Previous installments: Tags Galore, Tags Galore (Part 2)
I'm really way behind all my memes but I'm doing my best. Another 186 memes to go, I'll take my own sweet time so anyone wanna tag me, be prepared to wait coz you're number 187...
Tag # 1 ~ 5 Things Meme
by Marzie of Wishing On A Falling Star
5 things I found in my room:-
- Books
- CD's
- Clothes
- PC
- Shoes
- Open a small gift shop
- Make my own jewelry
- Personally meet Michael Schumacher
- Make my dad happy
- Visit my sister in Austria
- Handphone
- Purse
- Pen
- Notepad
- Keys
- Money
- Name Cards
- Pictures
- MyKad
- Mydin Mesra Card
- Blogging
- Paid postings
- Cross-Stitching
- Reading
- Christmas Shopping
Tag # 2 ~ Cool Blogging Tips
by Marzie
Rules: Copy the list, add your tip at the bottom of the list and pass it on. Finally put a star/asterisk to the tip you like best.
1.Look, read, and learn.
2.Be, EXCELLENT to each other.
3.Don’t let money change ya!
*4.Always reply to your comments.
5.Blog about what you know & love.
6.Don’t use filthy language-buy a dictionary.
7.Blog about something educational
8.Be yourself; others will follow
9.Don't have too many blogs that will become a chore to maintain
10.Keep it simple, user-friendly, interesting and organized!
11.Keep the blog simple and sweet!!
*12.Never ask for link exchange. Blog hop to increase traffic.
*13.Don’t clutter your blog with ads all over the place. IT’S IRRITATING.
14.Don’t comment for the sake of commenting. Some looked too fake and its a big turn off!
15.Share something interesting and you will gain more readers.
*16.Show that we care to all bloggers, treat each other as friends.
17.Pictures say a million words. Keep them coming!
18.Blogging should be fun or you’ll get tired of it pretty soon.
19.Don’t think people will come to your blog if you’re not willing to pay a visit to them.
20.Everyone loves read short posting and best, illustrated with a picture
21.Try not to publish more than 5 posts in one blog a day. Even if it’s from feed reader, it’s quite hard to digest and catch up reading everything.
22.Blog, the other window to peek into people’s life, minus the trouble. keep a certain level of privacy to yourself.
23.Never tell your readers that you are going on vacation. That’s basically telling them to not visit your blog for a week. Instead, write several posts, and take advantage of the timestamp feature.
24.Try and write with people in mind that are “somewhat similar to you”. Allow your audience to identify with your blog and feel “at home”.
25.The key to a good article is a good introduction. A joke, a question or a picture does wonders.
26.If you are looking to earn an income blogging read and, you will be amazed at what you can learn.
27.Write for yourself first. Remember that it takes time, effort, patience…and above all, daring. The Laidback Buddhist
28.Don’t offer opinions that are not based in the realm of personal knowledge…share yourself and your experiences…they speak louder then words The MiracleProcess
29.Unless I'm a huge fan of your blog, keep your posts short & sweet. Mariuca - Wishing On A Falling Star
30.Don't be shy to make friends, open yourself to others and you'll be amazed with the tremendous responses. A Great Pleasure
31. When you look make sure you SEE, When you listen make sure you HEAR, and when you talk make sure you SPEAK! First Time Dad
*32. Don't leave hurtful comments, that is below to what is appropriate, you will hurt the blog owner and might not read or visit your blog ever again. Blessed Sanctuary
32. Keep it real. Keep it fun. LadyJava's Lounge
33. When you’re trying to think of a new great post, or deep in thought on how to make it better, just remember - trying is crap. Trying to think is worthless. Thinking is the greatest single hindrance to a writer. Relax, don’t try to think. Let go of your thought and ego. Only then is real thought able to naturally flow on it’s own, without being consciously driven. Just a little something not to think about:)
34. Be SINCERE and GENUINE! Spiff, The Spaceman
35. Be GENUINE and SINCERE! Anything Goes!
36. Don't copy people's postings. MUMBLINGS!
I tag (drum roll... ): Ann
Sorry sis, thousand apologies
Tag # 3 ~ Hogwarts Invitation
by Crystal of Choc Mint Girl
I am not a fan of Harry Potter but I did watch the movies. I found out I am a 'Hufflepuff'... sounds cute so it must good:)
Tag # 4 ~ Common Writing Mistakes
by Spiff The Spaceman
Here are the rules:
~start copy paste~
To play this game, all you must do is explain what your most common writing mistake is. Then, simply tag 5 people for the meme. Those 5 will, in return, tag 5 more people. Ultimately, readers should see a tapestry of common grammar and spelling mistakes. Therefore, anyone who feels ashamed of their errors will feel a bit more confident and secure.
Copy the person and persons names who sent it to you and add your own at the bottom of the list. It really helps build community.
The answers:
Shine with Grace : Mixing the word 'from' with 'form' all the time.
Trinity : I sometimes feel confused to use past tense or present tense when I share my stories.
LadyJava : Typing too fast that sometimes I miss words in between.
Genie King : I type too fast too... always end up with 'tot he'... when it should be 'to the'.
Spiff : I type too fast that I end up with sentences that have no spaceinbetween... LOL!
Nessa : mostly grammatical mistakes... but it doesn't really bother me as long as my readers understand:)
Add your link and answer here
~End copy paste~
I tag: Crystal
Tag # 5 ~ 3 Things I Won't Let Go Of
by Marzie
What? 3 things only?? OK, let me think...
- My family
- My PC
- MyKad? Don't leave home without it, or the cops will arrest you!
Tag # 6 ~ What's On My Handphone
by Marzie
I was reluctant to do this because my handphone is really outdated. I don't think they even produce this phone anymore! It's still black & white, and I can't even use MMS for this 'grandma of all' handphones. (Red faced)
I treasure this handphone as it has sentimental value, you don't know how many times I wanted a new handphone with camera, bluetooth, MP3, radio player, polyphonic ring tones... but every time I see my old handphone, I just don't have the heart to buy a new one. It has been loyal to me for 5 years so I guess I'd stick with it for a while:)
So, here it is... Tada!!! Isn't it a beauty?

OK, now that I've done these tags, the next installment will be several months from now... to everyone I've tagged, if you can't do this, it's OK, I won't hate you... I'll probably put a hex on you but don't worry, they normally don't work! Hehehe...
Oh, a tag for Spiff. Woohoo, I'm not a fan of Harry Potter but this looks good. I'll post my answer soon :)
ReplyDeleteOh btw, I love the cellphone. It's an antique now isn't it ... LOL! Can qualify for the protected species list la ... hehehe ... just kidding :)
Thank you so very much for the thoughtful comment you left about my son leaving for Iraq again. It is literally killing me to know he has to go back for 15 more months.
ReplyDeleteWishing you and yours a safe and bountiful Thanksgiving holiday!
Spiff - My bet is you'd be something evil... hehehe. Protected species? LOL
ReplyDeleteDari - I know how it feels to be away from your own son. And I know it's not as close as how you must feel right now. We will pray for him:)
ReplyDeleteWah! another tag galore here! LOL I might do the same then.. it's ok, tag me all you want!! ;)
ReplyDeleteHey! it's new again (lovely)... feeling really Chrismassy now eh, sis?
Ann - Alala... jan merajuk bah;)
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm going Christmas shopping hujung bulan... hehehe
OMG!! So many tagsss!!!
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha ha.... 4 of your memes came from me, sorry dear! I'll stop tagging u for a while ok? ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat? A black n white HP?!! If your hubby is reading, I think it's about time he gets u a new HP as a Christmas pressie! :):):)
Ratu Syura - There are still plenty more to go... mau kana heart attack ni very soon! LOL
ReplyDeleteMarzie - Oh, don't worry, like I said, if you tag me, it'll be #187... hehehe
ReplyDeleteIt's not his fault, I am still stubbornly clinging to this ancient phone, he thinks it's given by an ex! Which is so not true... hehehe
LOL!! WoW!! Okay, I'll do it, but not today...he he he...
ReplyDeleteCrystal - Don't worry, anytime:)