Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Going Bust!

I am happy that I'm done with Christmas shopping :). But very soon I will be busy shopping (again) for 'Back-to school' stuffs... I hate year ends, it's basically shop,shop,shop and shop. One of these days I'm going to drop from exhaustion!

I am tempted to count all the money I've spent so far but I dare not. I have this peculiar habit of listing down all my expenses for future reference but I never tally the amount. I had better not or else my blood pressure would soar as high as Mount Kinabalu!

I was so engrossed with thinking on how to make ends meet should I burst my budget this month that I've even contemplated Payday Loans. Yup, it's that bad. Well, I think they are better and far more secure compared to going to loan sharks... that will be like giving my life to them... I don't fancy having a red coloured porch anyway... hehehe.

Oh, how I wish I could be a little girl with no responsibilities... it's nice to play, eat, sleep and never having to worry about bills, bills, and endless bills. Sigh...


  1. I dare not count the amount of money I've spent too. I know it has gone wayyyyy over my budget oledi. Konon budget 2.5k, manatau gone overboard odi. :*(

    I think I balik Sabah ni, minta my parents belanja makan saja lah. Can save money. Hahahahha!

    Have a wonderful day, Nessa. Write paid posting banyak-banyak so you have extras for your kid's school stuff! :D


  2. "I am tempted to count all the money I've spent so far but I dare not" Same here :(

    Great post. I also wish I didn't have financial responsabilities :)

    Have a lovely day!

  3. oooOOoooo.. I have yet to start my shopping and am afraid to even think about how much money I'll be spending. Syura is the frugal one.. and I'm the spendthrift one.

    Wish me luck!! :D

  4. Oh! I am not yet done with Christmas shopping for Vanessa and hubby, I guess there will be a big hole soon.

    Today, I've sent all the packages! Phew! that was a lot of work but I'm glad it's done and I don't want to see the post office till next year. LOL

  5. i wish im that girl with no worries too...sia pun blm habis with my shopping nie and oredi im thinking how much money is there left for me to spend. :(

  6. Urrrmmm, lets just say I'm probably going to have to eat the grass outside my lawn next month at the amount I spent ... LOL!

  7. Cindy - Fuyoo... over 2.5K!! Wah, hebatnya... I wish I had the same amount of budget :D

    Ya, tengah berabis buat paid postings la ni... hehehe


  8. La Delirante - It's weird coz when I was still a student, I wanted so badly to work, earn money and stay on my own. Not realizing the huge responsibility that came with it.

    Happy Wednesday to you :D

  9. Shemah - I went to Carrefour today and they were having discounts of up to 70% on their X'mas products and other stuff. If I knew I would have shopped till the last minute... so, ada juga kebaikannya... hehe

    Yeah, Syura is saving for her DSLR camera... it won't be long before she gets it!

  10. Ann - Oh, my purse has a huge 'hole' in it... will take time to repair it... hehehe

    I've posted your package too, a week ago... but it'll only reach you in 2 months time. I couldn't afford sending it via courier :(

  11. Carol - Inda apalah ba kan... once a year seja... nasib baik sia inda celebrate CNY! Kalau tida, bankrupt la diri ini... hehehe

  12. Nick - Eat grass?? Hey, welcome to the club! Don't forget the stones too, they're crunchy! LOL

  13. Counting the money I spent on the month of December? Oh no! I can't do that either, is scares me off and I might whine over the money I spent from gifts to foods to anything. Gee... I don't even want to think about it. It is like having a loan and you were worried about the regular deductions on your salary. I am not against Loans but sometimes Payday Loans Online are really of great help to people with urgent needs. Adding to it is it's becoming easy and more convenient for us doing transactions online. Give thanks to Online Payday Loans sites for doing that...and thanks to the internet. If you are looking quotes for a payday loan, check the site. They are happy to assist you with a payday loan and by giving you multiple quotes on payday loans.

  14. Hi James! Welcome to Mumblings :) Sori, I just read your comment. I must have overlooked it. You are right about these Online Loans. Really convenient but one has to be extra careful too.

    Thanks for dropping by, sori (once again) for the late reply.


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