Saturday, November 17, 2007

What I'm Reading ~ Can You Keep A Secret?

This book by Madeleine Wickham or better known as Sophie Kinsella is such a great book, I've finished it in 2 days! I just couldn't stop reading page after page after page after, OK enough said. I'm sure you get my point here:) I regret not reading this book earlier as I kept putting it down in favor of other books at my regular bookstore. Now, I must read all her books!

And don't you just love her book covers, so sweet and girly girly :) This isn't a romance novel as there are no intimate love scenes (typical of M&B). It's more of a 'Romantic Comedy'... kinda reminds me of 'Bridget Jones'. Funny, sweet and endearing...


Emma Corrigan, a marketing assistant, directs towards the handsome man sitting next to her on a turbulent flight between Glasgow and London. She spills intimate details about her G-string, G-spot, the fact that she's never been in love and much more.

But to Emma's chagrin, the handsome man on the plane turns out to be Jack Harper, CEO of her company. Emma hopes Jack will forget all about her, but he seems bent on getting to know her, first forcing her to admit she deserves better than her boring boyfriend Conor, then convincing her that he is a better choice.

Although he never seems to share his own secrets, Emma can't help falling in love with Jack and his glamorous lifestyle. But then the unthinkable happens - Jack reveals Emma's secrets on national television in front of her family, friends and co-workers.

What happens next? That's a secret.

Other reads
Murder In The House
The Patient


  1. Oh gosh, that book looks tooooooo sweet for my taste ... LOL!

    I'm more into science fiction and thrillers.

  2. MD - Yeah, I'm sure you'd get toothaches reading this! LOL

  3. Urrrmm, I think I'm with Mat Dingo on this one ... LOL! Too soppy for me la ...

  4. Nick - I know this is purely for the girls... just close one eye la! LOL

  5. Nessa!!! I love Sophie Kinsella! Her shopaholic series made me laugh so hard! But I have yet to finish the shopaholic and baby, still 1//4 more to go! :):):)

  6. Marzie - I haven't read her 'Shopaholic' series but it's already in my list of reads!:)

  7. I think my friend has been asking me to read Sophie Kinsella's shopaholic series since we were in college!! LOL! Haven't gotten around to reading 'em yet..

    Maybe I'll start with this one first!! :D

  8. i love sophie kinsella's books very much too!

    i started with Confessions of a Shopaholic and ended up buying all the shopaholic series...yep, up till the Shopaholic and Baby.

    Her The Undomestic Goddess is hillarious too.

  9. Oh u MUST read them, they're a scream I tell you!!! :):):)

  10. Shemah - I've no regrets reading this one. I'll definitely read the 'shopaholic' series. I've fallen in love with her book covers! :D

  11. Hi Carol! Welcome to Mumblings:)

    I haven't seen 'Undomestic Goddess' yet... I must check that out too. Thanks for the info:)

  12. Marzie - With all the raving reviews from you guys, there's no reason not to read.

    I'm gonna need a new bookcase just for Kinsella's books alone, IKEA, here I come!:D


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