Monday, September 29, 2008

The Camp That Wasn't...

I had an extremely busy weekend hence the 'missing' weekend cuttings. I was dead tired by the end of Sunday. The moment I finished watching the F1 night race in Singapore (and what a race it was!), I headed to bed and slept like a baby!

Saturday was the cruncher. Both my sons attended a camp at church in preparation for their 1st Holy Communion. It started at 8.00am until 6.00pm! I couldn't really see what they did coz parents were not allowed in the hall, except for the talks which only started at 4.00pm. And I wasn't really concentrating coz when it comes to talks, my brain automatically stops functioning! LOL!

So, what did I do between 8.00am to 4.00pm?? I did what most women do... shopping la! :) I went to Ikea and ronda-ronda the place for hours to kill time. I haven't been to Ikea for months and it's always a joy going there. It was crowded as usual, and for once I really enjoyed exploring the place cos the kids were at the camp. Such peace and tranquility... how I wish the church conducts camps every Saturday!

I think I couldn't even feel my legs by the time I returned to the church... and I was wearing Bata comfy shoes. I guess it's time to buy another pair of extremely comfy shoes... any suggestions?? :)

I managed to snap some photos of my sons in the camp. Initially, my kids were excited about the prospect of 'camping' but it was totally not the usual camping they had in mind. My son explained they had some fun 'acting' in a drama (apparently he acted as a shepherd), group singing, card making and participated in games.

My son in the pink (Peace) group

My other son in the yellow (Kindness) group

The camp ended at about 6.00pm, the kids were all tired and couldn't wait to go home. I thought about my unfinished weekend cuttings so we decided to grab a quick dinner and head home. I managed to do five different cuttings but my cheapo camera was acting up and could only capture two better pictures of the cuttings. So, instead of the rabbit (which I promised last week) I'm putting up perfume and music paper cuttings.

Music notes guitar picks for Kay Kastum

Perfume for Marzie

Sorry for the absolutely 'marvelous' picture quality (I've replaced with a slightly better and clearer image). I'm not telling what's next week's theme is... it'll be a surprise :D

Now something for the guys (preferably single), perhaps you might be interested in checking out this awesome site and chat with Millionaire women. And it's FREE to join :) Let me know if things work out... I'd like to have a 5% commission! LOL


  1. cute eh itu perfume cut out.

    bah, i will be waiting diligently for the shoes cut out hehehe

  2. Hahaa!! You wish there is a camp for you kids every saturday??? LOL!!!! But yeah..sometimes, we do need a time alone for ourselves kan..? penat juga mau jaga anak nie..

  3. You watched the F1 race too? Haha =)Very kam chiong right? Alonse the surprise winner!

  4. its' a pleasure to spend time on your own kn..& shopping just double-up the plaesure.

    i like both the cuttings..kiut!

  5. He he he I see my perfume Nessa LOL!!! Some more got ppl compliment ur perfume cutting yay! I love it too, very simple yet oh so sweet! Thanks dear! :):):)

  6. Nessa, I think u meant between 8.00am until 4.00PM? Ikea pun dah tutup la 4am ha ha ha! So what did u buy? ;)

  7. Valtay ~ Hi Valtay! Welcome to Mumblings :) Hope to see you around here more often ya.

  8. Carol ~ Sia rasa pompuan memang suka perfume :) And kasut oso... ba, tunggu ya... hehe

  9. Kadus Mama ~ Ya bah, kan best ada tampat mo jaga anak while we shop away every Saturday! Haha *Aduh, jahatnya sia ni*

    Kalau tu church tau, kana ban mangkali sia ni... hehe

  10. Rozella ~ Kuit ka?? Hehe
    Baikla, trima kaseeeh :D

  11. Tekkaus ~ Yes, I do watch :D I used to watch MotoGP too those days (during Mick Doohan's time).

    Apa tu kam chiong?? I don't really like Alonso but he deserved the win...

  12. Mama Mia ~ Yes, that's true. It's so stressful shopping with the kids especially when it's crowded and they just love to pigang2 barang... takut pecah ba.

    Perna skali my eldest got lost, sia macam hilang akal suda panik mencari dia... nasib baik dia pandai patah balik. Sia punya jantung masa tu, Tuhan seja yang tau...

  13. Marzie ~ Glad you liked it, I followed the perfume bottle in your MPG blog :) You're very welcome dear.

  14. Wah, seronoknya your son pergi camp!

    Oh, I like both your work! Now, I see the creative side of you! Keep it up, Nessa! Looking forward to see more!

  15. Marzie ~ Oops! Typo... thanks for noticing :)

    Didn't spend much, I wish I had the $$ to buy everything there... they had loads of lovely flowers which made me go goo-goo ga-ga! LOL

  16. Emila ~ Yup, and the mommy seronok pegi shopping... hehe

    Thanks, coming from an artist like you is such an honor! :)


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