Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Savings For A Rainy Day

I'd like to make an important announcement to all expecting moms and moms about this wonderful offer from Cryo-Cell.party

They are currently offering special discounted offer called Protect Baby + Protect Mom Offer and Special U-Cord Pricing. If you're really interested, I'd advise you to take advantage of these offers fast as it's for a limited time only.

If you're still in the dark about Cryo-Cell, it's high time you get the proper facts because it might save your babies life in the near future. Cryo-Cell is the industry leader in cord blood banking with over 175,000 clients worldwide. Since 1992, they have been helping families preserve their newborns umbilical cord blood for potential use against many diseases in the future.

Did you know that umbilical cord blood stem cell are known to treat over 75 chronic or life-threatening diseases? Well, I didn't and I'm amazed by what it can do. surprise Stem cell treatments and transplants have already been used for such wide-ranging diseases and conditions as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia, sickle cell disease, severe anemia's, severe combined immunodeficiency, to name a few.

You only get one chance to preserve your baby's cord blood. Banking your baby's umbilical cord blood means having it saved and stored for future use. Think of it as savings for a rainy day. We all want our children to be healthy, but we can never predict the future. People get sick, some seriously ill. The probabilities are there and more so if your family has a history of genetic diseases.

Get yourself educated now, read more on this topic and if you decide to store your baby's cord blood, trust only the experts at cryo-cell cord blood bank!



  1. Spiff ~ *Ahem* Not easy you know... running out of time and topic pun susah, almost cried doin dis!

  2. LOL Nessa, but the money is good isn't it? :D Here's wishing you get loads more dough making assignments :D

  3. Spiff ~ Boleh la tahan :D

    I'm aiming for the big bucks, $250 but very hard to get... grrrr! Thanks, I hope so too. Kaching! Kaching! Haha

  4. Hi DJ Make Money! Welcome to Mumblings :)

    Thanks for the info. Will check it out soon.

  5. I agree with Blinkky. Mom's should defenately read it. Now how about the money thing.(GRIN)
    Thanks for Visiting Grampys Place

  6. adoi.. kesiannya.. almost cried polak.. i think if u write more and more.. it will be easier :) good luck Nessa!

  7. Blinkky ~ Yep, and to everyone who wants to start a family :)

  8. Grampy ~ Errr... what about the money thing, Grampy? :D

    Oh, the doll house is looking good. Any chance one is coming my way?? LOL! *just kidding*

  9. Anny ~ Yalor, dapat @ midnight. I couldn't even sleep thinking about it.

    It's hard for me cos the topic is not an easy thing to write... kalau pasal food ka, baju ka, kids ka, then no problem! :D

  10. Saving bukan nak ikat perut! He..He..Ada caranya!

  11. Yoon See ~ Apa dia caranya Yoon See? Boleh share tips ke? :D


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