Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Visual Stimulants

It's time to 'menjulingkan mata' (cross your eyes) again! :) The days just pass by in such a flash, it feels as if I just posted these 3D images only a few weeks back. I kinda like 'torturing' you guys at least once a month... LOL! So here are the images, not too difficult this time. For Shemah (she has superb eyesight), these should be a piece of cake. Anyway, have fun 'crossing' your eyes peeps and tell me what you see hidden in these pictures.

We 'use' this everyday in our blogs, well most of us anyway...

They symbolize honor and loyalty...and sometimes peace

Urmmm... there's something in my plate!


  1. Wah, another eye puzzle ... I let you know tomorrow what it is, I'm so darn sleepy right now, I'm having trouble just writing this ... LOL!

  2. Nessa, this is my third time trying since day 1 i know you post this menjulingkan mata quiz...but never ever get anything right today lagi teruk..semua blank saja sia nampak.LOL!!

  3. Spiff - Sure, no probs. Take your time... I know this is not your cup of tea! LOL

  4. Emelda - Alala, kesian ko ni. Sia suda bagi clues tu. Try harder... tapi jangan tu mata terjuling trus ah :)

  5. Hahaha I have absolutely given up with all ur 'can see or not!'I just can't figure it out. :P

  6. Oh Nessa, I'm always dummy in this thing lah! I close open close open my eyes also can't get what's hidden in the 3 pix! I give up.


  7. Nessa, the green color looks like lipat-lipat origami, especially at the very bottom, macam swan kan? Looking at the blue one makes my perut gatal, geli oh! Pink tu cake cream kah? Give lah more clues like Fulus Mania.

  8. the first one is a smiley face bunt cake! haha.. second is ostriches with origami below and the third is.. the third is pretty tricky cuz i just looks like a ball in a bowl, with a heart in the middle... :P

    my brother last time told me that if you can't see anything, the trick is to really look at the picture really closely and slowly move your head back.. the 3D image would appear.. i dunno if it works for you guys.. i just cross my eyes.. hehehe..

  9. Yes, Shemah has brilliant eyes!

    1st pic: A smiley face.
    2nd pic: Two flamingos and ada bulan mengembang
    3rd pic: A plate/bowl with some kind of round vase wif heart shape opening.

    p/s my students punya lah kesiokkan tinguk ni benda when I gave them in class. Thanx for the links ah!

  10. I surrender oh Nessa, before I teka sudah juling mata sia kena torture haha...x lagi mau mengaku tida pandai bah kan haha..

  11. Ok, since you've already given the answers, I must say that I got all of it correct too ... LOL! (Yeah, right Nick!)

    But the 3rd one was so darn tough la. My eyes almost popped out trying to 'see' the image ... man, they get tougher each time you publish them ...:)

  12. Nes, Jason Castro boots out from AI.

  13. I saw cross +++ on the green ones but can't see what's in the first and last images. Cool! BTW, am I right? LOL

  14. hello nessa...whew..another eye stimulant...hahaha...well just dropping by to say happy mothers day to you and i have a virtual gift for you..please do visit me..thanks mwah...

  15. Hey Nessa, thanks for being the first to tell me about JC :( *sniff sniff*

    Btw, I got a simple tag for you.

  16. Rozella - Aiyah, don la give up so fast. This requires you 'julingkan mata' seja :D

  17. Dora - No la, no one's a dummy. It requires practice. I'll give you some tips.

    1 ~ Look at image at close range for several seconds
    2 ~ Then slowly pull back
    3 ~ Hidden pic will pop out instantly

    Here's another way. Just 'cross your eyes'... works all the time! Try it :)

  18. Queen Bee - No, that's not the image, it's just a clue but the hidden picture is different.

    Yeah, the blue looks kinda 'menggelikan' ya. Haha... Fulus Mania??! Eh, I no money to give to the winners bah :(

    The 3rd picture is not a cream cake. But you're close. Try again. The others have managed to answer correctly :)

  19. Haizum - I'm glad you like these :) So, can see or not?? Hehehe

  20. Carol - Yeah, another one with good eyesight or rather good at 'menjulingkan mata'! :D Ko suda byk prektis kan... I'm glad your students enjoyed this 'game'.

  21. Luthie - Sia kasi ko tips camana mo tingu ah.

    1 ~ Look at image at close range for several seconds
    2 ~ Then slowly pull back
    3 ~ Hidden pic will pop out instantly


    Kasi juling mata, memang nampak trus the hidden images! Try la... cuba pelan2 :)

  22. Nick - Yeah, you've done this countless times so it's easier for you :) The 3rd is a bit tough cos it's a combination of objects, but you should be able to 'see' it if you concentrate more. But not too much, it'll give you headaches!

  23. Queen Bee - Yeah, too bad for him but he was the weakest ya. I'll miss his sexy eyes the most...

  24. Hi Crissy! No, it's not a cross. There are 2 cranes (dancing) and a moon.

    The 1st image is a smiley face and the 3rd image is a round container with a heart shaped opening on a bowl/plate.

  25. Syura - Wah, you're a pro just like Shemah! Except the 2nd image shows 2 cranes with a moon.

    Yeah, that's the trick to seeing the hidden images. Everyone, follow Syura's tips!

  26. Hi Princess Cinderella! Thanks. Urmm, sori, I don't know if you're a mom but Happy Mother's Day to you too :)

    Wow, a virtual gift?! Thanks so much, will visit your blog later ya :)

  27. Rozella - The 1st person I thot of when JC got booted off was you :(

    Thanks for the tag, but I've done it before. I'll just add your link then. Hope you don't mind ya.

  28. :( It's weird cos suddenly my kesedihan is kicking ni. Especially after watching his exit interview just now on the AI website.

    He was sooooooooo hot!!!! Wuahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....*sniff sniff*

  29. Yeeha! I can see all the pics, thanks Nessa! This set was easy he he! ;)

  30. YAY!!! MY FAVE!!

    The moment the comment box popped up I had to press "end" straightaway.. manatau lah kan.. got the answers oredi. Hehehe. Bertebiat..

    Anyways.. first one is a smiley face, second one is a couple of cranes (??? - not sure) but since I love to play Dream Day Wedding, it kinda looks like that.. and the last one will be.. a round thingy (cake maybe) on a plate with a heart smack right in the centre.

    So?? So?? Did I get it right??? hehehehheeh..

    Well, I better go.. sorry can't bloghop more.. I'm already late! I'm going "away" for a day or two!! Ciao! :)

  31. Smiley, Flamingo and love! Thanks for the images,Nessa!

  32. Oohhh.. crane pulakk.. hmm. what's a crane ahh?? mau google nii.. hehehe..

  33. Marzie ~ You dah terror already! OK, nanti I cari yang susah2 :D

  34. Rozella ~ Tomorrow is Top 3 and I'm reali looking forward to it :) Don wori, time will heal your 'wound'. I'm sure we'll see more of him even after his exit from AI.

  35. Yay, Shemah's here! Hehe

    1st and 2nd are correct. Your 3rd answer is acceptable, kinda look like a cake also :)

    Good luck at the 'appointment' ya. Hope everything goes well. Praying for ya *Hugs*

  36. Emila ~ 1st and 3rd answers are correct. The 2nd image is actually cranes but they do look like flamingoes too so your answer is acceptable. Did you see a moon on top and mountains at the back?

    I love posting these hidden images, but I've to find harder ones cos you guys are very good already! LOL

  37. Syura ~ You answered Ostriches kan? Well, it's not exactly wrong coz they're birds too... hehe


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