Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cash Or Card, Maam?

I was out at the neighborhood pharmacy the other day to get some 'girly' supplies. And after picking all the items I needed, I headed to the payment counter. Right ahead of me in the queue was a woman. She had just this one bottle of shampoo in her shopping basket and when it came for her turn to pay, the cashier asked her if she was paying in cash or card. And she smugly opened her slightly over sized handbag and whipped out her purse and threw her credit card on the cashiers table and said 'Card, of course!'.

I was shocked. Not because she was arrogant and rude but for the fact that for just one bottle of miserable shampoo, she used her credit card to pay! It couldn't have cost more than RM6.00 for that bottle. I mean I know everyone uses a card to pay for things these days for the convenience but for such a small sum, the cashier had to swipe the card, wait for the approval code, wait for the transaction slip and that took like more than 5 whole minutes! Just for a RM6.00 bottle of shampoo. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt though, maybe she didn't have cash at all with her today and I guess with the numerous credit card deals, why bother to apply for one and not use it right?

When I first applied for a credit card, it sure wasn't easy. I was just waiting for the day when my salary was decent enough to be able to qualify and the deals and promos they had back then weren't as good and appealing as what they offer these days. Now you can get promos like zero percent credit cards, free gifts, free for life just to name a few. With such tempting deals like that I'm not surprised everyone is clamoring for a credit card or two, and even more :D


  1. Tell me about it.. I was shopping for some kitchen stuff at Jusco last week when this guy ahead of me at the counter used his credit card to pay for a pathetic less-than-RM10 T-Shirt!! !#$$#$ Long queue and he still paid with a credit card!!!! Some people ar.. wanna showoff that they have credit card issit?!! As if they're the only one on Earth who has one..

  2. Oh, I absolutely hate these kind of people. I've nothing against the use of credit card, but for such a paltry amount pay cash la ...

    Imagine people actually using credit card to pay for newspapers one day!

  3. Cindy - Nasib baik only 2 of us at the counter, if not sia punya face sure masam oredi.

    Jusco is known for long queues and slow cashiers la, kadang2 tu dua cashiers seja on duty during peak hours... bikin panas oh!

  4. MD - Well, she could be carrying a debit card, these are popular nowadays. I won't be surprised if that happens one day :)

  5. Alala.. I tell you. There was this one time, during a shopping outing with my parents there was this woman, whose card was declined, and then she kept saying (screaming more like it), "What do you mean declined?? Cannot be.. IT's A PLATINUM YOU KNOW! PLATINUM".

    We tried hard not to laugh and ignored everything she said and continued on with our shopping. And until this day, we still say "IT'S A PLATINUM, YOU KNOW!" whenever we see someone whip out their credit card. LOL!

    I don't get why people are so smug about credit cards. Just goes to show that they have debts isn't it. Why so proud ya??

  6. Shemah - LOL! Some people ah, inda mau faham the meaning of 'declined' :D

    Those days it's tough to get one, these days it's so easy la. They even beg you to apply... hehe


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