Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Color Me Blue

I was watching one of my favorite shows, America's Next Top Model, when my elder boy suddenly turns to me and says:

'Mommy, I need to bring color pencils, pencils and a pair of scissors to school tomorrow'

OK, I thought, no big deal so I told him to go and pack the ones I bought him earlier in the year. Then, he says:

'Urmmm, I don't know where it is'

What? What does he mean he doesn't know where it is!! That boy has this habit of losing all his things and not knowing what happened to them. And this is not the first time. I've bought him all the essentials that he needs for his school but every time he needs to use it, he can never find it. And when I ask him about it, he can never give me a satisfactory answer. It's always I don't know :(

He must think I've got tons of money. On top of that he needs it tomorrow morning and he asks for it tonight, just after all the stores are closed. My kids always expects me to perform miracles. My younger boy is very possessive of his stuff and I'm sure he won't lend his brother his color pencils, that much I know. I guess I'm just going to have to quietly borrow them for his brother tomorrow.

I wonder if I could get it online from places like CouponChief. Maybe they would have colored pencil coupons on offer... hehehe. I think I've seen Toys 'R' Us coupons offering some pretty neat discounts on select Crayola Color Surge sets. Now if only they could send it in time for my son to take it to school with him tomorrow. And since we're on the subject of buying things, I saw this lovely pair of shoes, well, sandals really that are simply fabulous which I could get using the Target coupons which are offering free shipping for purchases of a certain amount, which is well within my budget :D

I'd better stop fantasizing or I'm going to go overboard and actually buy that pair of sandals. I've got more important things to worry about like explaining to my younger boy tomorrow where his color pencils went. I'm bracing myself for the ruckus he's going to be putting up cos that little fellow has one hell of a huge temper, just like his mama :D


  1. Kids just love doing that don't they? They just wait until the exact time the shops close then they'll tell you that first thing tomorrow morning they'll need this, that and also those! LOL!

  2. Nick - Yeah, it happens so many times that I think they purposely do that. Gives me unnecessary grief :(

  3. Hi Jason! Thanks for the heads up :) Wow, $900 a month... that's awesome! If only it didn't require you to pay first... Anyway, thanks for dropping by. Take care :)


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