Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sensitive Son

Last night while I was engrossed watching 'My Wife & Kids' on TV, my son said to me, 'Mom, why aren't you talking to me... you hate me!'

I was stunned to say the least, so I asked him why he said such things. Apparently he asked me something when I was watching the show and I didn't answer his question. I honestly didn't remember anyone talking to me, all I know I was laughing like crazy because that show is so funny:D

I guess it was partly my fault for ignoring him, the other part I have to blame the show... hehehe. I did apologize to my sulking and sensitive boy... whoever becomes his girlfriend will have to put up with his sensitivity (poor girl)!


  1. I think he will be a very caring and romantic boy when he grow up! Untung girl friend dia! ;)

  2. I like that show too. Monday night is sitcom night! :):):)

  3. Marzie - I haven't seen it for a while. But my favorite has to be 'Everybody loves Raymond' :D

  4. I love Monday Sitcom nights! :D and Everybody loves Raymond is my all time great, oh, and That 70's show rocks too ...

    Well, sensitives boys are way cool, I'm sensitive too ... LOL

  5. Nick - I love 'Raymond' too, he's hilariously funny :D. But I'm not too keen on 'That 70's Show' though...

    You sensitive?? Selalu merajuk la ni... hehehe


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