Monday, June 9, 2008

Stop, Wait A Minute, Mr. Postman!

There are so many times I've thought of sending stuff and letters home to my dad but I'm always afraid he won't get it. And it's not because the postman will steal it or anything. The house back home is more like a village house and doesn't have a lot number and hence we can't receive letters and such. Modernization hasn't really caught up with it just yet.

Don't get me wrong, we do have lights and water and even satellite TV but something as basic as a simple lot number so the postman can find us just hasn't caught up with my old village house yet. So, with no mailboxes at home there is no way I can send my dad stuff. I'd normally send it to my sisters place and she would then drive all the way over and pass it to my dad. She acts as part-time postman for me... hehehe...

I've always loved those mailboxes I see on TV shows. You know the kind with a little flag like lever on the side, then there's no mail, it'll be down and when there is mail, the postman will put the lever up so you know there's mail waiting to be picked up. I'd love to have one of those back home. It would add a nice aura to the old house :) The only thing is I'm afraid someone might just make off with it at night! LOL!

Actually come to think of it, even if I wanted to get one I wouldn't know where to look. I've not heard of any company making mailboxes here. I guess the only way would be the get online and check some places like which sell a huge variety of mailboxes catering for both the home and businesses. Maybe if one day, we do get a lot number and the postal service finally starts sending letters home, I might consider buying one from them. The right mailbox can certainly beautify and add more character to a home.


  1. Nessa, jgn bilang di kampung.. Even here at my place di Cyberjaya ni pun the postman susah mau cari! Bikin geram betul!

  2. parents house pun manada mailbox. They have to depend to my dad's former office punya mailbox. Nasib the org ofis masi tulung keep any mails sent to my parents. But lecehnya, they sometimes forgot to remind kalu ada mail datang. So kdg2 ada urgent mail, sudah limpas baru terbaca. Hns..hns..

  3. I love those mailboxes too, the one with the little flag lever as you put it :) They're so cool.

    Our mailboxes here are sooooooooo boring. Just a piece of square cemented in the gate entrance aje ... siggghhhh ....

  4. i also lost some of my letter last time.

  5. Syura ~ Ish, ya kah? Nama seja Cyberjaya kan... Simple things like postal service pun inda up to mark, apa lagi yang lain. Hmmm... Malaysia boleh!

  6. Carol ~ Nasib baik buli tumpang ofis punya mailbox kan. Sama la crita with my house di kampung. Itu la bah, nasib baik bil letrik/air kana hand delivered kan, kalau inda ada la yang kana potong karan/air. Bikin panas!

  7. Nick ~ Cool ya :) I love the flag lever, very useful little thing. That's local designers for you, never think outside the box!

  8. Hi Hazel! Reali, kesiannya. Desperate people stealing letters these days ya.

  9. Oh dear, so how does your dad get his mail? Aside from ur sis being the part-time postman? ;)

  10. Marzie ~ All his letters are addressed to my sis (in c/o). No other way cos the kampung doesn't have a postcode. Still ketinggalan zaman :(


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