Sunday, December 2, 2007

I Want My Own TV

I've been reading on a lot of blogs about Plasma TV's and to be honest, I wish I had one for myself in my room. Why? Because it's so cool:). Well, the truth of the matter is I've been thinking of getting a TV for my room for quite a while now. Whenever I'm home I don't get to watch much because those two lovable sons of mine always hijacks the TV to watch their favourite cartoon shows. Which doesn't really leave me with much TV time.

By the time they're through with the TV, I'm already sleepy. That's why I want to get one for myself in the room where I can catch up on some of my favourite shows without having to fight for TV time with them all the time. You should hear the ruckus we make fighting for the remote control! And since I'm thinking of getting one, why not a plasma TV right? Got to dream big right?... hehehe. Those things are sleek and mean looking.

Seeing as how my room isn't all that big and space is a little on the small side, a nice slim plasma TV, mounted on the wall with one of those high quality TV Wall Bracket would suit me just fine. That way, it wouldn't take up valuable real estate space. I'm also thinking of getting myself an electric oven so I could try my hands on baking cupcakes! Gosh, I've been eyeing a lot of stuff lately. Must remember to work harder on my assignments so I can actually get all of them for real :D


  1. Wah.. speaking of TV, I remember the day when I complained to my bf how boring it is not having a TV in the bedroom. Then one fine day, he came home with a troop carrying a plasma tv! I so happy lah konon got plasma tv! In the end.. the tv was installed at the living room...

    He got me another TV tho.. the normal flat screen. -_-"

    But yes, it's nice to have your own TV in your bedroom. You get to change the channel as you like without having anyone to fight with you! For the time being, I'm happy with my cheap TV. Yang penting can watch Astro!

    PS: Good luck on your paid posting. You have a lot of stuff to do with the money oh. Shopping, vacation.. now TV! kekekeke~

  2. I've bough RM 369 21' flat screen CRT TV 2 month ago.

    cheap enough for "TV pakai buang"

  3. Cindy - I could imagine your disappointment the Plasma TV's not for you... hehehe. But getting a Flat Screen TV isn't too bad either kan:)

    For now, my paid postings money will be used for Christmas and back-to-school stuff for the kids... nothing for me yet. Oh well...

  4. Sebol - Wah, got such thing as 'TV pakai buang' ya... hebat:) Yeah, the non branded TV's are pretty cheap these days. Might just buy the 'TV pakai buang'... hehehe

  5. dont go for non branded,
    some lower class brand like "mistral", "pensonic", "ECE"

    I saw this 3 brand produce 21 flat scren CRT TV below RM 400.

    that brand actually "baru nak naik" , so they must maintain their quality.

    out of 3 brand, i would like to suggets you ECE, they even sponsor LCD TV for Buletin Utama.

    it mean, they are serious producing TV.

    fyi. my TV pakai buang is PENSONIC.

  6. I would DIE without TV.

    flat screen, wall bracket hung...and all yours.

    its a MUST

  7. Sebol - I've had bad experiences with Pensonic so I won't buy that brand.

    I might check out ECE. Thanks for the info :)

  8. Meleah - Nicely put... I'm going to get a flat screen TV, wall bracket hung for sure! LOL

  9. If I had the money to burn, I swear I'd get the biggest, sleekest one. I love TV lol.....

    P.S. Remember your 'sweetest award', I just claimed mine lol.... I believe you have something to claim as well ;)

  10. Ivy - Thanks for putting it up:)

    I wonder what it is... I'll hop over!


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