Monday, September 29, 2008

Fill In The Blanks!

This 'Fill In' tag by Nick has got to be the most difficult meme I've ever done. Seriously, I thought I would breeze through but I had a tough time answering them... it reminds me of my physics exam back then @$%@##!*&&!!

Anyway, I will do my bestest :D
  1. My roommates and I once : slept in the same bed cos we were so scared of pontianak (vampires) said to haunt our boarding school in Labuan
  2. Never in my life have I : smoked... but that doesn't include second hand smoke la
  3. High school was : I never went to high school... up to middle school only
  4. When I'm nervous : my hands tremble!
  5. My hair : is black but I've colored it to reddish mahogany brown. Don't faint sis, cos it's not too strong... hehe
  6. When I was 5 : it was the year where the plane carrying Datuk Peter Mojuntin along with Tun Fuad Stephens (then Chief Minister of Sabah) and several other state cabinet ministers crashed in the sea, some said it was sabotaged! Search for 'Double Six Tragedy' at wikipedia.
  7. When I turn my head left : I see my grinning son looking at what I'm typing! Ciss!
  8. I should be : so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky... I hated this song by Kylie Minogue!
  9. By this time next year : I will be slimmer by 20kg! Haha
  10. My favorite aunt is : a generous lady and a great cook
  11. I have a hard time understanding : Physics
  12. You know I like you if : you see me in your blog every minute of the day
  13. My ideal breakfast is : Nasi Lemak + Rendang = Yummy!
  14. If you visit my home town : you'll fall for its beautiful Kadazan lasses but they're expensive... hehe
  15. If you spend the night at my house : my son will drive you up the wall with his incessant ranting!
  16. The animal I would like to see flying besides birds : Definitely a flying hippopotamus wearing a pink tutu, cute what :D
  17. I shouldn't have been : laughing at Massa's misfortune during the pit stop (after all I am a Ferrari fan)
  18. Last night I : watched the F1 night race at Singapore. Awesome!
  19. A better name for me would be : hmmm... I dunno la
  20. I've been told I look like : nobody... cos I'm unique... hehe
  21. If I could have any car, it would be : a Hummer H3T
I'll spare you guys the heartache ya so I won't tag anyone. There, happy now?? LOL! But if you like this tag, feel free to tag yourself :D


  1. 'a flying hippopotamus wearing a pink tutu' (LMAO)

    Now that would definitely be a sight to behold :D

    I'm also LMAO at Massa's misfortune but I sympathize with Kimi though ...

  2. All the best with sheding the 20kg..'ehem'..ehehe wanted to see a flying rhino and you want hippo?? bah habis lah kita punya awan nie..penuh with binatang-binatang besar yang berterbangan!!hahahaa

  3. Nick ~ I really would love to see that. My pet hippo at FB Zoo wears a pink tutu. Now you know where I got the inspiration from! LOL!

    I dunno why I just don't like that fella... ya, pity Kimi... he should have been more careful.

  4. Kadus Mama ~ Thanks, I need all the luck :D Kana kuat semangat mo makan sayur and leave the rice... *cry*

    Hahaha... jangan kana hempap suda la, habis la kana steamroll hippos and rhinos!

  5. Eeeh... menakutkan juga boarding school ko tu! Seram!! Kasi cerita...

    Kiut juga your idea of flying hippo! Sya bulih imagine ohh... haha!! :D

  6. Crystal ~ Ya ba, memang seram :( Suda la my 1st experience tinggal di boarding school... tapi inda lama la, 1 bulan ja... haha (sebab inda tahan)

    Kiut kan especialy dia pakai pink tutu! LOL!

  7. have a great read of your tag! :D hmmm I just might do it when I have the time :)

  8. Ms Envy ~ Glad you enjoyed reading the tag :) Oh, feel free to do it ya and lemme know, I want to read :D

  9. Hewo Nessa... Ur boarding school di Labuan bah, was it SBPL? Cos I had to stay there too for 2 sems during my 1st year matric haha. And yeah, the ghost story there can write a best seller!

  10. Flodawn ~ Hi Flo :D Ya, it was SBPL. I didn't stay long tho, only 1 month and I asked to be transferred back to my old school.

    I was 16 years then and it was my 1st time being away from my parents... culture shock la mangkali tu.

    I couldn't sleep the whole nite when I heard my fellow boarders talked about what they saw... mo pi jemur baju di belakang tu building pun sia takut, apalagi mo pi toilet tgh2 malam. Phobia and I'm scarred for life! :(


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