Just what can you get with RM50 nowadays? Not much ya. I still remember when I was about 17, my eldest sister used to give me RM50 pocket money every month. Back then, RM50 could buy you a lot of things, I could have a satisfying meal at KFC, buy some girly stuff and still have some change for my schooling expenses. Really, the value of goods these days has really gone up that every cents count. And I mean every single cents!
Since we're on the subject of shopping, I have this habit of being very fickle minded. I'd put all the stuff I want in a shopping cart and halfway through my shopping, I'd go through what I've taken and check the prices, and I would return the stuff which I think were unnecessary to be begin with. And I would never leave the stuff I took in a wrong section like some people. I would take them back to their respective aisles!
I also love to rearrange things on those aisles, if I see things messed up, I would arrange them neatly because I hate seeing things messy. There were a few times the supermarket staff eyed me with curiosity when I started taking down most of the items on an aisle and start rearranging them. They probably thought I was some nut case or something. I guess if I ever worked in a supermarket, it would definitely be the neatest supermarket around! LOL
I am thankful with all the extra moolah that I make from SocialSpark. It may not be much but when you accumulate and save them, it could buy you that cellphone you've always wanted or that Gameboy your kid has been pestering you for all this while. You should give it a try, especially if you're a mommy blogger or a SAHM :)
Betul tu what you said about RM50! Kalau dulu that's like a month's allowance for me, man! Nowadays, kalau my youngest sis, si Seri, wanna go out with her friends jalan2 di Warisan Sq pun my Mom kasi RM50! Dulu she gave us RM10 only. And I was 17!! Nowadays, 50 bucks is nothing la..
ReplyDeleteHonestly,Rm50 is equivalent to RM10! nowadays living is tooooo expensive!!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, i have the same habit like you also Nessa..kadang kadang sia kasi penuh the basket or trolley...then before i go to the counter(worse sometime at the counter itself) sia kasih balik what i dont want but only take what i need. :( Bad habit.
yalor, everything is expensive nowadays, it's hard for us to survive..anyway have a great weekend
ReplyDeleteHappy to see a familiar face at SS, let's make more money! I need to go to UK and u need to visit ur sis in Austria was it? ;)
ReplyDeleteUrrmm, you know, when I was schooling, I used to take RM10.00 to school everyday la ...
ReplyDeleteAnd the cost of things are just going up and up and up and up, that I'll probably need a bank loan soon just o but bread la!
i still remember back in primary school. i only take 20 cents to school everyday. i always have my own lunch bag my mum prepared for me but i love having kacang putih and it only cost 10cents.. heh..
ReplyDeleteSyura - Wah, lumayan your sis. Tulah, untung bah those born much later than us kan :) Dulu when I was 17, I was even forbidden to go jalan2! Pigi party, sori la. My dad was very strict back then...
ReplyDeleteEmelda - Like dat, can you imagine gaji RM2,000 is equivalent to getting RM400 only. Eh, betul ka sia punya Math ni?? So little kan... mo pi kerja Singapore la ni.
ReplyDeleteI think byk yg ada dis habit, coz I see byk barang yang inda sepatutnya di aisle. Adakah patut ada sayur di rak minuman, lagi kana tapuk sana belakang!! Haha
Hazel - That's true. Can you imagine those with big families? Life is tough, and goods are not getting cheaper. Soon I'll probably have to resort to eating grass! Have a great week ahead :)
ReplyDeleteMarzie - I want to go to Austria!! :D Yeah, let's make tons of money. If you become a millionaire first, don't forget to belanja me tau! LOL
ReplyDeleteNick - Wah, so loaded ah... when I was in primary 1, my mom gave me 50sen only. I got RM1 pocket money when I was in form 1. I don't know how I survived with that much money, but back then things were not as expensive.
ReplyDeleteTell me about it... sugar, oil, ikan masin, tepung, noodles, milk, milo also went up in price! Won't be long before I become a pengemis di tepi jalan :(
Angie - Yeah, those were the days. I'd get a huge kueh and it only cost 10sen. Now, the price is 80sen and the size is so tiny. Ooh, I love kacang putih too :D
ReplyDeleteYou are so good lah Nessa to rearrange the goods back.. me if I coudn't see the sales girl around to assist me I just chucked them anywhere; bad habit kan.. maybe I'll change lah from now on.
ReplyDeleteIt's so true...everything is going up in price. You can't really buy that much with 50rm nowadays. My dad always complains that dulu he only took 10sen to skool and itu pun cukup! Hehehe
ReplyDeleteWould like to look for part time job in the supermarket? LOL...oi extra money tu geng hehe..
ReplyDeleteQueen Bee - No la, it wasn't my intention to help, cuma inda tahan tingu barang berserabut ba... hehehe
ReplyDeleteMy kids say I'm like polis, coz if I see things in places yg inda sepatutnya, ada lah yang kana marah tu.
Rozella - Zaman skool sia bawa 50sen ja masa primary 1. Those were the days, kuih pun basar2 saiz dia. Beras pun suda naik harga oh... now, have to eat less rice and less eating out :*(
ReplyDeleteHi Luthie! :)
ReplyDeleteActually sia berminat mo jadi cashier, easiest job in the world. Just make sure inda 'short' la tu duit... hehehe. Tapi sia notice kan, kebanyakkan tu cashiers keja sangatla slow, bikin panas...