News in brief...
SINGAPORE: Singapore has found the potentially deadly chemical Melamine in a third milk product imported from China, authorities said. New lab findings showed White Rabbit Creamy Candy from China is also contaminated with Melamine, the city state's government revealed. - The Standard
This is just shoc

I did some googling and I'd like to share the symptoms of Melamine poisoning. They include vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, frequent urination and excessive thirst. Melamine is toxic to the kidneys and can cause acute renal failures to pet dogs, cats even humans.
So, from now on, I am avoiding all food products manufactured in China... milk, candies, yoghurt, chocolate even ice cream. After all, prevention is better than cure.
Oh, this just came in my email. Here are the list of items recalled due to China's milk situation.
- M&M's
- Snickers
- Mentos Yoghurt Bottle
- Dove choc
- Oreo wafer sticks
- Monmilk
- DutchLady sterilised milk
- Wall's all natural mango
- Mini poppers ice cream
- Magnum ice cream
- Moo sandwich ice cream
- Mini cornetto
- Youcan ice cream
Latest News: Tuesday October 7, 2008
PETALING JAYA: Samples of White Rabbit Creamy Candy have been found to contain more than 50 times the permitted level of melamine.Tests on Ego White Rabbit Creamy Candy samples showed that the content of melamine was 135 parts per million (ppm) compared with 2.5ppm, the level permitted by the Health Ministry. Heath Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai has ordered outlets to remove the candy from their shelves and destroy all stocks.
OMG!!!! White Rabbit Candy also? No No No!!!!! Not my favourite Gula Susu.... :( Luckily i haven't introduced this candy to my kids yet. OMG, we really have to be careful for the next few months.. or maybe even years... hopefully all those contaminated food products can all be detected and removed very very soon... so scary!!
ReplyDeleteby the way, bloghopped from kadusmama's blog... Hello... :-)
Hi, me pun bloghopped from Kadus_Mama's blog.
ReplyDeleteThe White Rabbit Candy is also my fav candy! Really have to be extra alert when doing my groceries shopping already lah!!
What?! NO! But that's my fav candy T_T eeeeeeee and i like to eat it noooooooooo T_T
ReplyDeleteMimi ~ Hi Mimi! Welcome to Mumblings :)
ReplyDeleteItu la, sia suka kunyah tu gula2 susu... so soft and chewy, I laik but ada melamine! Bahaya suda mo makan tu :(
They should ban all food products from China. Dangerous la.
Just ~ Hello Just! Welcome to my blog :)
ReplyDeleteWah, KadusMama banyak bawa visitors from her site, tenkiu KadusMama! :D
Yeah, me oso. Anything manufactured from China esp. food, I am not going to buy anymore. Better be safe than sorry ya.
Maslight ~ Itu la, dat's my favorite oso :*( We should stay away from buying made in China foodstuff... just in case. Kesian all the babies fallen sick... 13,000 hospitalized you know :(
ReplyDeleteWhoa, I remember eating tons of that sweet when I was a kid. Good thing I don't eat it anymore. Isn't any food safe to eat these days?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, some of these people just want to make money and they care about nothing else ... siggghh ...
And yes, the best way is to stay away from products from China ...
I've heard in the news saying 6000 babies sudah admitted in hospital kan??
ReplyDeleteMe like the gula susu too..but lama sudah tia makan lah..
just last nite, hubby suruh sia beli tu can stuff (from china)..cepat2 sia cakap..nda mau..nda pasal2 kena taruh arsenik in it..hahahaha sceptical betul bah kan..
Nessa, this rabbit candy oso my fave u know! I just read the whole article in today's papers, better make sure we don buy the stuff mentioned as unsafe! :)
ReplyDeleteHey, come see who is back bringing me joy this Raya, at MPG!!! :):):)
this is so scary! Nothing seems to be safe from there! Like u say, all they after is $$. I ought to check my fridge for any made in china product. Btw I am first time here and love your blog.
ReplyDeletethat is frightening news Nessa !!!
ReplyDeleteI will keep a lookout for these products over here in OZ...
Nick ~ I dunno la. Those days the food quality is better I think. Now with everything so expensive, manufacturers take the short cut and don't bother about people's lives.
ReplyDeleteKadus Mama ~ Eh, today I baca from The Sun ada 13,000 babies hospitalized. Teruk kan, kesian the innocent babies :(
ReplyDeleteI saw the gula2 susu the other day, dakat suda mo bili, nasib baik inda jadi.
Marzie ~ Yeah, I'm definitely not buying China made foodstuff. Oh my, I've to throw away the lychee I bought a few days ago.
ReplyDeleteIt's from China and when I tasted it just now, it feels weird. Maybe I'm paranoid but I don't want to take any chances.
I wonder who could it be... I'll hop right over! :D
4malmal ~ Hi 4malmal! Welcome to Mumblings :)
ReplyDeleteScary indeed. Yeah, you'd better do that.
Thanks for the kind words :) I hope you'll be back often ya. fav too! Once, in college, i bought a big packet of that sweets. Every night, kalu mo study, itulah sia punya snack. Tida smpai 1 week, buli habis sdh. But that was years back lah. I wonder kalau itu melamine durang baru start recently atau it has been that way since dulu2 lagi....adui bah...kin takut oh sdh ni mo consume food product dr china. murah tapi.....
ReplyDeleteKim ~ It's frightening indeed Kim! I just received a list of items recalled and I've definitely eaten most of the them :( Nothing is safe these days. I guess it's better to stay away from processed food ya.
ReplyDeleteCarol ~ Itulah... pelan2 kita yang kana poison. Palis2 jauh2...
ReplyDeleteBah, skrang kita jan makan buatan dari negara China. Bahaya! Bagus lagi mangkali makan rumput...
White rabbit candy is everbody fav candy. No more rabbit candy from now on..this poison thing is just too scary!
ReplyDeleteoooohhh..that's my fav candy...uh uh..i used to eat them since i was still a child until now..cuz it taste the way, thanks for the information..i guess now i also need to concern whatever food that manufacture from china...ehhe...
ReplyDeleteThat candy was like my staple food when I was a kid. I wonder if they have added melamine back then..
ReplyDeleteMama Mia ~ For our health, we'd better not consume White Rabbit candy or anything made in China for the time being ya :)
ReplyDeleteSweet-Girlicious ~ Looks like dis gula2 susu is everyone's favorite kan :) Yeah, the taste is yummy but scary la... now that we know it contains Melamine :(
ReplyDeleteKay ~ I suppose back then it's not so rampant (food tampering) but I guess we'll never know. These unscrupulous food manufacturers are evil, heartless! I wonder if they even consume the tainted food themselves...
ReplyDeleteMy colleague pun ada dapat ini sms, Nessa. Like everybody else di sini, my fave jugaka tu gula susu. Gula susu yang ada kacang yang empat segi tu pun paling sya suka. Ya, no China products! Dulu yang dalam maling pun ada daging manusia dorang bilang kan!
ReplyDelete*typo* juga
ReplyDeleteCrystal ~ Eh, I love that gula susu with kacang, shape dia empat segi tu! Itu pun made in China juga kan... uwaaa... inda lagi dapat makan oh :*(
ReplyDeleteDaging manusia??! Ish, teruknya!! Sia ada dengar crita ada daging tikus juga kana campur2... uwekkkk!!
Syiok2 kita makan, ntah pa diorang pigi kasi masuk dlm tu makanan kan... sedihnya... no more maling for me, forever and ever!
There are more to the list now, last i counted, source from a parenting forum, there are at least 105 items!
ReplyDeleteThe thing i cannot stand is the fact that little babies having kidney stones because of the milk powder they took. Breaks my heart. It was difficult for my dad & brother coz they had stones also. Imagine they screamed n crawled once coz of the pain. Now i cannot imagine babies pula..Hei..what has the world gottern into.
ReplyDeleteKm ~ Hi Km! Welcome to Mumblings :)
ReplyDelete105 items you say? OMG! That's a lot. Thanks for the info, now I need the updated list.
Thanks for dropping by!
Gina ~ Yes, those poor innocent babies :( They shouldn't just sack the irresponsible ppl. The punishment is mild compared to the crime. Dreadful ya... all the things we've been eating were slowly poisoning us.
ReplyDeleteoh no!! nessa, this is my fave candy too! i've been eating this since i was a kid. I love the way the paper melt in my mouth! aiyah.. how now? :( hope they will come out with a healthier version of this candy. ><
ReplyDeleteJean ~ Yeah, me too :*( I think it's best we avoid all China made foodstuff, just to be safe ya.
ReplyDeleteI love their preserved plums too, but there's no way I'll even buy them now.