So today, I summoned all my strength to post something, nothing personal, just something I stumbled upon while surfing cos I was really, really bored... that's Monday blues for you. Reminds me of the 80's song 'Tell me why I don't like Mondays...'
The cat in the picture is Oscar and he is one special cat. How special? Well, this particular cat can actually sense the imminent death of the sick! Oscar has been adopted by a Nursing Home in Providence, USA and is always been seen keeping vigil at the bedside of patients who will be 'expiring' soon. When death is near, Oscar nearly always appears in the final hour or so but will show no special interest in patients who are simply in poor shape, or even those who may be dying but still have a few days left to live. This cat with an uncanny instinct for death has never failed to be wrong and with a record of predicting 25 deaths so far, caregivers take it as sign that family members should be summoned immediately to say their goodbyes.
While I'm awed by Oscar's ability, I would be totally freaked out if he ever jumped on my bed... I guess it's a sign for me to repent!!!! Lord, have mercy. Ok, excuse me for now while I go chase away all those stray cats hanging around outside the house...
Source - www.boston.com
I always knew those cats were useless critters. LOL! Just like you I got loads of strays making the back of my house a playground. Now I'm gonna be watching them more attentively. They get near my bed, I'm gonna run away screaming at the top of lungs .. mooooommmmmyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteHey MD, I didn't know you're such a scaredy cat! LOL As long as they don't do their business all over the house, I love cats:)
ReplyDeleteYes, our local newspaper also featured this story. Scary but I think cats have the ability to foresee things. I prefer cats than dogs though because cats don't make scary sounds like dogs do if they see something out of the ordinary.
ReplyDeleteDo you recall our kampong cat disappeared when mom left? It was caged at that time because we didn't want it to get into the house. Even your fish died:( Dad said maybe the cat & the fish accompanied mom in the other world... Yup, dogs have those eerie howls at night. I wonder if they see things we don't see...
ReplyDeleteI've read the same story in the papers too and I've gone thru some similar experiences like you have. When a close relative of mine left this earth, the very next day the fishes died.(and this relative used to take care of all the fishes) Strange how the animal kingdom is closely associated with the dead ... nice post and I must say that you have a pretty interesting blog:) *cheers*
ReplyDeleteOh Nessa, I'm a coward to the max, especially when it comes to the supernatural ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteNice!! I love stuff like this!! It's a wonder how cat can predict stuff. Sometimes, cats are always associated with "ghostly" stuff too.. =/
ReplyDeleteI remember the time I woke up one evening, I saw a black cat "floating" outside my bedroom window, staring at me. I swear it was staring at me! It didn't hit me that it was "floating" until a few minutes later. (Baru bangun, very blur bah) The next day, I caught up with high fever. =/
7th Heaven - Wow! That's intriguing. I wonder if there are others who have similar experiences. Thanks, hope to 'see' you again:)
ReplyDeleteMD - I'm a coward too when it comes to supernatural stuff. Just not my cup-of-tea.
Cindy - Black cat floating huh? Just make sure it doesn't hop on your bed like Oscar does!! Takotttt...
Hi Nessa, I'm happy that my 3 kitties are NOT related to Oscar he he he... And thanks for joining my contest dear! :)
ReplyDeleteI just read about Oscar on wikipedia. Coincidence?
ReplyDeleteYup...I heard of this cat before..Its may be one of the Dead lord's pet
ReplyDeleteI never even heard of this story and I am a state away!!
ReplyDeleteIt is kinds creepy..
Mariuca - They're just kitties, wait til they're older... (creepy music in background!) You accept bribes ah, can pull strings or not to win the contest! LOL
ReplyDeleteHui Sen - Awesome! It's like a scene from the Twilight Zone...
Kenneth - The Lord's dead?? :)
房房 - Hi to you too:)
DS - You're a state away? Whoaa... Now that is creepy!!
Oh no Nessa! They're much too adorable to ever be this scary (although kinda cute) cat! :)
ReplyDeletei read about oscar too! n wanna blog about it as well... but then after tat, it eluded me already and only reminded about it when i read it here.
ReplyDeleteu from sabah? im from sabah too bah! hehe...
Hello CK Tan! Your name is familiar la. Ya bah, from Sabah... Orang Penampang:)