Thursday, September 25, 2008

No Milk, No Toy...

After hearing of so many China made foodstuff being recalled, I decided not to buy anything made in China anymore. Hey, call me paranoid but better safe than sorry ya. I mean, why take the risk??

I know most are probably safe for consumption but how can anyone really be sure anymore. It has happened far too frequent. First, the pet food tainted with melamine. Now, milk and a whole other stuff that has milk in them. Unscrupulous business people must be punished, how many innocent lives have perished for their irresponsibility?

They knew their milk was tainted some 8 months ago and they chose to keep mum... so they can keep raking in the money. They don't care about babies and people's lives. So, why should I buy their tainted goods? They shouldn't even be given a second chance if it was up to me. Their factory should be closed. Period!

So, when I told my son he can no longer enjoy his favorite cultured milk drink (cos I suspect the brand I buy for him is from China), he had this concerned look on his face. He asked me why and I told him about the incident of babies getting sick from drinking milk in China. And he said, 'So, does that mean I can't buy toys from China anymore?'

I was laughing inside but knowing that he won't pester me for toys every time we go to the supermarket, I said, 'yes' and made sure I sounded so sad... hehehe. He didn't look too pleased but he asked to see the newspaper cos he wants to read about it! Cisss!! Still young and he wants proof some more... so I made up a story saying I saw it on TV the other day. Kids these days, so susah to bluff already.

I don't know if he even buys my story but I'll enjoy going out now :) I should be able to save a fortune from his monthly toy allowance. Perhaps I could now consider having that pedicure I've always wanted. I've never had a pedicure before. I just hope the pedicurist won't pengsan seeing my ugly and hairy legs! LOL

Oh, by the way, if you've been harassed by unknown callers, check out Caller Identifier. has thousands of comments in their directory on prank calls, telemarketers, debt collection agencies, solicitors and all type of scams.


  1. hehe...jaga2 la if your son ask for not China made toys tapi yg lagi mahal ;p

  2. iya bah..bikin takut sudah oh kan!! I usually beli yakult or vitagen for my kids...eeee itu bukan dari china bah kan????
    Few months ago, heboh kan news bout toys made from china contain high level of lead..
    From now also want to ban products from china..better be safe than sorry...

  3. ehheh your son is so cute..very innocent until asking you that cute question...well..made in china usually the cheapest but now it can harm we need to be aware of it...

  4. Mama Mia ~ Nanti sia cuba bluff dia all toys are made in China... tingu dia pecaya ka inda... hehe. Kalau tida, sia cakap tida cukup duit seja la :D

  5. Kadus Mama ~ Rasa2nya Yakult and Vitagen buatan Malaysia mangkali. Sia slalu beli itu brand 'Atrogen'... nama pun lain macam...

    Itulah, bahaya betul. Ko tau la budak kicik suka kasi gigit2 tu toys kan.

    That's a good decision, untuk keselamatan kita dan keluarga *eh, macam iklan seja bunyi dia* LOL

  6. Sweet Girlicious ~ Wuii, ko blum tau lagi dia punya kenakalan. Pandai menjawab lagi tu kalau kena tegur... kalau pandai jawab soalan di skolah inda apa juga...

    Yeah, cheap is not necessarily good. We have to read the labels properly from now on.

  7. Damm! China are really getting more berani now. They are just plain irresponsible. their greed is costing them a lot more than they took away! So, for now: No China stuff lor! Ha =)

  8. LMAO! Now that's a good reason for not buying toys. I wonder how long before he discovers you've been conning him ... hehehe ...

    And wait till he ask for imported toys :D

  9. True, true, true. Not just China goods lah, but everything also macam dunno safe or not! Bagus taman sendiri, piara sendiri, bikin sendiri loh! Hehehe

  10. it's good to be mean his brain is functioning well...cerdik ba..

  11. Tekkaus ~ Yalor, berani to endanger people's lives! They have no heart, pity those babies have stones in their kidneys :(

    Yeah, I'm with you on that!

  12. Mat Dingo ~ He's pretty smart... I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually! LOL

    Imported toys?? Nah, his toy allowance is only RM10 and below! Ya, I know... kedekut but have to control ma :D

  13. Rozella ~ All that's processed is not good actually. Even shampoos (you've posted about it kan). Imagine all the chemicals accumulating in our bodies... no wonder we get all kinds of mysterious illness!

    Itu la, bagus tanam sayur sendiri. Mo piara animals susah sikit la kalau di bandar. Bagus jadi vegetarian la ni mangkali kan :)

  14. Sweet Girlicious ~ True also, betul juga cakap ko tu. I never thot of it that way :)

    Tapi kadang2 bikin panas ba dia punya nakal tu.

  15. Muahahahahhaha! U r one cunning momma Nessa :P Yeah, I am most concern over this tainted milk stuff. I loves my milky products, and to think of fore-going all... ayayaiii... but then again, like u said, how can we be verrry sure anymore? Hmmmm... sad sad sad...

  16. Hahaaa...i am sure you must have sounded very sad when you told your son 'yes'...

    You know, i really pity and feel sorry for those parents from China, this group of parents, they are poor, and they trusted SL brand milk, they have to borrow money from people they know so that their sick child can seek treatment. And where are they going to find money to buy other brands of milk powder...they are so much more expensive...sad, very sad when i read such stories..

  17. LOL! So clever la ur son nak tgk proof! ;)

    Yeah, we too are being picky abt the dairy products we're buying nowadays. DL is safe kan?

  18. Nessa, it's been ages since I had a manicure or pedicure, best tau! Esp when they massage your hands! Get a french manicure and then show us here! :):):)

  19. Hey Nessa,

    ya daring ba China now and messing with the product. These are involving kids some more..damn..

    Me too..wont be buying china product. How i hope I can make my Leah understand tht toys are dangerous but instead she will scream at me...hmmn, how i wish.

    No wonder the fernleaf milk cannot be found any where in the supermarket for 2 mths already..mayb one of them kah that ah? my fren was looking for it high and low...maybe they pull their product out b4 anything happens kan.

    Thanks for sharing

  20. Flodawn ~ There is only one way. We buy a REAL cow and perah susu dia sendiri! LOL! Gerenti no melamine kan :D

  21. Km ~ Yalor, have to sound 'real' if not he won't believe me :)

    I hate those unscrupulous heartless businessmen taking advantage of the poor. All they think about is money and profit. What goes around, comes around!

  22. Marzie ~ DL is Dutch Lady kan? Dunno la, came out in the papers the stroberi milk is banned and then they came out with a statement that their product is safe. I dunno who to believe anymore...

  23. Jessica ~ Hi Jessica! Glad to have you here :)

    Yes, I think it's wiser for us to avoid their products for a while. Have to buy local or from other countries la... just to be safe kan.

    I have no idea, maybe it's a precaution. It's safer to switch to a different and trusted brand of milk.

    Congrats for the great news! Happy for you :D

  24. Marzie ~ French manicure?? I have no idea la :( But I too shy to go alone la. Nak cari geng dulu ni... hehe

  25. it's better to be extra cautious rather then being sorry later right. people are cautious till the extend of not using plastic to pack up food and as well. i'm not sure what's next!!

  26. Angie ~ Yeah, that's my approach now.

    So far I haven't tapau any food from the shops, call us paranoid but it's our health we're talking about here.


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