Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Domino Game

I was tagged by Crystal of Choc Mint Girl. She just loves to tag me, thanks girl... hehe. This is very easy to do. Just follow the instruction below :)

Rule: Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. Tag at least 5 friends or more (if you like).
You may want to allow pings on your entry to enjoy the full domino effect. Urmmm... for the life of me, I have no idea what that means. I just copied and pasted it. If you happen to know (you're a genius!), let me know ya :D

And I'm tagging these 'lucky' people... (Drum roll)


  1. Woohoo, a tag for me :) And the best thing is that Nick fellow didn't get one ... muahahahahaha ... thanks for the tag. Will get it out soon :)

  2. Ha ha... I think what it means about allowing pings on your entry is to 'ping' everyone on the list he he he... Rasa-rasanya la ha ha ha...

  3. Spiff - You sure have a split personality syndrome... you had better get a Zorkian doc to check your brain! LOL

  4. Crystal - Just how the heck do you allow 'pings' on the entry? I'm still blur bah dis :(


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