Sunday, December 2, 2007

Should I Take The Plunge?

I've been thinking of having my own domain for quite a while now. I've seen some bloggers migrate their blogs to their own servers and it kinda intrigued me as well. I've been blogging since early February and I didn't know I'd even come this far in the blogging industry, wow, blogging industry it seems. LOL!

But to be honest, I don't know a single thing about getting or owning my own domain. How do I even get started with finding the right hosting company. How much would it cost me a month? Are they any good? I mean, I wouldn't want my blog being unavailable all the time now do I? But when it come to stuff like these, I'm a total klutz!

So I did what I always do when I need to learn or find out about something. I went online and started finding out about the best hosting packages they have to offer out there. And I must say the results were pretty impressive. They were quite a few, but I was attracted to this site called web hosting choice. They're basically an advertisement free guide that helps you in choosing the right web host for your needs.

For people like me who are blur cases in web hosting, they have a neat learning area where they explain the fundamentals of web hosting starting with a quick start guide that will have you creating your own site in no time right up to a FAQ section where your most common web hosting questions are answered. That would be real useful to dummies like me.

Even for those looking for specific features such as Unix hosting right up to needing MS SQL provided by your web host, you can access their web hosting plans directory and do a quick find for web hosts that provide such features. And with their advanced search page, you can get down to the detailed specifics where you can pick every single feature you want with web hosting. That makes life so easy and I should be an expert in no time... hehehe.

Well, now all I have to do is see if I'm brave enough to move all my stuff from my current blog into one that I can host myself. That's going to be a huge undertaking and I'm so afraid I'll lose all my current data and have to start all over again. That would be a bummer. But for those who are much braver than me, then do check out the web hosting choice site, I'm sure they would be a great deal of help to you.


  1. I've been toying with the idea of my own domain, but just like you I'm not too sure how to go about getting it done. I really don't mind if I lose all my data though, cos I could always start all over again and seeing as how my PR is a nice zero, so nothing much to lose, ya? LOL! One day maybe you will see an Anything Goes on it's on domain ...

  2. I'm so 'buta IT' and I too have been thinking of getting my won domain but have no clue how to start!

    Also this anxiety of losing my current date

    I'll check the website recommended by you :)

  3. Oh me too Nessa, but too afraid to take that plunge just yet. I'll wait for u to do so first la LOL! ;)

  4. Sis.. you really should get your own domain, since you're making money now you could afford it. If you have your own domain and have a high pr, you could double your income even more than now. Not only that but you can do more with your site, maybe sell something, sell an ebook.. who knows!

  5. I gave it whirl with my Nascar blog through go's only been a month or two but it seems to be working alright...I didn't have to change anything I just got the domain registered through and then had it forwarded to my blog on I didn't have to move anything...I figured I would try it for awhile and see how it works hits are up.. so far so good...

  6. Nessa I've been thinking the same thing but like you, I'm not brave enough yet!

  7. Having your OWN domain is AWESOME. I love being in charge, and there are so many more capabilities.

    I say HELLS YES!!

  8. Nick - Hey, why don't you try it first? If everything goes smoothly for you, then I'd follow suit... hehehe.

  9. Hi Frankensteina! Your brother is Frankestein ah? Just kidding :)

    Welcome to Mumblings :) Heck! I also not very terror in this IT thingy. I love Blogspot one thing because it is so easy to use... and free! LOL

    Hope to see you around more often :)

  10. Marzie - I'm also afraid la... still need to research dulu la this thing, when I'm confident with myself and the web-hosting company, then I'll definitely get my own domain :)

  11. Ann - Ya, that does sound interesting. I don't have a high PR, but I am pretty happy with my assignments, $5 pun a lot if you kumpul2 ya :)

    Would be nice to sell something one day... angan-angan Mat Jenin lagi ni

  12. Hey there Nascar and the Canadian Curmudgeon! What's a curmudgeon?

    Welcome to Mumblings:)

    Glad to hear yours worked well. And you get a lot of hits, that's great... 2 thumbs up :)

  13. Meleah, Haizum & Emila - Thanks for the encouragement girls :D


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