Read my first Tag Galore (if you haven't read it yet) :)
Tag #1 ~ Story Meme
by The Insane Writer
Here are the rules from Gracie's site.
- Copy and paste the story below, and the rules, on your blog.
- Find out who you're going to tag. (2-3 people, or more, if you wish)
- Write one or two sentences to continue the story, and use the titles of the blogs you're tagging or any word(s) associated with them as keywords in the links you include in your part of the story.
- Remember to tell your taggees that you've tagged them!
- Feel free to use this and start your own viral link story. I'd very much appreciate a link back to Mother's Home! if you do. (Or a tag, if you prefer!)
Mother's Home! the cave troll yelled. I have been out all day strangling chickens like CRAZY! for the evil Empress. All i want now is a MOment to myself, but i keep getting Linda talking Drivel, but that is better than a certain someone Mooing. Then suddenly what should appear but the NOT evil Empress and all her strangled chickens and Mags cooked them all up and made us a lovely cake to eat. Gracie wanted all the cake for herself but the NOT evil Empress was able to hack off a good sized slab for herself!!! Ha ha ha, Gracie belched loudly after eating all the scrumptious cake that Mags had baked and watched Callie scrappin' with Sarge about who was gonna win Big Brother 8. Sarge started humming "Dixie," and almost choked on the bite of cake in his mouth! So he got some coffee to go to wash down the cake. The coffee helped a bit but he had to vocalize before he started singing again so he began, "Mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi..." ...who heard him all the way from BlogginghamPalace and said, "Where is that awful noise coming from? Is there a sick wailing Wacky Mom loose in the woods?" She said, "I'll bet Songbird can teach him to sing!" but she was busy BONDing in the desert with Kathleen who sat writing heresy in her diary. She was absolutely no help. So Mi-Mi asked Kat to put him on the PP&P list to save his sorry soul. Alas, Ralph the Airhead made a new batch but the Patti-cakes fell in Polliwog's Pond and nobody got to eat cake after all! It was all Bee's fault (somehow). Feeling sorry for herself, she pranced over to Odat's for a dance but she only heard strange mumbling...
That mumbling, however, resulted from The Alien Next Door trying to clone Justin Stanley's Weblog. The meticulous and risky cloning occurred throughout several millennia, past, present, and future. Or so it seemed; no one could keep count. It was just too much. The mind-numbing years had finally sublimed the earth into a pristine Bobbarama. All well and good, said Bob, but whatever happened to the rules? Before anyone got hurt, however, enough stars fell and crashed to alert Sci-Fi Girl, who grabbed her laptop and returned to the woods, where Mimi's Dating Profile popped up, allowing a lion to lie happily next to a lamb…
Now, the insane writer burst into the forest, kissing the dogwood and sat on the lion, spinning tales about sci-fi girl's boyfriend, sci-fi guy, who had his eye on [her] DNA, which he was hoping to sell for anything goes. But just then the mad goat lady and the drowsey monkey pranced into the forest and sang a truly quiet symphony, which annoyed the insane writer.
"What's that funky sound?" screamed sci-fi guy. "Well, it sure isn't a raspberry-latte!" grumbled the insane writer. "Get a grip, sci-fi guy! You're my main character! I expect you to know how to split an atom! Ignore that woman and her indolent pet! Now, go and do your dastardly thing!"
"Why You heartless, old bitty." screamed sci-fi guy. "How Dare You!"
"How dare I?" shouted the insane writer. "You know darn well that was one crummy cupcake, so how about you... sit down, shut up and give me back my five bucks!"
Mumbling to himself, sci-fi guy pulled a five dollar bill from his pocket, but then it suddenly hit him that he was nothing but a fictional character. How the heck was he suppose to give her a five dollar bill? She truly is insane. His thoughts were interrupted by another noise. Footsteps to be exact.
"Who's that?" sci-fi guy whispered. "I don't know." the insane writer said. "Ohhh my gawwd! Money does grow on trees!" A voice from nearby shouted."Never mind." The insane writer sighed. "It's just JOolian." Gosh you must have been wishing on a falling star to get money to grow on trees. Oh no, sighed the insane writer, "it's not just Joolian alone, it's also that pesky annoying Spaceman Spiff! There goes the neighborhood!"
There, I'm done... I think I have a headache:*(
Tag #2 ~ Integrasi Kaum
by Sebol
Rantaian tag ini bertujuan untuk memperkukuhkan Integrasi kaum di Malaysia.
Setiap orang yang kena Tag dikehendaki hanya mengetag 2 orang,
satu orang dari kaum sendiri,
satu orang dari kaum lain.
Sebagai contoh, jika orang Cina dikenakan tag, dia hendaklah mengetag 1 orang cina, dan lagi satu orang bukan Cina, iaitu India atau Melayu
Tugasannya amat mudah, Hanya buat pautan ke URL 2 pemblog itu , nyatakan huraian sedikit.
Oleh itu saya ingin mengetag:-
Spiff - Spiff, The Spaceman
Ann - Life's Daily
Di harap Tag ini kekal dalam B.M
Tag #3 ~ One Answer Meme
by Shemah Nick Cindy
One of the easiest, most straightforward and fun meme to do... Now I wish they were all like this!
1. Where is your Cellphone? bedroom
2. Relationship? no comments
3. Your Hair? wavy
4. Work? up to my neck
5. Your sister? Ann
6. Your favorite thing? books
7. Your dream last night? Scary
8. Your favorite drink? Sparkling juice
9. Your dream car? Ferrari
10. The room you’re in? mine
11. Your shoes? worn out
12. Your fears? future
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? happy
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? family
15. What are you not good at? public-speaking
16. Muffin? cupcake
17. One of your wish list items? a new handphone
18. Where you grew up? Sabah
19. Last thing you did? type
20. What are you wearing? T. Shirt
21. What aren’t you wearing? secret!
22. Your pet? none
23. Your computer? Dell
24. Your life? so so
25. Your mood? moody (cos I'm doing loads of tags)
26. Missing? mom
27. What are you thinking about right now? cream cheese & strawberry jam sandwich
28. Your car? none
29. Your kitchen? clean
30. Your summer? hot
31. Your favorite color? orange
32. Last time you laughed? today
33. Last time you really cried? last week
34. School? so over and done with
35. Love? family
I tag: No one!
Tag #4 ~ Weird Meme!
by Spiff The Spaceman
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Her Most Serene Highness Lady Nessa the Talkative of Peevish St Victor Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
You snap your cookie open, extract your fortune, and read:
My Fortune Cookie told me: Your One True Love will knock on your door in precisely 2 months, 8 days, and 14 hours; unfortunately, you will be out. Get a cookie from Miss Fortune |
I tag: Ann ~ Cindy ~ PapaJoneh ~ Angeline
Tag #4 ~ Birthday Meme!
by Nick
- Go to Wikipedia and type in the month and day of your birth.
- Write three events, two births, one holiday and then tag 5 more buddies with it.
- There are 5 slots in this Birthday Meme. As you are tagged, remove the name in the first slot and move everyone one place up, adding your name to the bottom.
3 Events
1908 - First beauty contest held in Folkestone, England.
1947 - Pakistan gains Independence from the British Indian Empire .
1994 - Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, the terrorist known as "Carlos the Jackal", is captured.
2 Births
1947 - Danielle Steel, American novelist
1973 - Jay-Jay Okocha, Nigerian footballer
1 Holiday
United States - National Creamsicles Day.
I tag: Ann ~ Shana ~ Shemah ~ Susie
Tag #6 ~ The Magnificient 7P's
by Nick
My 7 P's...
Passion: Family
Purpose: The truth
Pursuit: Happiness
Position: Goalkeeper??
Pummeling: My mind
Progress: Working on it!
Personality: Jekyll & Hyde
And now, I tag: No one:)
Tag #7 ~ Million $ ??
by Nick
If I had a million dollars...
Gosh there are just so many things I'd do with a million dollars but first of all I'd do the ones that are top of my list :)
- Pay my loans
- Save for my kids' education
- Give some to my sisters
**Start Copy**
Instructions :
Proposition: If you Have $1,000,000.00…………………………
Requirements: continue above sentences
Tag Mode: 5 blogger
1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd - Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by comment in their blog or etc.
What They Do With Their $1 Million
1. SYH will spend for Family
2. Miche will give to the needy
3. Montessorimum will keepsake
4. Lovely Mummy will spend & save
5. MummyInVain will fullyutilise
6. Babyfiona will buy house and open business
7. MonkeyWong will go for a long vacation
8. Janice Ng will upgrade house and go for long vacation
9. Emila Yusof will realise her dream
10. Mariuca will open a Perfume Gallery
11. OndeOnde will quit her job!
12. Joe will buy a house and gives to charity
13. Bobo will invest in property and let her parents go on a holiday
14. Nick will waste away his small fortune
15. Adrian will spend it all
16. Barrett will do ALOT of travelling
17. Arsenal Marketing will Tithe 10%, use 10K for advertising, Invest the rest
18. Bobby will be on a World vacation forever
19. Seiche would Fix you but good
20. SpeedCat will Buy 2 golf holes!
21. Florencetoh will settle her education & ensure her family’s future is looked after.
22. Minibites will build a house, etc
23. Ingrid would do the sensible thing financially…
24. Bengbeng will relocate to Penang
25. Jean Chia will open a 'pet's clothing cum cafe' store
26. Nessa will solve all her problems
I choose not to tag anyone... there, happy now?;)
My eyes nearly popped out! LOL.. But then again... the world would be a boring place without being tagged! :)
ReplyDeletehahahaha.. balas dendam nampak!
ReplyDeleteIt really seems like an interesting tag to do! Thanks, nessa! These are lifesavers when you've got to do those in-between posts! hehehehehe...
Ann, I was torn between tagging you or not! But you were the perfect candidate:) LOL
ReplyDeleteShemah - Yeah, these are definitely life savers esp. after every 'sponsored' post!!
ReplyDeleteNessa, thanks for tagging me. I'm gonna hunt you down and transmogrify you into a lion or something... LOL! Will get down to the tags as soon as I can, k?
ReplyDeleteSpiff, no rush. Don wori, I'll definitely tag you again! ;D
ReplyDeleteGreat job on the story! Thank You for playing along.
ReplyDelete-Joy aka The Insane Writer
Joy, thanks. It was a fun meme:)
ReplyDeleteNessa!! U crazy woman u! Ha ha ha ha, this is the longest tag post ever!! Hey, the insane writer one looks harder than my rudolph returns! Bet u got a huge migraine from that one! :):):)
ReplyDeleteOh and I added u to my millionaire post!
ReplyDeleteMarzie, yup! I nearly gone insane after doing so many tags... and I still have some more... Uwahhh:*(
ReplyDeleteThanks for adding me in your millionaire post:)