on my arm from a few weeks ago that is still healing! It was just a little kitty but she scratched me so hard she left a bruise! :o

  2. Hahaha ... that is an evil cat, almost as evil as that Spiff charater! LOL!

    By the way, you just been tagged with
    Now I know My A, B, C's ... tag. Have fun ... LOL!

    Oh and next time, just cincang the cat and feed the fishes la ... muahahaha!

  3. dulu kucing saya pun hitam punya.. garang btl.

  4. Kucing itam ni kan bikin takut... trrrr...

  5. tat's a bad scratch... u better go get a tetanus jab.. hhehehehee.. macam bengkak dah la.. apa laaa u go kacau a black cat :D

  6. if u have some aloe vera plant.. cut some.. put in the fridge.. nice and cold.. its very good for scratch like this too :D

  7. eeeeeeeeeeeee....bad!!! bad !!!! cat..but like you..i can never hurt a cat..!! nda sanggup sia mau tandang bah..

  8. i think stray cat=wild cat laa.terbiar sana sini...bain pun dah byk kali kena scratch kt tangan ngan kucing. sabo jelaa...:)

  9. I think that Nick fellow is right, kasi cincang the cat and feed to us Tigers ... hahaha ...

  10. Me no likey stray cats Nessa, my cats surely won scratch u like dat. They're all well-behaved he he!

  11. I have to admit that I am more of a dog person... dunno lah yang sia paling ndak tahan kan is when cats make that funny I dunno...kira moaning noises I guess! Kembang my bulu! Hahahaha

  12. ouch, that's nasty scratch Nessa. Sia tida berapa suka black cat. Bcos of their eyes, bikin takut bah when they sit quietly in the dark..only those glowing eyes saja yg kenampakan.

    deii, apa ko kasi makan kucing2 tu Nessa smpi gumuk & besar mcm tiger?

  13. nick suruh kau cincang itu kucing???!!! "gasp" LOL!!

    Eeee Sakit ba tu kena garit..adeh.. tu kucing kucing liar ba tu..inda tame sia rasa.. tu la tu. Kesian you.

  14. Annie ~ I hope the bruise is better now. Never underestimate cats, even if it's a small kitty! :)

  15. Nick ~ You just love answering them tags ya. I cringe every time I get a tag. I haven't even posted the 100 Questions tag... oops!

    Cincang the cat?? Aiyoh, I'm not that evil la. I'd rather kick it than cincang... hahaha

  16. TH ~ It was darn painful la TH. Sampai my hand so bengkak you know.

    I wonder if all black cats are garang... what happened to your cat? Kena jual oredi ka?? :P

  17. Just ~ Mata dia tu yang bikin takut... macam ada power mo hypnotize seja.

  18. Anny ~ The wound has healed Anny. It was reali swollen, I had puffy hand... haha

    No, I didn't get a tetanus jab... just rubbed Minyak Batu (which is a super duper good ointment) on it. Better than aloe vera me thinks.

    I didn't kacau the cat... I was just trying to be nice :(

  19. KadusMama ~ Memang bad cat! Anak sia pun kana cakar tapi itu silap anak sia la mau main ganas2 with the cat. Nasib baik sia inda kana gigit... kalau inda, sia guring masak kicap suda tu kucing!

  20. Bain ~ You memang penyabar Bain... banyak kali kena cakar pon masih rileks lagi :)

  21. Balqis ~ Jadi pengajarannya di sini.. jangan main2 dengan kucing hitam liar! Yelah, I pon seram nengok tangan bengkak tu... nasib baik tangan I still in one piece :D

  22. Hobbes ~ You go and catch the cat yourself Hobbes. Or you could talk to it in your kitty language not to scratch me anymore... hehe

  23. Marzie ~ Banyak stray cats kat kampung la Marzie. Mana nak cari kucing macam Phoebe... I laik Phoebe the most, alwes sticks out her cute pinky tongue :P

  24. Rozella ~ Cats make moaning noises??! Hmmmm... hari tu I heard some cats fighting... they did sound as if urmmm... you know... hahahaha

  25. Mama Mia ~ Memang menakutkan kalau ternampak mata seja taim malam2.

    Kami kasi makan dia apa seja yang kami makan... patut la kami semua pun sihat2... hahaha

  26. Emelda ~ Ganas ba dia tu... adakah suruh kasi cincang kucing! Silap2 kana report pigi animal abuse :)

    Iya, kucing liar... inda biasa kana sayang2 mangkali... sia punya silap juga.

  27. Hahahaha Kadang-kadang kan they can sound like budak kecil crying also this. I dunno lah, but whatever it is... me no likey! Geli!

  28. Rozella ~ Yeah, it's annoying especially taim kita mo tidur and they make those noises (kalau meowing yang pendek seja inda apa), tapi ini meow dia panjang sama high pitched lagi!

  29. Hahahaha The worst thing kan Nessa, sia punya neighbour kan ada 9 cats! Hahahaha Sana malam2 they all atas bumbung berchoir!

  30. Rozella ~ 9 cats??! Adui... I can imejin you tepaksa endure the simfoni kucing tiap2 malam. Banyaknya kucing dia tu...

  31. Nasib dia sudah kasi putung their you know what oh...if not, omg! I cannot imagine what lah would happen if they reproduce!

  32. Rozella ~ Kalau dia inda kasi putung, maka roboh la bumbung rumah neighbor ko itu! :D

  33. Our cat used to scratch like that all the time and with no warning. She was a stray of uncertain origin and who knows which horrid humans she came into contact with before us. Now after 2 years of being a well fed pussy she is docile and timid, and will only very seldom scratch!

  34. Milly ~ Hi Milly! Welcome to Mumblings :)

    Yeah, I suppose once stray cats becomes docile, they're less violent. They're not the social type, probably got some nasty treatment from humans (as you've mentioned). Scratching is a way to protect itself too.

  35. Hahahaha Nasib baik jak our boys ndak dapat panjat bumbung. Kalo ndak gone case. Sometimes cannot sleep also oh sudahlah the meowing and then the barking lagi. Tsk tsk tsk. No wonder I'm so cranky lately! Hahahahaha

  36. Rozella ~ Kesian you... well, it's understandable. Macam mana inda cranky kalau the neighborhood macam zoo seja... hehe. Nasib baik orang inda piara karabau suda skrang.

  37. bad cat...shoooo shoooo..

    haha...pengalaman lah kena cakar tingau kan Nessa...

    bah sis, Happy Kaamatan to you.

  38. Kengkaru Kong ~ Memang pengalaman yang pedih. Tapi nama suda stray cat ba... sepa suruh gia pigi main2 sama kucing liar :)

    Happy Kaamatan to you too! Aramai tieeee :D

  39. Eeee, Nessa, nasib baik ko nda apa2... My bro's gf kana garu kucing di kaki sampai bengkak dia nda bulih jalan bah. Suda pigi jarum pun masih lagi bengkak, last2 pigi SMC, tu doktor kasi buat lubang trus banyak nanah keluar, yuckkky oh... lepas tu my bro lagi punya tangan kena scratched, jahat bah kucing durang ni tapi cute betul, trus dia pi minta jarum capat2 takut suda nanti ada infection...
    Btw, my dad suka kucing hitam hahahaa...

  40. Crystal ~ Eeii, kesiannya your bro's gf sampai kaki dia bengkak bernanah! Mungkin telampau dalam tu scratch.

    Sia punya tangan tu pun memang bengkak sampai susah sia mau pigang barang. Sia sapu tu minyak Batu seja... lepas 3 hari, OK suda :D Mujarab tu minyak Batu tau.

    Sia suka kucing kelabu... tapi jarang ada kucing kelabu (grey) kan. Hitam tu menawan ba... hehe

  41. Meow!...kucing Bain, Kiki mengucapkan selamat sejahtera pada Nessa semua! :)

  42. Bain ~ Meowww!! Selamat sejahtera Kiki dan Bain. Terima kasih datang bertanding hari ni :D

  43. Bain ~ Oppps! Bertanding lah pulak... hehehe. Ape daaa...

  44. Just watch out Nessa!
    Some cats are tame and some are evil...
    Kesian take care OK!

  45. Yoon See ~ After this incident, I definitely will. Thanks for your concern :)


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