Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sealed With A Kiss...

What I love about living in KL is getting my letters delivered right up to my doorstep! Unlike living in my kampung (village) back home, we don't have any individual residential mailboxes. We had to use the community postal agency where the whole village used the same address. It was unreliable as you tend to get your letters mixed up or even taken by unscrupulous people!

I do hope the authorities will allow the villagers to put up their own Residential Mailboxes eventually. I personally love the design below:)


  1. nice design and its interesting to know how people around the world get their mail... :)

  2. Hi! I really dislike that system when all the letters are mixed. I was renting a flat and the mailbox was not closed so everybody could not only see your mail but also take it!

    Now my mailbox is closed! :)

    Have a nice day!

  3. I never ever used the one from the community postal agency. Sometimes, i wonder why kampungs are not labelled with house numbers?
    But I would pity the postman who delivers the letter, for sure it would be like forever to distribute the letters, probably also get bitten by stray dogs and cats! LOL

  4. Ori - Ya, I like it for its minimalistic design, especially the red flag (I've no idea what its called)!

    No more guessing if I've letters or not :D

  5. Oh, I love those traditional mailboxes ... looks so cool unlike the concrete looking cold ones we have here!

  6. i would want my own residential mailbox too!

    malas oh have to go Post Office every time wanna get mails.

  7. La Delirante - A closed/locked mailbox makes all the difference and guarantees a peace of mind.

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

  8. Ann - I think it's because the houses are not in order. Imagine if it's a setinggan... pening kepala juga! Hehehe

    I agree with the stray dogs and cats... not to mention chickens and buffaloes!

  9. OoooOO! I love mailboxes like these.. and when you see that red flag up, makes you wonder what mail you'll have inside!

  10. Shemah - I wonder why they didn't incorporate that little red flag in our normal mailbox...

    Like you've mentioned, we won't be wondering anymore especially when we're expecting important letters ya:)


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