Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gangstarz 2 ~ 4th Concert

The Gangstarz 4th concert last Sunday was themed Ethnic Creative, meaning having traditional/folk music influence in their performances/song choices. It was a drab affair, and the theme totally doesn't fit with a reality show of this nature. Most of the groups merely garbed themselves in traditional outfits, sang their country's folk songs. It was more like watching a cultural show, something that RTM, our local television station would do and I almost wanted to give up watching it.

That was until One Nation Emcees showed up. They performed 'Sayang Kinabalu' and 'Dikir Puteri' with gusto, raising the tempo of the dreary concert (thank goodness!). I must say they blew me away with their rendition of the local Sabah song, making it sound current and enjoyable to everyone. They infused a totally new feel to it. If you didn't know it was Ethnic Creative night, you'd even think it was a new rap song :D Even Dikir Puteri was a pleasure to listen to, I must admit I am not a fan of traditional songs. I'll definitely upload the video once it's available on YouTube.

One Nation Emcees performing 'Sayang Kinabalu' & 'Dikir Puteri' (Image from

Paragon Child didn't disappoint either. They sang 'Ako ay Pilipino' (unsure of spelling), it started off slow and went upbeat during the chorus, with some rapping thrown in. I haven't heard of this song, it sounded patriotic but overall they were entertaining as always.

Paragon Child performing 'Ako ay Pilipino' (Image from

I didn't watch the rest of the groups as it started to really bore me so I switched to another channel. I really hope they won't come up with another theme next week. In fact they should do away with this themes altogether. The groups should be given the freedom to perform any songs. It was annoying having to listen to the same genre for 1 1/2 hours. The 3 groups with the lowest SMS votes were 3.5 (The Philippines), Brown Tone (Singapore) and South Trio (Malaysia). In the end, there was no elimination that night (duh!). Hopefully they'll eliminate 2 groups next week.

Oh and another thing, please don't invite people like Ramli Sarip to be on the jury bench cos half the time I couldn't make out or even understand just what he was blabbering about!


  1. Oh, you're right. It was one of the worst concerts to date. And Ramli Sarip should be put in cold storage la ... I also didn't get just what he was trying to say la!

    I don't really like Ajai but at least he made sense ...

  2. I love one nation most.. are they Sabahan, i don't quite follow just yet.. Ramli Sarip was sickening.. benci!!

  3. Nick ~ I switched channels every time he opened his mouth, I couldn't stand it! Pity those contestants, they probably didn't understand him either. At least Ajai didn't get on my nerves that night.

  4. Queen Bee ~ They're pretty cool ya. I like them too :) I think Ramli Sarip should just stick to singing.

  5. The contest should be change to Gangmoon..lame o lame o..

    p/s: care to links xchange ;)

  6. Hi Bintang4! Welcome to Mumblings :)

    Gangmoon?? Tak layak dapat stars ya... hehe. Yeah, most of the groups aren't that good this season, I'm disappointed too. Exchange links? Sure, no probs :)


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