If you want to go 'green', you would be happy to know that there's a substitute for that environmentally damaging polystyrene packs (those white coloured take-away packs at restaurants).
EcoPak is a product made from 100% natural oil palm fibres. It is 100% toxic-free (yay!) and is totally biodegradable within a short disposal period. Do you know how long it takes for plastic to decompose? It takes several thousand years, depending on the formulation. That's why some say plastic lasts forever.
I think McD's are already using this EcoPak thingy for their breakfast meals. I'm not sure la, unless of cos you wanna treat me to breakfast at McD then I can be sure la ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteI think I've seen those but I have no idea if they're EcoPak's. I'm too broke to treat you to McD la MD, maybe kedai kopi Ah Chong boleh la... hehe
ReplyDeleteNice! I think I've seen it somewhere, but I can't remember where. :P
ReplyDeleteEh.. speaking of McD, I feel like eating Bubur Ayam McD lar~~
Yea...I think McD's is trying to go somewhat totally green/Health conscience. Happy eating! LOL
ReplyDeleteCindy - Now that you've mentioned it, I also feel like eating McD's bubur... yummy:)
ReplyDeleteBobby - Yeah, good for McD. If only all the rest would follow suit. And I'd like to see Hypermarts providing paper bags (recycled ones of course).
I am sure this Ecopak project is expensive but I am sure it's worth to implement/produce them.
ReplyDeleteMcD bubur.. I wonder if there are flakes of burger on it! LOL forgot to try that last time.
I agree with you on the point of supermarkets using paper bags. Or even maybe we bring our own bags and not use the plastic bags they provide. But then, we'd have to change the mindset of everyone here and you know how environmentally friendly ignorant Malaysians are!
ReplyDeleteAnn - I suppose so, but Mother Nature sure would be happy! The bubur is pure bubur sis, rice and some pieces of chicken plus some fried shallots:)
ReplyDeleteNick - I'd bring my own plastic bags provided the supermarts give some incentive like discounts.