Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Collector

I've been a stamp collector since I was 11 years old. I can't really remember how I started this hobby as none in my family has a similar interest. I was probably influenced by my friends at school. But I do remember my nephew being so supportive of my hobby that he even 'took' some of his dad's stamps and 'donated' them to me! LOL! Now, that was one cool nephew.

Some people think stamp collecting is boring. It may be just a small piece of paper but the beauty of stamps lie in their unique designs. I enjoyed swapping stamps with my friends back then :) Stamp collecting is an inexpensive hobby, you could even ask your family and friends to help you build your collection. And if you're lucky, you could even strike it rich with your stamps. In 2005, a collection of four Inverted Jennys was sold for $2.7 million!!

I don't really see many people collecting stamps these days, even my two boys have no interest in it whatsoever. I guess in this day and age they'd rather collect Dragon Ball-Z trading cards instead.But if you don't fancy stamps, there are loads of other collectibles and memorabilia you could choose from. Kids and adults love comic books, perhaps you're fan of the X-Men or Calvin and Hobbes.

And with the advent of the internet, it's really not hard becoming a collector. With sites like ShopWiki around, searching for that perfect item to collect can be a breeze. They're really unlike you other traditional online shopping sites that only show you stores that have paid to have their ad placement there. ShopWiki on the other hand will search every store on the internet for all the collectibles and memorabilia you need, a little like what Google does.

It makes me wanna go and do a search on rare stamps right this very moment, who knows, maybe I have one in my collection but don't know about it. I could be a millionaire you know :D (Yeah, dream on)


  1. I've got loads of X-men comics and a huge collection on DVD that one of my best buddies gave me for Christmas. And let's not even start about how huge a Calvin and Hobbes fan I am that I have a blog name Spiff, The Spaceman ... LOL!

  2. Hi Nessa! Got a tag for you http://jennyandbelle.blogspot.com/2008/08/6-layers.htm

  3. Hi Nessa! I used to collect stamps masa kecik, but am happy with my perfume collection now. This is the hobby for me! :):):)

  4. let's see...what do I collect? bills! I've got a huge collection!

  5. Hola! I have a tag for you! Click here to have some FUN! :)

  6. Nick ~ Ahhh, your alter ego :) I see he has been very busy doing post after post after post... very hardworking la dat spaceman! LOL!

  7. Jenny ~ Thanks for the tag. Will check it out later ya :)

  8. Marzie ~ I loves perfumes too but I can't afford perfumes la dear :( Urmmm, where are those stamps you collected masa kecik?? Send to me lar... haha

  9. Perry ~ You do?? But I don't envy you coz I have a huge collection of them too. Wanna help pay for some?? LOL!

  10. Marzie ~ Hola dear! OK, will check it out soon, thanks :)

  11. im still keeping all my collection of stamps. it will go to waste and all my effort if i throw it all away. there's memories and all my hard work.

  12. Angie ~ That's so true :). In fact, there are loads of stuff I've kept since I was a little girl. One is a love letter I got when I was 9 years old! LOL! It's fun when you go through all those old stuff ya.

  13. My stamp album mungkin terikut dalam boxes yang dalam store suda kali tu hehe... Skarang manala budak2 suka unless itu stamp kana simpan transformer ka punya pix hihihi... Lagipun smua paperless suda gia. :)

  14. Crystal ~ Bah, pigi cari tu kotak... mana tau ko ada stamps yang lama2, mahal harga dia tu kau ko jual. Kalau ada la Transformer punya stamp, sia pun mau! :D


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