Monday, December 3, 2007

Cuba Teka?

Here it is again folks, more 3D images for you to feast your eyes upon. More chances for you to squint, cross, bug, pop, rattle and roll your eyes trying to figure out what hidden images will pop out of the picture... hehehe ...

I derive such pleasure from all this, knowing that you're straining your eyes trying to see just what is in that pile of garbled image? LOL! Ok, I'm going a little overboard with myself here. I actually like posting this 3D Image thingy every so often, especially when I have absolutely no idea what to write. Not to mention that it serves just fine as an in between posting :D

Ok, folks, go wash your eyes, drop a couple of eye drops in them, then sit in front of your screen and tell me what you see...

*cuba teka? = guess what?


  1. Hmmm, this is a hard one. It looks like Mr. M&M's to me ... So what is it ah?

    Spiff, The Spaceman

  2. Eeeek!! That is that?!!

    Ada kaki, ada kasut, got hand also.. and kepala macam segi empat.

    Apa tuh??!!!

    A tooth with shoes and gloves?? O.O

  3. I mean.. "what is that??"

    Typo sudah.. telampau takajut. LOL!!!

  4. It could be a monster or an owl! LOL

  5. It's an alien from the planet of green grapes!! Or could it be Mr Spiff the Spaceman?? LOL!

  6. Kind of like a skull with 2 legs staring at me...LOL

  7. looked like a green fruit? a green monster with two horns, two hands and two big feet...hehe

  8. Nessa! I saw two aliens, a big one behind a small one. Got kaki and tangan.

  9. Mr M&M's X
    Tooth with shoes and gloves X
    Monster or owl X
    Alien from planet of green grapes X
    Spiff, the Spaceman X
    Skull with 2 legs X
    Green monster X
    Aliens X

    Looks like no one has managed to come up with the correct answer... hehehe. Try again peeps... open your eyes wider :D

  10. It's a chicken made of thousands of green beans being glued together! LOL

  11. Aiyo!!!! This is a tough one... I couldn't see the image at first..maybe cause it's too early in da morning. Is it a cat wearing a bow tie? LOL!!!!

  12. uiyoo all the above pun bukankah? very hard oh this one.

    i still only can see an almost heart shape image with two horns, two hands and two legs with two big feet. :)

    what is it Nessa?

  13. Chicken made of thousands of glued green beans X
    Cat wearing bow tie X (that's a good one though... hehehe)
    Heart with horns, hands, legs with 2 big feet X
    Green dots X

    I'll keep you guys in suspense for a while, maybe till this weekend :D. OK, maybe just a little hint. It's a fruit but it's not green ;)

  14. looks like a strawberry... with hands and legs! LOL!

  15. it strawberry with hands and legs and big feet ( i just have to say that big feet lah) hahaha

  16. Yay!! We have a winner...

    Congrats Shemah! (Applause!)

    The correct answer is 'Strawberry man' :D

    Thanks to all of you who have participated in the game, try again next time ya.

  17. wooohoooo!!!!! I GUESSED RIGHT! and for everyone's information.. I thought it BEFORE nessa gave the hint! I just commented it later. teehehehehehe!!

  18. Strawberry man it seems ha ha ha ha ha....let me try finding this strawberry man again after this. Faster post another one la! :):):)

  19. Ha ha ha okay I see it!!! Suddenly the strawberry man appeared so clearly after u gave the answer! Good one!

  20. Hehe! Now.. why didn't I think of that?.. but then again.. who could ever thought strawberry is green. LOL

  21. Congrats Shemah! Don wori, I believe you... hehehe.

    Sori I've no hadiah for the winner. Thanks for participating ya :D

  22. Marzie - Yeah, this one's pretty funny... I mean where got strawberry man kan? At least it got everyone scratching their heads! LOL

  23. Ann - I guess it's to trick everyone. If it was red, so easy la... macam kacang :)


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