I used to watch them religiously from the 2nd season until the 6th season. Something is missing this season... with a super duper tagline of 'Sentuhan Transformasi Sudah Bermula' but I don't see any major transformation and it's already the 5th week. I get annoyed every time I watch the diaries and the students (not all but a majority of them). Why do I watch AF?? I have no idea... I guess I'm waiting for miracles to happen
I supposed the transformation was the tenaga pengajar berbalas-balas komen with the pengkritik. That was the most obvious which I honestly think was unprofessional. Some say it made excellent TV (drama) but I beg to differ. Ah well... I'm just frustrated cos I had high hopes for this season. Thank God for One In A Million 3 and American Idol 8! And the lastest season of CSI: New York will be aired soon... yay!!
What about you guys? Do you still watch AF? Or you're not bothered anymore?
For me, the best season was AF2. I voted and voted for Linda... where is she now? I heard she has a new album in Kadazandusun. Ok juga la lagu dia ... sedap didengar. Layan!!
Sama la kita Nessa. hilang suda minat sama tu AF. only watched first 2, 3 episode..after that..babai gaman suda.
ReplyDeleteSkrg sia beralih minat sm OIAM suda..hehe.
Can't wait for the latest season of CSI NY....:)
when will the csi:ny air???hehe..
ReplyDeleteHaiya! Comment sya hilang pulak!! Mentang2 sya cakap AF BASI + HAMBAR dan membosankan!! Nda sakit hati pun kalo ter'miss'. Apalagi sya tulis tadi tu ahhh... pasal si Linda makin slim, sya nampak dia di 1Borneo last year. Oya, pasal CSI lagi, habisla, every night dapan TV ni!! :D
ReplyDeleteNever been a fan of AF.. hahhahahahaa..
ReplyDeletebut i am a fan of Spiffy :) he's hot lately ;)
yabah nessa, sia rasa af7 is the most boring af of all....jangan ckp diary...concert dia pun dua kali sdh sia kasi missed. not bothered much. kalau ngam2 tertingu astro ria...bah yalah, tingu lah. but not mcm yg dulu...glued to the TV bah. tid mau lari dr kerusi smpai commercial break.
ReplyDeleteHi Nessa- Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nice to have readers all over the world.
ReplyDeletehidup OIAM!!
ReplyDeleteAF makin x best, stop kan je la right? :D
sia langsung tia tau kewujudan tu AF7..hahahhaa I know OIAM, AI tapi Af??? nda minat..heheeee
ReplyDeleteMy bro yg AF fan berabis ni. Hari2 mau tgk diary dia! Saturang2 dia tgk tv.
ReplyDeleteMmg nda patut betul sia rasa tu cikgu2 p menyampuk time juri berckp. Unpro betul!
Stick to OIAM la...
Oh god, AF has gone overboard this year. What is wrong the overly sensitive teachers? Does it justify them criticizing the judges? I think not. I've given up on this show. It has lost whatever little respect I have for this show. I'll stick to OIAM ... steady TOMOK! LOL!
ReplyDeleteexactly nessa!!! i tak nampak any transformasi punnnn...and what's up with their wardrobes la!!! Semua baju tak lawa!
ReplyDeleteMama Mia ~ I think sbb kita suda tau how the show works ya. Drama, nyanyi, konset, kluar... over and over for 10 weeks. Urang bilang novunos suda the resipi :)
ReplyDeleteMarmalade ~ April 21st (Tuesday) @10pm, AXN Channel 701
ReplyDeleteCrystal ~ Aisemen! Macam mana buli hilang?? Kana makan Pac-Man mangkali tu! LOL!
ReplyDeleteIya, sia langsung inda sakit hati taim Zizi and Rubisa terkeluar.
Wah, ko jumpa Linda? Ada minta otograf dia ka, ambil gambar ka? :D
Tuesday CSI:NY, Wednesday CSI:Vegas. Bila suda CSI:Miami tu? Tapi sia kureng minat Miami la.
Anny ~ Nope, I don't think you're the type to watch AF... hehe. Best lagi if you cuddled with PP and Dom :D
ReplyDeleteSpiffy's on a roll with blogs lately. He's probably thinking of creating another one!! Apparently, Zorkian heads can't even buy enuff fuel for his spaceship! LOL!
Carol ~ Ya, macam tulah sia rasa. Kalau inda tingu pun, inda apa. Unlike last time, it was a not-to-be-missed occasion... Saturday misti for konset akademi, siap bili makanan/minuman lagi. Inda demam suda!
ReplyDeleteI miss that feeling. It's gone now :*(
Sharkbytes ~ Hi Sharkbytes! A warm welcome to Mumblings :D
ReplyDeleteIt was a pleasure reading your blog. Will be back to drop my card and comment :)
Diya ~ Yessss! Hidup OIAM!! Hahaha... macam berkempen lak kita ni :)
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they're making $$$... brapa ramai yang still vote?
KadusMama ~ LOL! Ko inda rugi ba... inda tau lagi best. Stick with OIAM seja :D
ReplyDeleteJust ~ Fanatik juga your bro ah. Well, masing2 punya selera ba kan :)
ReplyDeleteIya, blum pernah lagi ada debat macam tu dlm sejarah realiti show. Takut sia mo tingu konset dis Saturday... mana tau ada bergaduh sbb inda puas hati pengkritik2 being honest.
Spiff ~ Maybe they shud consider having more male teachers next year ;) At least they won't be as sensitive as the female teachers ya.
ReplyDeleteYeah, go Tomok! Can't wait for tomorrow's concert. I hope Simon or Aweera gets kicked out.
Emila ~ Eh, I was thinking about the same thing. I don't like the tights/leggings or whatever you call them. Every week almost all the girls pakai leggings tu.
ReplyDeleteya butul tu Nessa, novunos suda! hehe...
ReplyDeleteLOL! You're right Nessa, I've already created another one. Hunting Zorkian bugs don't pay so much these days you know. Have to cari makan la ... if not have to eat grass ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteTeda la sampai minta2 otograf hehe... dia buat show di sana bah, jadi tingu2 dari jauh jak. :) Ya, sya pun 'kureng' minat bah sama CSI Miami, tapi sumtimes teduduk juga tingu sebab nda tau apa lagi mo ditingu tapi mulut non-stop la cakap tia suka si H!! Haha...
ReplyDeleteMama Mia ~ Apa la mo buat kalau suda novunos ah?? :D
ReplyDeleteSpiff ~ Now, why am I not surprised?? LOL!
ReplyDeleteGrass OK what! Look at them cows, sihat kan... hehehe
Crystal ~ Haha! Iya ba... komplen cara dia acting tapi mo tingu juga kan. Sia paling anti tingu dia buka cermin mata dia... so dramatik, lepas tu dia punya leher misti senget2 lagi tu.
ReplyDeleteHahaha I memang don't really watch AF. But this year, I see that Hafiz is really good. I saw his first performance and it was really really good.
ReplyDeleteLinda? hehehe.. sorry Nessa.. but that was one season that I DID watch, and she was the one that I least liked. LOL! Sorry ah..
Shemah ~ Hafiz is really good! I laik him :D The Sarawakians are good this year... maybe a Sarawakian will win this season's AF?? But Isma has a solid support from her fans, every week she tops the chart.
ReplyDeleteHehe... masing2 punya selera ba, no need to say sorry :) Sepa la ko minat taim tu? Farah ka atau Adam?? ;)