Thursday, May 22, 2008

Everlasting Flowers

I have lost count how many fresh flowers I've received as gifts in my entire life because once they wilt and die, I throw them away. I am not fond of keeping the dried petals as they tend to accumulate dust. Such a waste ya. I wish fresh flowers could last a lifetime but it wouldn't be called fresh if that's the case, would it. Now, with silk plants and flowers, you can keep those memorable gifts for life.

So, no more fresh flowers for me for my birthday ya (it is in August if you must know)... get me the faux silk daisies, my favorite flower! *wink* But if you get me the artificial trees, I accept them with open arms as well :) I never need to water or fuss over them. I don't have a green thumb so that suits me just fine. Besides, I don't like getting my hands dirty... excuses from the lazy girl.

That reminds me, my sis birthday is this May 23rd (yikes, that's tomorrow!). I guess she won't be wondering what I'm getting for her. But sis, I'll have to wait for you to come down before you get your gift ya. Yeah, I'm a cheapskate... I know. It's the thought that counts, right? Hehehe

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  1. Flowers that last a lifetime, now wouldn't that be a great idea :D

    I'm not in favour of giving my loved one flowers as a gift, it's just for the moment and then it dies and it's gone.

    I'd rather give her something more practical, something that can last longer, makes it more memorable.

    But with this silk flowers, hmmm, sending flowers now seem like a great idea ... hehehe ...

  2. We do not need to care a lot for silk plants too, that's fantastic! hehehe...

  3. My favorite flower is also daisy but only the growing plant not silk.. heee. Wah!! Kesiannya sis tu, mau dapat "Gift" kena datang dulu..

  4. MD ~ I love fresh flowers but once they die, they don't look nice anymore. So, am I getting silk flowers for my birthday?? LOL

  5. Dora ~ Yeah, that's the best part. Just put it on display and you're done! :D

  6. Queen Bee ~ I can never grow Daisies la, I've tried but they never turn out nice.

    My sis lives in Austria, mahal bah mo antar hadiah... tulah mo tunggu dia balik dulu... hehehe

  7. Hmm.. I'm not really a flower person, but I think I'd like fresh more. Sure, they don't last very long, but they're real. And if you know how, dried flowers can actually be pretty nice.

  8. Haizum ~ I've attempted many times to dry the flowers, but I got ants infesting them instead... haha

    So, what's your favorite flower by the way? :)

  9. LOL!! I will keep this in mind but actually.. it's alright sis, you don't have to because it's the thought that really matters/counts.. thanks for your lovely birthday wish.
    Great big hugs... from me to you all there! Ann

  10. I love receiving fresh flowers! The bouquet B got me for my birthday last year made my office smelled lovely for days! :):):)

  11. Ann ~ Don't worry, it will be delivered personally. Boleh juga 'save' on postage bah kan :) So, when will you guys be home? End of the year or next year?

  12. Marzie ~ Fresh flowers are better, of course :) I think it's romantic getting fresh flower bouquets from loved ones. But that doesn't mean I don't accept the plastic ones :)


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