Monday, December 3, 2007

Eat Some Paintball Bullets Dude!

I attended a teambuilding course with my office mates several years ago in a kampung called Tambatuon near Ranau, Sabah. It went for about 3 days and one of the activities that I enjoyed most was the war game. They were about 30 of us and we were divided into 2 groups. The purpose of the game is to 'take out' the opposing team members by successfully throwing water balloons and flour at them!

It's sort of like 'Paintball', except those days we didn't have the proper Paintball gear so we had to improvise from there! :) It was so much fun... most of the senior staffs were bombarded with the special water bombs! You could imagine their faces and bodies all drenched in this whitish mixture! LOL

It would have been twice the thrills and adrenalin rush if only we had those awesome Paintball guns. I've played a few strategy games and it is fun shooting those guns and gadgets, even if it's only a game... I felt as if I was this super heroine out to pulverize all the baddies, just like Lara Croft the Tomb Raider:)

Now, if you're into this Paintball thing and don't know where to start, you can head to this great site for all the latest brands/products. Check out their offerings on the best gears, tips, videos, articles, suppliers, FAQ's even customer reviews. You can even sharpen your skills by watching their videos of Paintball tournaments, to Paintball scenarios like D-Day and Normandy to give you a better idea of the game play and strategies. They've basically covered almost everything you need to know about Paintball.

I'm actually pretty excited about trying it out myself. Now to go look for some victims... urrrmmm... buddies to join me in my quest to be the next Lara Croft Paintball queen... hehehe...


  1. Paintball, I've always wanted to join in some paintball game or tournament ... Maybe I should invite all my buddies (which would only total to 2) and go join one or something ... LOL!

  2. there are two paintball place here in kk already. sia pun minat daa mau try but havent got enuf quorum to go bah... :(

  3. Hello hehe owez wanted to play..but expensive i guess in KK so..have to pass la for now and forever lols :)


  4. Hey! I'm planning to try it on my next trip to KK! :D

  5. Nick - Oh, that would be fun! :D

    I wonder who'll get mauled first?? Not me... hehehe

  6. Chegu Carol - Bah, nanti sia balik kampung buli la kita sama-sama pigi main tembak-tembak... haha

  7. Limadang - Have to pass now and forever? Don't be like that bah... with your sponsored posts, I'm sure you can afford it kan :)

  8. Haizum - Wow, I'm sure you'll have a blast.

    I had fun with the water bombs (a poor man's version of paintball)... really felt like my colleagues and me were at war!

  9. Hi i love Paintball! It is a very good teambuilding game.

    I just blog hop to your blog. You have a nice blog! Could we exchange links? I have added your link, could you add mine too? Thanks.

  10. I've always avoided paintball cuz I didn't wanna get bruised. I bruise like a peach. So when I saw my friend kena tembak sampai his skin pecah and can see the flesh, I terus phobia!

  11. Hi Make Traffic! Welcome to Mumblings:)

    Thank you for the kind comments. I've added you in my Technorati favorites instead, hope you don't mind.

    Have a nice day:)

  12. Syura - Really? Sounds awful:( I guess you don't feel the pain during the game... my strategy is to 'bertapuk' till the game is over! LOL

  13. holy nice blog! paintball is extremely fun, make sure to wear your mask, and put on your barrel blockers!

  14. Hi Niko! Welcome to Mumblings :) Thank you for the compliments.

    I'd definitely want to experience the real Paintball game one day... if I don't get a heart attack first! LOL


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