Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Akademi Fantasia 7 : The Sabah Factor

I just found out from Klubkidd aka Joe Lee's blog on the new AF7 students this year. A majority of the girls are from Sabah. I'm sure some you still remember Ab from last season's OIAM. Yeah, he's been selected too. There are altogether 20 calon pelajar (my brain couldn't translate that), I'm guessing they'll have to go through another round of elimination.

Rubisa looks so familiar to me and so is Lizda. I've never seen Cabby before, looks promising though :) I do hope Ab gets selected. The AF Tirai Part 1 is this Saturday (Astro Ria), Part 2 is on Sunday, both at 9pm.

OK, here are the calon pelajar from Sabah :~


Only 2 were chosen to be AF7 students. They are :~

* Zizi
* Rubisa

Congrats to both of them. A bit disappointed that Ab didn't make it :*(

Tida apa Ab, cuba lagi next time.

This year's AF7 principal is a woman... she is none other than Tiara Jacquelina!


  1. Oh, Ab is there? Way cool, I'm a fan of his :D I hope he makes it all the way. I was rooting for him during OIAM2 but unfortunately he didn't make it all the way. This seasons AF looks like it's going to be fun :D

  2. wah wah! ada wakil keningau jg walaupun sia tida kenal...hehehe

    err...sia tau ini tidak bagus tapi terketawa sia skijap baca profile si AB...skijap saja lah. :P

  3. erm..i've met some of them..zizie finalis bntg RTM serak2 basah suara dia, rubisa finalis mystarz lg buli tahan jg, oh abraham mmg ramai suda org kenal..and that faezah i've met her during audition and she has a good vocal..but cabby and lizda i org bilang lizda wife c ezany yg pelakon tu..not sure la

  4. Rubisa was one of the contestants in LG MyStarz season 1 if i'm not mistaken... the one where Daphne Iking was also 1 of the hosts... couldn't really remember... she's (Rubisa) good, she sang at my wedding reception a few yrs back heheheh...

  5. Wah, ramai juga calon pelajar dr Sabah ni. Misti mo tingu AF ni season...:)

  6. Spiff ~ Yeah, me too. He may get selected since he's the only Sabahan male. It should be interesting to see him in AF. He has loads of personality.

  7. Carol ~ Iya ba, buli tahan urang Keningau :)

    Hehe... surname dia ba tu kan. Kesian juga dia tu... tapi unique juga ba nama dia tu ;)

  8. Marmalade ~ Wah, rajin ko pi auditions :) Ba, cuba lagi gia sampai dapat, sia tatap sokong :D

    Oh, Zizie finalis Bintang RTM, patutla macam pernah nampak. Tapi Bintang RTM sia inda brapa tingu ba.

    MyStarz LG pun sia jarang tingu tapi sia rasa sia pernah nampak Rubisa masa Trek Selebriti taim audition di KK masa AF2 ka AF3, sia pun lupa suda.

    No wonder la Lizda looks so familiar. Now that you've mentioned dia wife si Ezany cos sia ada terbaca majalah masa diorang kawin a few years back. I didn't know yang Lizda tu penyanyi pulak.

  9. Mimi ~ Hi Mimi! Welcome to Mumblings :)

    I've never watched MyStarz LG except dia punya iklan di TV :) A wedding singer. That's a good training ground ya, just like Esther. Ramai betul urang Sabah in Reality shows ni kali. Betul2 aramai tieeee... hehe

    Thanks for dropping by!

  10. Mama Mia ~ Iya ba... aramai tieee!!! LOL! Misti mo tingu ba kan... sepa lagi mo tingu kalau bukan urang kita... hehe

  11. wah!! ada orang ranau..sia pun orang ranau!! hahahaha
    *sia pun jahat teketawa jap tadi! *tapap my own mouth*

  12. wuaahh keluarga si Solibun pun masuk! :) :) wuahhh.. byk lah votes nya tu tau. hehehe.. but i'm not very into AF though.. i can barely remember who won last years.

    *thinking hard*

    who ya???

  13. Kadus Mama ~ Teringat sia tu phrase : 'Saaana Ranau'... dulu besa urang cakap macam tu :)

    Hehe... funny kan tapi buli tahan si Ab tu. I laik his voice and he's very funny in person, met him during OIAM2 Roadshow di Summit last year. Sampat lagi sia minta otograf dari dia... haha

  14. Shemah ~ Banyak votes? Keluarga diorang ramai ka?? :)

    I had a schoolmate with the surname Solibun oso but I dunno if he's even related to her. Nanti tomorrow night baru buli tau once I see the Tirai AF7.

    Si Stacy yang menang last year... Alamak, terlebih suda! (her trademark) :D

    I laik her energy when she performs, very komited and inda semput pun menyanyi walaupun nyanyi lagu rancak.

  15. oh ya bah! stacy bah pula.. hahahah yeah.. the first sabahan champion was it not? I saw her perform during merdeka day and she was terrific!

  16. Shemah ~ Iya, she's the 1st Sabahan winner :D Oooh, lucky you!


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