There are numerous web hosting companies out there, choosing the right one that suits your needs can be a headache if you don't even know where to start. But don't be despaired as there is a website called where you'll find all the information you need in relation to webhosting.
Best of all, this site shows you all the comparisons between webhosts to help you choose the best pricing, available features such as bandwith, databases, scripting and so on. Their host rating system is based on the customer satisfaction, affordability, reliability, uptime and technical support as well unedited reviews by real customers.
Also, check out their articles. You'll find tips and advice to choosing a domain, shared hosting as well as e-commerce. It's definitely one of the most informative and comprehensive sites I've seen so far.
Nessa, the day you switch to ur own domain, is the day I'll really start to panic and consider switching he he...right now I'm taking comfort in the fact that most of my buddies are still using blogspot! :)
ReplyDeleteI dun haf my own "home" too T_T *cries..I want my own "home" someday, out there. XD
ReplyDeleteI want to switch too but then all those blogs that give me assignments have to get myself approved again. I'll just stick to blogspot je la.
ReplyDeleteMaybe for my new Dream Themes blog, who knows ... :D
I am happy with blogspot for time being, but i also hope that I can have my own domain some day. Now i need to build up my blog and writing first. :p till that day!
ReplyDeleteMarzie ~ No need to panic dear, I'm staying put. It's free and it's cozy in here! LOL!
ReplyDeleteMaslight ~ Don worry, you get your home soon enuff... Kamera got oredi, nanti ask Dad to get one ah. *wink!wink!*
ReplyDeleteNick ~ That's true. It'll take some time for a new blog to be approved. One thing I dislike is starting all over again...
ReplyDeleteRose ~ I need courage to have my own domain coz one has to pay. I'm pretty happy 'menumpang' with blogspot, but it's nice to have your own domain kan :)