Friday, February 8, 2008

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star...

I think my older boy is going to grow up to be an astronomer or something. Whenever we go out shopping he'll always ask me to buy him a telescope. Yes, a telescope! I mean, he could ask me for tons of other stuff for a boy his age like a football, a PlayStation (thank god he doesn't ask for that one... LOL!) or even football boots, but no, he asks me for a telescope. Gee, does he know how much a telescope cost?I mean a real good one, not those cheap ones that you couldn't even use to spy on the next door neighbors... hehehe

I actually asked him what he wants it for. I mean, you can never tell right, maybe he wants to spy on that pretty girl across the street or something. He is turning into a teenager you know.But instead he tells me he wants to look at the stars. I'm stunned speechless, I never knew he was into astronomy, with his condition and all. I love star gazing so I think it's a good hobby but those telescope sure cost a bomb.

Besides I don't think he'll take very good care of it. He tends to dismantle anything he gets his hands on in no time. Maybe I could get him one of those binoculars I read about in a website somewhere. They don't really cost as much as a high end telescope. I know you can't really do much star gazing with binoculars but I don't think he'll really be looking at the stars all that much. Even now, when he plays with my younger boy's toy binoculars, he looks at everything but the stars... LOL!

But one day I would also like to get one for myself. I love star gazing and it would be a cool thing to do on a nice clear night. I wonder how far a star I could really see with a good telescope. Maybe I'll even be able to see Mork from Ork... LOL! I've always loved star gazing but never really got down to doing much of it. With the weather here and the amount of pollution in the air, trying to gaze at the night sky is really not all that conducive. Besides there are way too many mosquitoes out there to be staying outdoors too long to do any star gazing!


  1. Star Gazing? Well, come fly with me in my rocket ship and I'll take you so near the stars, you can practically walk on it :D

  2. Hi Nessa,

    First time here,read your post on yr boy s interest for a just remindered me of my younger days when i wanted one so badly to watch the stars too....not girls ok.Surprisingly my daughter has a similar interest. i bought her a pretty decent telescope for less then 100 ringgit from Toys R Us.And if his interest progresses then you may look into getting him a better one which i have seen in Bangsar for around 1000+.

  3. Perhaps you might want to bring him to the National Planetarium in Lake Gardens at Jalan Perdana. It's everything about 'space'. ;D

  4. Spiff - Tempting offer but I fear those Zorkians might blow up your rocket ship :D

  5. Hi JD! Welcome to Mumblings :)

    That's great news, it gives me a reason to visit Toys R Us! I haven't been to Bangsar for years... I'd probably lost my way there :)

  6. Crystal - Hey, you're right! Now, why didn't I think of that?? :D I guess it totally slipped my mind... thanks :)


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