Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sisterly Bond

There are five of us girls in the family. I am the fourth. I have always wanted a brother... seeing Bernie having a wonderful brother like Henry (the Malaysian siblings in The Amazing Race Asia 3) made me envious of her having a caring and loving brother like him :D

Anyway, today is my eldest sis birthday. So, happy birthday to you, kakak ku!! You have been nothing but supportive and loving towards me. Sori kio I didn't send anything... but I'm coming home for the holidays soon so maybe I have something for you... hehe. Here's a great big huge hug from me to you! :D

Picture taken with my eldest sis, I was probably 6 months old (circa 1972)

Growing up with 4 sisters, there are bound to be some misunderstandings along the way. I admit I wasn't an angel (but I wasn't a devil either... I think) when I was in my teens. I remember an incident years back, I was probably in primary 4 or 5 where I had a fight with her at the bus stop opposite our house. I don't know what we argued about, but it must be something huge cos I ended up pushing her from the bus stop down to the ditch below! I know, I was mean... I'm sorry sis :( I really am. I can't help but laugh whenever I think of that incident though... hehe

There were a couple of other misunderstandings but they're too personal to be written here. I apologize from the bottom of my heart if I have hurt your feelings. I was naive and sometimes I didn't think before I spoke. I have learned to accept everyone irrespective of their flaws because they are a part of the family. And I have long since discarded being judgmental. You learn from life and life goes on...

My eldest sis is 10 years older than me but she's cool and sporting. Thank you sis for being my chocolate supplier and giving me pocket money all those years. She makes me laugh especially when we reminisce about stuff and the old times. In fact, my 3rd sister also makes me laugh, she's sort of like the clown in the family... animated when she tells a story :) I loved the way when she mimics Datuk Pairin's style of the sumazau... hahaha. I must mention 'nasi lemak buah bidara' too... (it's a long story, you just gotta be there). Oh dear, I miss you guys very much :*(

My 2nd sister is the serious of all my sisters but I know she means well... and the youngest sister, well, we still treat her like the baby in the family. A privilege for being the youngest. It's sad that she lives so bloody far away from us... but we do get to see her once in two years so it's not so bad la. The best thing is getting the ole-ole and barangan yang diperturunkan (hand-me-down)! I always look forward to that... just kidding sis! :D

OK, I hope my sisters won't mind that I wrote these in my blog. You guys can bash me when I come home, just don't bash me too much ah! LOL!

Once again, happy birthday sis. May the Lord bless you and keep you safe always. Muah!


  1. happy birthday to your ta cheh (big sis).

    haha...sia pun pernah tulak kid bro sia dr jambatn yg 1m tinggi...nasib dia ok. terus popo sia pi ketuk kepala sia. i was 6 that time. hahaha

  2. oh, u have so many sister..should be blessed oh..

  3. Happy birthday and many happy returns to our big sis!!! Oh yes! I want to echo too - Thank you for the wonderful chocolates and $$! Love you sis N!

    Hehe... I miss home too sis even more after reading this post. Surely will bring goodies for you all.. I have started collecting already.


  4. You actually pushed your sister in the ditch? LOL! Jahat nyer you ... LOL!

    So, that's how you look like at 6 months huh? Cute :D

  5. Old pix can really bring back sweet memories. :) Bila sya tingu your cute baby pix, teda kaler lagi tu hehehe... trus terkenang juga zaman budak2 dulu. :) There are also five of us, Nessa, but the eldest one is my brother. And, guess what?! I'm the fourth!!! :D Nah kan, banyak sya baca tag and stuff about you banyak persamaan kita! Aiseh! Haha...

    Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you big sis!!! :)

  6. Nessa!!! I'm here to check out my perfumes LOL! Not yet up ye? :)

  7. Happy birthday to ur sister Nessa! And u look so cute in the picture, smiling away like dat! *Hugs*

  8. count your blessings Nessa for having many sister. i've never experience the sisterly bond..being an only child kinda lonely. Thank God i still hv cousins & frens...:)

  9. alamak..lambat wish..Happy birthday to your sister.. :)
    Me and my sisters pun close juga..ada satu macam badut sikit the perangai lah..hehe

  10. Carol ~ Thanks chegu :) I'm sure she's happy getting all the well wishes from strangers... hehe

    Species ganas pula kita nie ah, LOL! :D

  11. Hazel ~ Yes, I feel blessed indeed :) I still wish I had a brother tho... oh well...

  12. Ann ~ Hey sis! :D Long time no see... hehe *hugs*

    Ko ingat lagi tu coklat Bullet?? LOL! Yay, can't wait to have them goodies... hehe. Thanks sis, ko la yang terbaik!! *ceh, ayat2 puji-pujian ni*

  13. Mat Dingo ~ Yeah, I actually did :*( Not proud of myself but I was only 10 or 11 at that time la. Still bodoh... LOL!

    Thanks :) All babies are cute!

  14. Crystal ~ Ya, I love browsing through old pictures. Mesti jadi nostalgic especially when I see my late mom's photo...

    Yakah, you oso the 4th?? Wah, sama la kita kan... hehe. Thanks for the wish :)

  15. Marzie ~ Opps, sori... blum lagi :( Kejap, sabar ya... hehe

  16. Mama Mia ~ Ya, I guess it can be lonely being an only child. Nasib baik ada kazen2 and kawan2 jadi pengganti kan :)

  17. Marzie ~ Thanks dear. Hehe... my sisters said I was a friendly baby back then :D

  18. Kadus Mama ~ Tia pa, still not too late ba :) Thanks for the wish, hope my sis reads all these well wishes for her.

    Yang macam badut la best.. siok and enjoy the company... hehe

  19. Soo all girls pula u guys dis hehe... That ol' photo is a treasure la Nessa... u & ur sis looks so happy, she with her cute short skirt school pinafore and the baby/you grinning happily.
    "Happy Bufday to Nessa's Big Sister!"

  20. Flodawn ~ Ya, all girls :) This is my only baby picture...

    Thanks :)

  21. Hey sis, tq for d compliment 'clown' huh.. So it's u who took dis pic ha? Ohh no.. I hope u didn't take the other pic too (the clown). Don't u dare post something about it. I am really gonna bash u.

    "nasi lemak buah bidara"

  22. Rita ~ Hehe... jan marah ah, nanti capat tua ka mai dii :)

    Yah, I'm the culprit. Sori sis, I promise I won't publish the pic nor post anything about it ya. Takuttt...


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